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  1. don't attempt to install linux-libc-dev with an :arch qualifier (details)
  2. enable wdotap patch for gcc-14 (details)
  3. linux: always regenerate d/control (details)
  4. gcc: move -for-host packages from cross toolchain to rtlibs build (details)
Commit d2fdc3a31c48b498f9cec25193ee5db6bd5c23ba by Helmut Grohne
don't attempt to install linux-libc-dev with an :arch qualifier
The file was modified
Commit 9a09c89a9a5764bc36993f3624c229e5ea6317c8 by Helmut Grohne
enable wdotap patch for gcc-14
The file was modified
Commit 395be9dfc0f9f70d27a4711fa58eed16418f1a04 by Helmut Grohne
linux: always regenerate d/control

Since linux-libc-dev is arch:all now, we only have two cases. Either the
one in the archive is good enough or we get to build it. When we build
it, we bump the version. When we bump the version, we must regenerate
d/control (changed in src:linux).
The file was modified
Commit 5d8667865b47eb566f2c697b95e9282cfe88f818 by Helmut Grohne
gcc: move -for-host packages from cross toolchain to rtlibs build #1069065
The file was modified