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  1. Fix reload of iwlwifi module (Closes: #1006708) (details)
  2. Remove obsolete discover related files/dependencies (details)
Commit 0e8a0deafa34def0aeb3a70857fcc235a749afa9 by c.schoenert
Fix reload of iwlwifi module (Closes: #1006708)

In case the iwlwifi module was already loaded, but needs to be reloaded
as e.g additional further needed firmware is detected, added and loaded,
it was not simply possible to remove and reload that module as this was
resulting in a error message like:

modprobe: FATAL: Module iwlwifi is in use

As the module iwlmvm is a depending module on iwlwifi we need to reload
both modules (iwlmvm and iwlwifi) if not yet available but required
firmware files getting provided by the user.

We can add the module iwldvm for reloading probably too here, as I
haven't hardware which is needing this module to work I was not able to
proof my assumption.
The file was modified
Commit 5ea81c20d061845aadf9051beea689e67b109685 by biebl
Remove obsolete discover related files/dependencies
The file was removedhw-detect.pre-pkgsel.d/20install-hwpackages