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  1. udeb: remove all modutils (kmod-udeb provides better alternatives) (details)
  2. deb, static, udeb: provide install applet (#1069864) (details)
  3. udhcpc/default.script: recognize $search dhcp parameter too, in addition (details)
Commit a52da181d4cd0e41c04ab1d5be9130270df0f696 by mjt
udeb: remove all modutils (kmod-udeb provides better alternatives) (#1060134)
The file was modified debian/config/pkg/udeb
Commit aaaf5deb5b2d0834c5def7227c551c67953978ff by mjt
deb, static, udeb: provide install applet (#1069864)
The file was modified debian/config/pkg/static
The file was modified debian/config/pkg/udeb
The file was modified debian/config/pkg/deb
Commit bd0d90574a4e39b39d38b664ad15ac0c2ca1bbad by mjt
udhcpc/default.script: recognize $search dhcp parameter too, in addition to $domain (and simplify these parts a bit)
The file was modified debian/tree/udhcpc/etc/udhcpc/default.script
The file was modified debian/tree/busybox-udeb/etc/udhcpc/default.script