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maint_debian-qa package set for bookworm/amd64

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package set maint_debian-qa in bookworm/amd64
The package set maint_debian-qa in bookworm/amd64 consists of 1021 packages:
None 11 (1.1%) packages failed to build reproducibly: haskell98-report a2ps gentoo ruby-tioga ucspi-proxy lcm posixtestsuite closure-compiler freewnn esnacc lifelines
None 1 (0.1%) packages failed to build from source: aspell-is
None None None None 5 (0.5%) packages are either in depwait state, blacklisted, not for us, or cannot be downloaded: adlibtracker2 fnfx libica x-loader codelite
None 1004 (98.3%) packages successfully build reproducibly: 2vcard 6tunnel 9base abicheck abntex acheck-rules achilles acorn-fdisk acpica-unix acpitail adequate adplay adv-17v35x aft aj-snapshot ale alien altermime amavisd-milter ample antigrav apf-firewall apparix apsfilter apt-build apt-listchanges apt-move apt-rdepends apt-venv apt-xapian-index ap-utils aqemu archmbox argagg arpack++ aspell-br aspell-cy aspell-el aspell-ga aspell-hr aspell-hu aspell-it aspell-kk aspell-uz aspic asterisk-prompt-es-co autoclass autoconf autoconf2.13 autodia autoproject autopsy avr-evtd awffull awstats bandwidthd bbe bbmail bbtime biabam binclock bitlbee-facebook blackbox blackbox-themes blobandconquer blobwars blop bluemon bmf bootpc btyacc bugz buildtorrent bwbar bwbasic+ cadabra cal3d calife canna canna-shion carmetal catdvi cdbackup cdbs cd-circleprint cd-discid cdist cdrdao ceph-iscsi cfingerd cfourcc cgvg changetrack chase checkpw c-icap c-icap-modules citadel-client cldump clearsilver clex clipit clp coco-cpp coco-doc codegroup coinor-cgl coinor-dylp coinor-osi coinor-vol coinutils collada2gltf comgt commando compton concurrent-dfsg conmux convlit copyright-update couriergraph cpu cpufreqd cramfsswap crashmail cricket crip cronolog crossguid csstidy ctorrent ctwm cutils cvm cvs-buildpackage cvsdelta cvs-mailcommit cvsps cyclades-serial-client dablin dact dadadodo dav-text dawgdic dbar dbf dblatex dbtoepub dbus-c++ dbview dds2tar ddtc debian-installer-launcher delta devil devilspie devilspie2 dhcpcd-dbus dhcpcd-ui dhcping dhelp dhis-client dhis-mx-sendmail-engine dhis-server dh-linktree dia-shapes diffmon directfb disc-cover distorm3 d-itg django-notification djvubind dkopp dlocate dmaths dmucs dnshistory docbook docbook-dsssl-doc docbook-ebnf docbook-website docbook-xml docbook-xsl docbook-xsl-doc docbook-xsl-saxon docdiff doclifter dosage doschk dot-forward dpkg-cross dropwatch dsdp dtmf2num dvbackup dvbtune dvi2dvi e2ps e3 eancheck easygit easyh10 easy-rsa efax efte eigenbase-farrago eldav elfrc elida emelfm2-svg-icons emscripten enscribe envstore eoconv epm esekeyd eurephia evil-paredit-el ewipe extra-xdg-menus faenza-icon-theme faifa fastforward fbless fbpager fbreader ferret ffe fgetty file-kanji filter fische flask-babel fl-cow fldiff flip flpsed fmtools fondu fortunes-ru fosfat frame freecdb freedink freedink-data freedink-dfarc freefem freepwing friendly-recovery fspanel fspy fstrcmp fsviewer-icons fsvs fte ftpcopy ftp-upload fvwm-icons fwanalog fwlogwatch fwsnort gaffitter gaim-themes galib gammastep garmin-forerunner-tools gartoon gcc-3.3 gconjugue gdigi+ gdome2 geotranz getstream+ gfxboot+ ghostscript giftrans giggle git2cl gitbrute gitgraph.js git-phab git-remote-hg gkdebconf gl-117 glaurung glbsp glfer glhack glob2 glogic gluas gniall gnomad2 gnome-shell-mailnag gnomint gnubiff gnulib gnupod-tools goban golang-github-blevesearch-go-porterstemmer golang-github-blevesearch-segment golang-github-cupcake-rdb golang-github-denisenkom-go-mssqldb golang-github-facebookgo-clock golang-github-facebookgo-grace golang-github-facebookgo-httpdown golang-github-facebookgo-stats golang-github-gogits-chardet golang-github-gogits-go-gogs-client