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  1. Add utility to check for OPAL support on a device (details)
  2. Add support for OPAL encryption via cryptsetup and LUKS2 (details)
Commit 0d804277be8a745b5aa4aaca84fd88a25e4ef8e3 by bluca
Add utility to check for OPAL support on a device
The file was modified Makefile
The file was addedblockdev-opal-supported/Makefile
The file was addedblockdev-opal-supported/blockdev-opal-supported.c
The file was modified debian/copyright
Commit 5d0cc93cdf69491543c48568abf66dfb40572a3e by bluca
Add support for OPAL encryption via cryptsetup and LUKS2

cryptsetup 2.7.0 added support for OPAL as a backend alternative to
dm-crypt that uses hardware capabilities of NVME drives, driven by
a new kernel driver. Add support for this encryption mode.

Two alternatives are provided, which mirror what cryptsetup offers:
dm-crypt + opal, for a nested double-encryption layer, and
opal-only without dm-crypt (dm-linear will be used to open the
volumes). The former is a toggle in the existing dm-crypt setup,
and the latter is a new separate crypto mode.

These will be visible to users only if cryptsetup supports the new
options, and if the selected disk supports the feature (and by
reflection the kernel, which is used by the feature). If any of
these requirements are not met, the new options will not be shown
to users.

Also offer the option to factory reset the OPAL drive using the
PSID - a device-specific code that is printed on the label.

Closes: #1060422
The file was modified lib/
The file was modified debian/partman-crypto.templates
The file was modified active_partition/crypto_type/do_option
The file was addedactive_partition/opal_factory_reset/do_option
The file was addedactive_partition/nested_opal/do_option
The file was addedciphers/dm-crypt/nested_opal
The file was addedciphers/opal/keytype
The file was modified active_partition/_numbers
The file was modified debian/control
The file was addedactive_partition/nested_opal/choices
The file was modified active_partition/cipher/choices
The file was modified active_partition/cipher/do_option
The file was modified debian/partman-crypto-dm.install
The file was addedactive_partition/opal_factory_reset/choices
The file was modified debian/partman-crypto.install