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  1. Prefer native overriding mechanisms to diversions & alternatives (details)
  2. copyedit new text regarding diversions (details)
  3. changelog & upgrading checklist for #1035733 (details)
  4. add second from Holger (details)
  5. Add the new non-free-firmware archive area (details)
  6. Move footnotes in "The Debian Archive" (details)
  7. Footnote requirements for non-free-firmware (details)
  8. Standardize bullet list indentation in chapter 2 (details)
  9. Add changelog and upgrading-checklist for #1029211 (details)
  10. archive: Point out that mixed main/contrib source packages can exist (details)
  11. archive: Clarify binaries produced by contrib and non-free source (details)
  12. Clarify wording of main and contrib source packages (details)
  13. Add changelog and upgrading-checklist for #994008 (details)
  14. Fix changelog attributions (details)
  15. Allow hard links in source packages (details)
  16. Add changelog and upgrading checklist for #970234 (details)
  17. Binary and Description optional in .changes (details)
  18. Add changelog and upgrading checklist for #963524 (details)
  19. systemd unit files are now required (details)
  20. Add changelog and upgrading checklist for #1039102 (details)
  21. Improve alternative build dependency discussion (details)
  22. No network access for required targets for contrib & non-free (details)
  23. update po files (details)
  24. finalise` (details)
  25. fix typo in 9.3.1 (details)
Commit f41404c43b1d3f5947fb86216315eb8aafc1b117 by spwhitton
Prefer native overriding mechanisms to diversions & alternatives
The file was modified policy/ap-pkg-alternatives.rst
The file was modified policy/ch-binary.rst
The file was modified policy/ap-pkg-diversions.rst
Commit 2e9ee8580e242c4759ed0592bb750de416427269 by spwhitton
copyedit new text regarding diversions
The file was modified policy/ch-binary.rst
Commit 94a13aa6667b7bb06ce9a7dee93b2868817546aa by spwhitton
changelog & upgrading checklist for #1035733
The file was modified debian/changelog
The file was modified policy/upgrading-checklist.rst
Commit a08c99e44f9e901abc4b5b2fbebf50504d2f2629 by spwhitton
add second from Holger
The file was modified debian/changelog
Commit 018c1f478594478439a3e9c1f4df5cf1a7dfe080 by rra
Add the new non-free-firmware archive area

General Resolution 2022-003 added the non-free-firmware archive
area for non-free packages containing firmware that may be required
for functionality or security of hardware. Document that archive
area in Policy with the same Policy restrictions (and tolerances)
as non-free.
The file was modified policy/ch-archive.rst
Commit b9615e770942363f385c6744a9ecddf751b719c3 by rra
Move footnotes in "The Debian Archive"

Move footnotes in the section "The Debian Archive" to live with
the section where they are referenced. This produces nicer output
from Sphinx and avoids collecting unrelated footnotes at the end
of the last section.
The file was modified policy/ch-archive.rst
Commit d5654ab423df4618eb963840fd64903f29a512f7 by rra
Footnote requirements for non-free-firmware

Reference the same footnote in non-free-firmware defining what
"possible for them to meet" means as is used for non-free. This
unfortunately requires explicitly numbering the footnotes so that
there can be two references to the same footnote.
The file was modified policy/ch-archive.rst
Commit 07ff1046636df14c37f095e358e17b84564169dc by rra
Standardize bullet list indentation in chapter 2

"The Debian Archive" used two spaces after the hyphen for bullet
lists throughout. This convention makes some sense for parallelism
with numbered lists, but people don't notice it and don't preserve
it in patches. Simplify to a single space, which is more typical
and less surprising.
The file was modified policy/ch-archive.rst
Commit c3f8ee3c37915174dc162228aab6b10150e7ac06 by rra
Add changelog and upgrading-checklist for #1029211
The file was modified debian/changelog
The file was modified policy/upgrading-checklist.rst
Commit 99fecac91f11ca3962061b5505a1f1bd96721a73 by rra
archive: Point out that mixed main/contrib source packages can exist

Most source packages produce only binary packages in the same archive
area, but a few source packages in main (such as bumblebee) produce
a mixture of main and contrib binary packages.

If an upstream project is in this situation (for example a program with
optional plugins that have non-free dependencies) it isn't entirely
obvious how to package it; clarify that a single source package in main
is considered to be appropriate in this case, as long as no non-free
build-dependencies are required.
The file was modified policy/ch-archive.rst
Commit 2a68e09791cedae8ada4722186eaf3e0b298c9c8 by rra
archive: Clarify binaries produced by contrib and non-free source

A source package outside main cannot produce main binary packages, because
we want main to be self-contained: if you download all main source
packages, that should give you the source code of all main binary

A source package in contrib cannot produce non-free binary packages,
because by definition contrib only contains free software (with non-free
dependencies, but those are not part of the source code).

