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Packages with notes

There are 265 packages with notes in experimental/amd64.

reproducible icon 25 unreproducible packages in experimental/amd64, ordered by build date:

mongo-cxx-driver binutils# r-bioc-biocparallel pnetcdf+ python-openstackclient psi-plus syncany seqan2 lifeograph dpdk patroni# python-django llvm-toolchain-snapshot mpi4py seqan3 rebar openmpi rebar3 zephyr# erlang rabbitmq-server qemu kate mpich qtcreator

reproducible icon 44 FTBFS packages in experimental/amd64, ordered by build date:

polyml itinerary code-saturne ruby-uglifier# yosys pytango kosmindoormap php-sabre-event# librep#+ libkdegames macromoleculebuilder linphone grpc kwin avro-c darkice musescore-snapshot go-gir-generator scap-workbench nvidia-texture-tools mediagoblin gitaly dolphin milou plasma-workspace libreswan kdeconnect uw-imap gmerlin-avdecoder iem-plugin-suite sphinxsearch libgpiv kitinerary mrtdreader libcgns autogen kopete mingw-w64 freebayes sawfish plasma-desktop systemsettings sphinx# ovito#

reproducible icon 33 (3.4%) source packages failed to satisfy their build-dependencies, ordered by build date:

bcachefs-tools critterding daq enhanceio etesync-dav gazebo go-cpe-dictionary golang-github-google-cel-spec groestlcoin imip-agent inotifyrecursive janitor libewf libvirt-php llvmlite node-jsonld node-solid-jose node-trust-jwa opensnitch phonetisaurus php-sabre-vobject# reiser4progs rust-futures-rustls rust-indieweb rust-nitrokey rust-nitrokey-sys sequitur-g2p symfony tensorflow urjtag vault vuls zeekctl

reproducible icon 2 blacklisted packages in experimental/amd64:

trilinos thunderbird

reproducible icon 179 reproducible packages in experimental/amd64:

unidic-mecab kpublictransport r-bioc-matrixgenerics r-bioc-limma r-bioc-dir.expiry r-bioc-preprocesscore r-bioc-zlibbioc r-bioc-dnacopy r-bioc-ctc r-bioc-biocbaseutils r-bioc-ebseq netdata r-bioc-biocversion r-bioc-genomeinfodbdata r-bioc-aroma.light r-bioc-biocfilecache r-bioc-affxparser r-bioc-biocgenerics kidentitymanagement analitza konsole akonadi-mime+ akonadi gap kpimtextedit htslib libvirt kleopatra libunwind indi+ krb5-auth-dialog benchmark gnucap icu lensfun mitlm konqueror php-mongodb kldap xdebug ktorrent taglib libkgapi kcalc jaxb-api apache2# kmailtransport akonadi-search akonadi-contacts+ protobuf openssl+ libsrtp2 nanomsg apt onetbb php-apcu jpeg-xl tcl8.7 povray surgescript# zipios++ libkiwix dynarmic pymongo haproxy dash vtk-dicom kdepim-addons ark mesa tango gwenview budgie-desktop cubew linux# tlsh kio-extras liblopsub kpat make-dfsg g2clib json-simple libsdl3 libktoblzcheck hdf5 aptly sweeper palapeli ksirk kdevelop-pg-qt node-d3-color inkscape-textext zeroconf-ioslave lime osmo-hlr gdal libsodium xeus-python keditbookmarks kolf kiten krfb readline bash urdfdom gcc-mingw-w64 netcdf pavucontrol-qt screengrab qps plasma-framework gitlab dbus libpaper r-bioc-basilisk plasma-nm php-igbinary insighttoolkit5 lxqt-globalkeys ruby-pg-query kdeplasma-addons breeze smb4k libqtxdg lxqt-session lz4 lxqt-about r-cran-alakazam kompare liblxqt esdm dtkcore kbd varnish cyrus-imapd k3b tcltk-defaults kdepim-runtime powerdevil pim-data-exporter khelpcenter kdegraphics-mobipocket r-cran-ggm r-cran-mutoss actor-framework r-bioc-densvis dino-im korganizer kontact akregator kmail akonadi-import-wizard+ akonadi-calendar pim-sieve-editor mplayer kget+# okular audiocd-kio oxygen print-manager bind9# highway kalzium graphviz+ kdebugsettings krdc kdf udisks2 libkcddb lxqt-config lxqt-admin lxqt-powermanagement lxqt-notificationd mini-buildd fmtlib kcalutils baloo-widgets iraf samtools

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.