golang-github-go-macaron-bindata golang-github-go-macaron-toolbox golang-github-go-xorm-builder golang-github-issue9-assert golang-github-issue9-identicon golang-github-jhoonb-archivex golang-github-leemcloughlin-gofarmhash golang-github-lunny-log golang-github-markbates-goth golang-github-mrjones-oauth golang-github-msteinert-pam golang-github-nbutton23-zxcvbn-go golang-github-ngaut-deadline golang-github-ngaut-go-zookeeper golang-github-ngaut-log golang-github-ngaut-pools golang-github-ngaut-sync2 golang-github-petar-gollrb golang-github-pingcap-check golang-github-siddontang-go golang-github-siddontang-rdb golang-github-steveyen-gtreap golang-github-tmc-scp golang-github-unknwon-paginater golang-gopkg-alexcesaro-quotedprintable.v3 golang-gopkg-editorconfig-editorconfig-core-go.v1 golang-gopkg-testfixtures.v2 golang-strk.kbt-projects-go-libravatar gox gpp gpscorrelate gpsman gpsmanshp gpstrans grabc grail gramofile granite granite-7 grap grdesktop grepmail grpc-proto grun gscanbus gsm0710muxd gsutil gthumb gtick gtkam gtkgl2 gtklp gtk-vector-screenshot guilt gwhois gxmessage hashalot hearse hercules herculesstudio herisvm hesiod hexxagon hfsplus hovercraft hpanel htdig html2ps htmldoc httpry hugs98 hunspell-kk hunt icecream icon id3lib3.8.3 id3ren id3v2 ident2 idesk idle3-tools ifenslave ifile imagination ink ino-headers inputlirc integrit intelhex intlfonts intltool-debian iog ipgrab ipsvd iptotal iroffer ispell-lt jamulus jaula java2html javacc-maven-plugin jclassinfo jetring jgraph jpegjudge jpegpixi jquery-areyousure jreen jtb kcheckers kdocker keepassx kelbt kinput2 kmfl-keyboards-mywin krb5-sync kst kytos-sphinx-theme kytos-utils ladvd lasi latex-mk lbcd ldap2dns leds-alix libantlr3c libapache2-mod-authn-yubikey libapache2-mod-authnz-external libapache2-mod-auth-plain libapache2-mod-authz-unixgroup libapache2-mod-bw libapache2-mod-lisp libapache2-mod-rpaf libapache-mod-evasive libapache-mod-musicindex libast libaudiomask libbash libbitmask libbrahe libbs2b libcdaudio libcgicc libcitadel libclamav-client-perl libcpuset libcuckoo libdbix-class-htmlwidget-perl libdevice-usb-pcsensor-hidtemper-perl libdigidoc libdv+ libexplain libfixbuf libgadu libgltf libgpiv libgpod libhbaapi libhbalinux libidl libiec61883 libiodbc2 libjconv libjdns libjgraphx-java libjs-autolink libjs-emojify libkarma libkdtree++ liblastfm liblaxjson libloki libmail-verify-perl libmpd libnfo libnoise libnss-db libnss-extrausers libnss-gw-name libofa libopenaptx libopendbx libowfat libpam-afs-session libpam-alreadyloggedin libpcl1 libpgf libquazip libquvi libquvi-scripts librcc librcd librem-ec-acpi libsieve libsmf libstroke libtap-formatter-junit-perl libtextwrap libtrio libtut libvisual libvisual-plugins libxsettings libxsettings-client liece lightsquid linux-atm linux-ftpd linux-ftpd-ssl liwc local-apt-repository lockout log4c log4cpp-doc logisim lomoco lprng lqa ltpanel lua5.1 lua-augeas lua-bit32 lua-cgi lua-copas lua-cosmo lua-curl lua-discount lua-doc lua-leg lua-logging lua-lpty lua-markdown lua-md5 lua-orbit lua-rings lua-soap lua-svn lua-wsapi lua-xmlrpc lua-zip lwatch lwm lxctl m2vrequantiser madlib magicfilter magicmaze mailcheck maildir-filter maildirsync mailfront mailnag makebootfat makepatch malaga manpages-pt markdown mason massif-visualizer mazeofgalious mboxgrep mcu8051ide mdetect meanwhile mercurial-buildpackage mercurial-crecord mergelog metacity-themes metapixel metatheme-gilouche meterec mffm-fftw mgdiff microdc2 midge mime-construct mingetty mini-httpd minlog miwm mmake mmh mod-dnssd modglue mod-mime-xattr moon-lander mp3blaster mp3burn mp3rename mp3roaster mpack mpc123 mpdtoys mpt-status mrename mrtg-ping-probe mrtgutils mstch multimail multistrap muse-el muttprofile mysqltcl nam naspro-bridge-it naspro-bridges naspro-core nast naturaldocs nautilus-image-converter ncap ncdt netcdf-fortran netkit-bootparamd