A source package in non-free cannot produce contrib binary packages,
because we want main + contrib to be self-contained: if you download
all main or contrib source packages, that should give you the source
code of all main and contrib binary packages.
The file was modified policy/ch-archive.rst
Commit 649756c9c18c8af29d8df40a7d33a4bb61d7689d by rra
Clarify wording of main and contrib source packages

Apply wording suggestions from Sean Whitton. Rephrase the restriction
on build dependencies to use must language. Note that the reason for
discouraging mixtures of main and contrib binary packages is their
complexity for archive tooling.
The file was modified policy/ch-archive.rst
Commit 16fa7e771d1e3a789d1790be341da8228887ce0d by rra
Add changelog and upgrading-checklist for #994008
The file was modified policy/upgrading-checklist.rst
The file was modified debian/changelog
Commit f2bdb12836696dd4135eb68acfe77dad6e6abf13 by rra
Fix changelog attributions
The file was modified debian/changelog
Commit 01e48218c0dd1fe97c3fcc97ffa8e4b321a2b606 by rra
Allow hard links in source packages

It's not clear why this restriction was in place, and Debian
included a package containing hard links without anyone noticing
in the last release.
The file was modified policy/ch-source.rst
Commit 26c70080dfbe4a1405efbd0af67f00de2d8faabb by rra
Add changelog and upgrading checklist for #970234
The file was modified policy/upgrading-checklist.rst
The file was modified debian/changelog
Commit 5670ec4b8d7cac148d250706f66581eb57509301 by rra
Binary and Description optional in .changes

In .changes files for source-only uploads, the Binary and
Description fields are not present.  Document this, and be clearer
in the description of the Description field for .changes files that
only descriptions of binary packages are included.
The file was modified policy/ch-controlfields.rst
Commit 0895d50ed63826a445eac837709813fa2ec7559e by rra
Add changelog and upgrading checklist for #963524
The file was modified policy/upgrading-checklist.rst
The file was modified debian/changelog
Commit 6572dad1e33575052002c952718c8ce55d5995dc by rra
systemd unit files are now required

systemd is dropping support for the generator that allows it to
automatically create units for init scripts. As a result, all
packages that want to integrate with systemd service management
must start shipping systemd units.

State that arranging for services to be automatically started or
stopped is a should, but if the package wishes to do that, a
systemd service unit is a must unless the package is only intended
for use with alternate init systems. Avoid saying that systemd uses
/etc/rcn.d links to determine service ordering.
The file was modified policy/ch-opersys.rst
Commit c3868096d584a1854ba9278dbf16f3f181a2e561 by rra
Add changelog and upgrading checklist for #1039102
The file was modified policy/upgrading-checklist.rst
The file was modified debian/changelog
Commit 4a6f2962c85c6bbf8778a4505d4dbf31d627511d by spwhitton
Improve alternative build dependency discussion

Alternatives in build dependencies are normally (except for
backports) handled specially by autobuilders to try to maintain
consistent builds.  This was documented in Policy, but in a
footnote that people often didn't see.

Move this text into the main body of the discussion of build
dependencies and reword it for additional clarity.  Add a pointer
to this discussion where alternative dependencies are introduced.
The file was modified policy/ch-relationships.rst
The file was modified debian/changelog
Commit 9098603a1db65bdae3a22c094a6639b7682112c4 by spwhitton
No network access for required targets for contrib & non-free
The file was modified debian/changelog
The file was modified policy/ch-source.rst
The file was modified policy/upgrading-checklist.rst
Commit 25d36845ac5c1a06f3fbebbd45bdb0e37509dd8c by spwhitton
update po files
The file was modified locales/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ch-relationships.po
The file was modified locales/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ch-binary.po
The file was modified locales/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ap-pkg-conffiles.po
The file was modified locales/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ap-pkg-sourcepkg.po
The file was modified locales/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ch-opersys.po
The file was modified locales/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ch-archive.po
The file was modified locales/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ap-pkg-alternatives.po
The file was modified locales/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ch-maintainerscripts.po
The file was modified locales/ja/LC_MESSAGES/upgrading-checklist.po
The file was modified locales/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ap-pkg-diversions.po
The file was modified locales/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ch-controlfields.po
The file was modified locales/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ap-pkg-binarypkg.po
The file was modified locales/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ch-source.po
Commit c6d2c2564a9d3a1b719543ff5fc9fc0376394daa by spwhitton
The file was modified debian/changelog
The file was modified debian/control
The file was modified policy/upgrading-checklist.rst
Commit 5d532b620dda92e0cbf631f62df6688f1fef7c2e by spwhitton
fix typo in 9.3.1
The file was modified policy/ch-opersys.rst
The file was modified debian/changelog