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#21 (26 Jul 2024, 05:40:01)

  1. new linux d/control dependency python3-dacite — Helmut Grohne / detail
  2. gcc-13 no longer maintains symbol files — Helmut Grohne / detail
  3. drop ftcbfs patch #1057339 applied in dash/0.5.12-8 — Helmut Grohne / detail

#10 (11 Jul 2023, 10:31:52)

  1. drop FTCBFS patch #1038165 fixed in c-ares/1.19.1-3 — Helmut Grohne / detail
  2. drop fixup #1035521 applied in gcc-defaults/1.206 — Helmut Grohne / detail
  3. improve usage of dpkg-architecture — Helmut Grohne / detail
  4. drop -Wno-error MR applied to glibc/2.37-3 — Helmut Grohne / detail
  5. unconditionally apply patch_gcc_has_include_next — Helmut Grohne / detail
  6. fix p11-kit FTCBFS #1040472 — Helmut Grohne / detail
  7. increase shellcheck happiness — Helmut Grohne / detail
  8. drop FTCBFS patch #1040472 fixed in p11-kit/0.25.0-3 — Helmut Grohne / detail