netkit-ftp-ssl netkit-ntalk netkit-rsh netkit-rusers netkit-rwall netkit-rwho netkit-telnet-ssl netkit-tftp net-luminis-build-plugin netmate netrik newmail ng ngetty nitpic# nmzmail notify-osd ns2 nvi nwall o3dgc+ obexfs obexftp olpc-kbdshim olpc-powerd omega-rpg omnievents ooo-thumbnailer openclipart openclonk open-invaders openvpn-auth-radius openwince-include openwince-jtag opt oscpack osdclock osdsh osspsa otcl otp ots oxygencursors p8-platform packaging-dev pacman pads palabos pam-shield pam-ssh-agent-auth parprouted+ parser parsewiki partimage partimage-doc pasmo pathspider peek pekwm pekwm-themes perl-byacc pexec pgpgpg photopc pidgin-audacious pidgin-blinklight pidgin-extprefs pidgin-hotkeys pidgin-librvp pidgin-nateon pidgin-privacy-please pinpoint pinyin-database pktstat planner playmidi plib-doc ploop ploticus pmacct pmount png2html png-definitive-guide poc-streamer polygen poppassd powerdebug+ powerman pppconfig procinfo procmail-lib propellor prototypejs prover9-manual proxsmtp proxycheck psrip ptex-base publib pugl purity purple-discord pvm pwauth pwget pyecm pygresql pylint-plugin-utils pyocd pytest-instafail pytest-localserver python-bayespy python-bsddb3 python-chameleon python-characteristic python-cliapp python-coverage-test-runner python-diaspy python-djvulibre python-ebooklib python-fire python-first python-fswrap python-kaptan python-minimock python-mplexporter python-ofxhome python-ofxparse python-openflow python-pam python-pex python-public python-pyrdfa python-pyrss2gen python-redmine python-restless python-socketio-client python-static3 python-svg.path python-ttystatus qdbm qpsmtpd qtscrob quelcom qwo rabbitsign rafkill randomplay raptor2 rasqal razor rbootd rc rdiff-backup-fs redland redland-bindings regionset renattach renrot riemann-c-client rinetd rio rlpr roffit root-tail rox rsh-redone ruby-amazon-ec2 ruby-filesystem ruli safe-iop safelease sawfish-themes scanbd scid-rating-data scid-spell-data scim-unikey screenie scriptaculous scsitools+ sdl-kitchensink search-ccsb search-citeseer sendfile sendmail seyon sgml-base sgml-base-doc sgml-spell-checker shake shhopt signify sigscheme simplemde-markdown-editor simple-tpm-pk11 sispmctl sleepd slick smb2www smbldap-tools snacc snarf snmptrapfmt sntop sortmail spamassassin-heatu spamprobe spellutils splint splitpatch splitvt sputnik srecord ssh-askpass ssmtp starvoyager statcvs statsvn stfl+ stl-manual stopwatch storebackup stymulator+ suede sup svn-buildpackage svtools swedish sweep swish++ sysnews sysprofile sysrqd sysv-rc-conf tablix2 tamil-gtk2im tardy tclcl tclcurl tcm tcmu t-code tcpspy tdfsb tegaki-zinnia-japanese tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese tenshi tercpp tetrinetx ticker tinydyndns tinyirc tircd tk707 tk-brief tkdesk tla tmexpand tnef toga2 tolua+++ topgit tourney-manager toxic tpb transaction transcalc trickle trueprint tse3 tsocks tss2 tstools tty-clock tup tupi tuxcmd tuxcmd-modules tuxguitar tvtime typespeed ucpp udo ukopp unac unadf unhtml unibetacode unicode-screensaver unmass untex unworkable unyaffs upse utf8gen utfcheck uucpsend uudeview uzbek-wordlist vamps vbrfix vcdimager vdesk videotrans vim-rails visual-regexp vlock w3c-markup-validator w3c-sgml-lib watchcatd watchman wav2cdr wbox wbxml2 wcd webcamd webdruid weplab wiggle wiipdf wily wireless-tools wizznic wnn6-sdk wraplinux wsl wv wvdial wvstreams wxedid x4d-icons xarclock xautomation xball xbuffy xcalib xcb xchain xcolorsel xdemorse xflip xfonts-cronyx xfrisk xgammon xmacro xmix xml2 xmldiff xmlrpc-c xmlstarlet xpaint xplc xscavenger xsddiagram xshisen xsok xsol xstarfish xtermcontrol xtitle xxkb+ xzoom+ yafc yamdi yasm yatm yc-el ygl zc.buildout zfs-fuse zope.configuration zope.exceptions zope.hookable zope.i18nmessageid zope.location zope.proxy zpb-ttf zsync zthreads zzuf

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.