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Packages in experimental/amd64 tested in the last 48h for build reproducibility

reproducible icon 33 packages (3.4% of 973) failed to build reproducibly in total, 9 (3.1% of 290) of them in the last 48h in experimental/amd64:

mongo-cxx-driver binutils# pnetcdf+ r-bioc-biocparallel unicycler python-openstackclient psi-plus syncany kf6-breeze-icons

reproducible icon 144 packages (14.8% of 973) failed to build from source in total, 60 (20.7% of 290) of them in the last 48h in experimental/amd64:

polyml itinerary code-saturne tokodon kmail-account-wizard mimetreeparser qwt phpunit-environment tools-deps-alpha-clojure node-readable-stream node-d3-hierarchy vimix ruby-omniauth-salesforce kworkflow sasview liblsl wmbusmeters ruby-gitlab-pg-query kata-containers webrtc-audio-processing pg-cron ruby-uglifier# reprepro android-platform-external-doclava yosys pytango kosmindoormap neochat php-parsedown q2-phylogeny gnome-photos monkeysphere mediasoup librep#+ openhft-chronicle-threads php-sabre-event# node-d3-time openhft-chronicle-bytes openhft-chronicle-wire pluto-sat-code sump-logicanalyzer tinc yamcha openhft-chronicle-network libkdegames linphone macromoleculebuilder kwin grpc darkice avro-c musescore-snapshot go-gir-generator scap-workbench nvidia-texture-tools mediagoblin gitaly dolphin libxslt khmer

reproducible icon 33 packages (3.4% of 973) failed to satisfy their build-dependencies, 28 (9.7% of 290) of them in the last 48h in experimental/amd64:

zeekctl libewf reiser4progs daq bcachefs-tools urjtag rust-nitrokey enhanceio vuls critterding imip-agent node-jsonld symfony rust-indieweb libvirt-php llvmlite rust-futures-rustls opensnitch sequitur-g2p golang-github-google-cel-spec inotifyrecursive tensorflow go-cpe-dictionary phonetisaurus janitor etesync-dav groestlcoin node-solid-jose

reproducible icon 755 packages (77.6% of 973) successfully built reproducibly in total, 188 (64.8% of 290) of them in the last 48h in experimental/amd64:

libppd-legacy libmodule-install-rtx-perl unidic-mecab flatpak kpublictransport ghostwriter r-bioc-matrixgenerics r-bioc-decontam r-bioc-limma libbpf r-bioc-dir.expiry r-bioc-biocbaseutils r-bioc-preprocesscore r-bioc-dnacopy r-bioc-ctc r-bioc-zlibbioc r-bioc-ebseq magicmaze golang-github-googleapis-enterprise-certificate-proxy casilda xfce4-panel hypre r-bioc-biocversion r-bioc-alabaster.schemas r-bioc-biocfilecache netdata r-bioc-aroma.light r-bioc-affxparser sibelia r-bioc-genomeinfodbdata r-bioc-biocgenerics kquickimageeditor kidentitymanagement analitza dnspython ruby-mocha abseil kopeninghours spdx-licenses lxqt-themes kaddressbook kmbox usrmerge konsole akonadi-mime+ kmime gap kimap topcom akonadi messagelib kalarm kpimtextedit ktnef qt6-graphs ruby-faraday-middleware-aws-sigv4 htslib libvirt ruby-gitlab-fog-azure-rm libgravatar ruby-rack rust-tokio-rustls pimcommon kleopatra libunwind libkleo indi+ rust-ipnetwork vixl rust-pyo3-asyncio-macros krb5-auth-dialog libstreamvbyte dh-python benchmark gnucap liblinear icu maven-jflex-plugin lensfun mitlm kf6-karchive konqueror kirigami-gallery dragon ruby-grape-entity doctrine php-gearman kiwix-tools php-amqp php-psr belle-sip kldap php-mongodb php-excimer php-uploadprogress php-gnupg grantleetheme php-raphf php-gmagick xdebug php-yac php-ssh2 php-ps php-rrd php-maxminddb r-cran-rmariadb php-ds php-ast kontactinterface ktorrent taglib ksmtp libkgapi kpkpass gucharmap php-http-interop-http-factory-tests kcalc python-falcon ruby-graphlient scute libxml2 python-urllib3 dtkcommon capstone node-d3-dsv jaxb-api lrcalc node-map-obj btrbk rtl-wmbus ruby-console deepin-qt5dxcb-plugin whizzytex ruby-unicorn-worker-killer apache2# requests dgit-test-dummy golang-github-golang-geo kmailtransport akonadi-search akonadi-contacts+ rocm-llvm kmag protobuf rocprim multitail draco parley python-fisx openssl+ xfce4-session libsrtp2 kamera nanomsg xfconf php-xmlrpc mozc cmst apt onetbb php-uuid php-stomp php-memcache php-apcu php-mcrypt php-oauth php-msgpack jpeg-xl php-guzzlehttp-promises ruby-serverengine ngmlr dtkgui fermi-lite austin ruby-oauth scrappie tcl8.7 povray php-psr-container surgescript# sass-stylesheets-wyrm nzbget ruby-aws-sdk simple-http zipios++ antlr4-cpp-runtime procenv golang-github-cli-browser

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.