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  1. setupcon: Check files are regular files before copying (details)
  2. Drop splashy/usplash workaround (details)
  3. Add changelog (details)
  4. add changelog (details)
Commit 8e60882a8235bbae14f24acc9c3156055a06d80a by diegoe
setupcon: Check files are regular files before copying

When running setupcon with the --setup-dir option, a mysterious "null"
file was being created on dracut init images. This was because
the `fileargs()` function was checking if files existed before copying
them, but not checking if they were regular files.

`fileargs()` expects the arguments of a previous command, but was only
relaying on files existing to differentiate actual file arguments from
things like special characters, options, or special files like
`/dev/null`, for example:

  $ ./setupcon  --setup-dir setupdir
  cp: cannot create special file 'setupdir/etc/console-setup/null': Operation not permitted

This commit changes the `-e` (exists) check to `-f` (exists and is a
regular file).
The file was modified setupcon
Commit 70937d102312024367d005bdb13bc24753604a7e by cgzones
Drop splashy/usplash workaround

Since splashy and usplash have been removed in Debian since 2011 drop
the targeted workaround for #540314.
The file was modified setupcon
Commit e0380447177e0773900ad2862da48bf793c1b34e by samuel.thibault
Add changelog
The file was modified debian/changelog
Commit b3e75f5fcf70c23c54e2b73841646b80e6b64e79 by samuel.thibault
add changelog
The file was modified debian/changelog