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  1. Upgrade to LTS 21.16 (details)
  2. gitlab-ci: Install pkg-config dependencies (details)
  3. Remove unicode-show (details)
Commit 5998a49ed38862a07084586195bcfd19f0d3d23d by iliastsi
Upgrade to LTS 21.16

New packages:
  attoparsec-aeson- (via persistent-
The file was addedpatches/store/0.7.18/series
The file was modified packages.txt
The file was addedpatches/exception-transformers/
The file was removedpatches/exception-transformers/
The file was removedpatches/exception-transformers/
The file was modified lts.config
The file was removedpatches/store/0.7.16/series
The file was addedpatches/store/0.7.18/no-nats
The file was removedpatches/store/0.7.16/no-nats
The file was addedpatches/exception-transformers/
Commit 2e4cb7d588a3d353c38add3c524626bf8f3b0e56 by iliastsi
gitlab-ci: Install pkg-config dependencies

Older versions of cabal-install used to ignore pkgconfig-depends
dependencies if pkg-config was not installed. This has changed in the
latest version of cabal-install (see [1]) and we are now required to
satisfy all native library dependencies.

Modify gitlab-ci to install the needed libraries.

The file was modified .gitlab-ci.yml
Commit 7fc685237991bffa4ff7be45f13382a730df17b7 by iliastsi
Remove unicode-show

The file was modified packages.txt