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  1. drop loong64 patch #1024359 applied in libffi/3.4.4-2 (details)
  2. drop loong64 patch #1031850 resolved in gcc-13 (details)
  3. adapt to linux-libc-dev having become a:all+m-a:foreign (details)
  4. linux: circumvent control generation protection more reliably (details)
  5. reenable building of gcc-13 common libraries (details)
  6. adapt linux patching to toml based configuration (details)
Commit f2eef01d2b5c2e2482f0bc3a31c9236accd7cc53 by Helmut Grohne
drop loong64 patch #1024359 applied in libffi/3.4.4-2
The file was modified
Commit 556eb4ddaea3054425ee3c3753ee7cb2a5022adb by Helmut Grohne
drop loong64 patch #1031850 resolved in gcc-13
The file was modified
Commit 00b0af3691757d636731dadb66e0294c062e5820 by Helmut Grohne
adapt to linux-libc-dev having become a:all+m-a:foreign

Most of the time, we no longer have to rebuild linux-libc-dev.
Sometimes, it's missing headers though and then we need to rebuild it,
but not as a cross build, but an indep-only build.
The file was modified
Commit 7f0ab02c84446c1dce24193ecb5792c9baa7acc7 by Helmut Grohne
linux: circumvent control generation protection more reliably
The file was modified
Commit 43ea7c463e771526f0dc0f2258f080e624906430 by Helmut Grohne
reenable building of gcc-13 common libraries

gcc-14 entered unstable.
The file was modified
Commit b8d966aa5a8e1e0921ac395e8fc3547783f1d275 by Helmut Grohne
adapt linux patching to toml based configuration
The file was modified