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  1. menu items: add systemd-boot-installer (details)
  2. Bump Linux kernel ABI to 6.9.7. (details)
  3. Bump (temporary) linux-image build-deps accordingly. (details)
Commit e284f521b4ca03bd7fa1329c12743a0d4245f411 by bluca
menu items: add systemd-boot-installer
The file was modified doc/devel/internals/menu-item-numbers.xml
Commit 255c6c156c2495d772b771a3206065d1d5f23daa by kibi
Bump Linux kernel ABI to 6.9.7.
The file was modified build/config/common
The file was modified debian/changelog
Commit c0030a2713385804a392ff9d3ae46d9301373ce4 by kibi
Bump (temporary) linux-image build-deps accordingly.
The file was modified debian/control