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  1. [SILENT_COMMIT] Update of POT and PO files for the installation-guide (details)
Commit 359274cffcaa17957f26e039865f531563be740b by debian-boot
[SILENT_COMMIT] Update of POT and PO files for the installation-guide
The file was modified po/zh_CN/install-methods.po
The file was modified po/zh_CN/preparing.po
The file was modified po/zh_CN/welcome.po
The file was modified po/zh_CN/boot-installer.po
The file was modified po/zh_CN/preseed.po
The file was modified po/ca/using-d-i.po
The file was modified po/zh_CN/installation-howto.po
The file was modified po/uk/installation-howto.po
The file was modified po/zh_CN/hardware.po
The file was modified po/uk/bookinfo.po
The file was modified po/zh_CN/using-d-i.po