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  1. Support detecting installer images on normal disks (details)
  2. Add changelog (details)
Commit 4256b5ad3f185b4551968aae4ee11394923579ff by jrtc27
Support detecting installer images on normal disks

Many guides for using QEMU just attach the ISO as an ordinary disk to
the VM, to avoid messing about with virtio-scsi or USB. These don't
show up for cd, maybe-usb-floppy or usb-partition, only disk, so we
don't currently detect them, prompting the user to load drivers, even
though they know their disk is there and visible as a proper block
device already. Add list-devices disk as an additional set of devices
to search after everything else to support this use case.

Closes: #851429
The file was modified debian/cdrom-detect.postinst
Commit 6314631d2156d0a7c4014c4be9462db3c63bf32b by sthibault
Add changelog
The file was modified debian/changelog