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#23 (1 May 2024, 23:18:53)

  1. enable wdotap patch for gcc-14 — Helmut Grohne / detail
  2. linux: always regenerate d/control — Helmut Grohne / detail
  3. gcc: move -for-host packages from cross toolchain to rtlibs build — Helmut Grohne / detail
  4. new linux d/control dependency python3-dacite — Helmut Grohne / detail
  5. gcc-13 no longer maintains symbol files — Helmut Grohne / detail

#16 (8 Dec 2023, 09:14:56)

  1. drop bogus pam FTBFS patch #1054228 — Helmut Grohne / detail
  2. debhelper also truncates NEWS now - causing differences — Helmut Grohne / detail
  3. fix /usr-merge induced e2fsprogs FTBFS #1053111 — Helmut Grohne / detail
  4. fix dash FTCBFS #1057339 — Helmut Grohne / detail