Known issues related to reproducible builds
Identified issues | Sum of packages' popcon scores | Sum of square-roots of packages' popcon scores | Number of packages |
Affected packages (the 1/4 most-popular ones (within the issue) are underlined) |
gcc captures build path | 14008993 | 62546 | 1842 | 0ad, 4digits, 4g8, abgate, abr2gbr, acepack, aces3, acfax, achilles, acpitool, acsccid, adplug, adwaita-qt, aegisub, aes2501-wy, aewm++, aewm++-goodies, affiche, ahcpd, airspyhf, alliance, alltray, amsynth, and, android-tools, anfo, anjuta, aolserver4-nsopenssl, aolserver4-nspostgres, ap-utils, apache-mod-auth-ntlm-winbind, apache-upload-progress-module, apache2-mod-xforward, apbs, apitrace, aplus-fsf, apparix, apparmor, appmenu-qt, apr, apt, aptsh, apvlv, aqemu, arc-gui-clients, ares, argyll, arm-trusted-firmware, arpack, arpon, array-info, as31, ascd, ascii2binary, asclock, aseprite, asmixer, aspcud, aspic, assimp, atlc, audacity, augustus, autogen, autounit, avarice, avr-evtd, ax25-tools, babeld, bacula, bagel, ballz, banshee-community-extensions, barada-pam, bart, basemap,, baycomepp, baycomusb, bbrun, bcache-tools, beav, bgw-replstatus, bibledit-bibletime, bibletime, bind9, binpac, binutils-msp430, biococoa, biosig4c++, bist, bit-babbler, bitlbee, bitops, bitstormlite, blackbox, bld, blkreplay, blobandconquer, blobby, bloboats, bmusb, bogl, boinc, bombardier, bomstrip, boot, bootchart2, bootp, bootpc, bopm, bosixnet, boswars, bplay, bppphyview, bppsuite, brewtarget, brian, brightside, broccoli-python, broccoli-ruby, bs2b-ladspa, btag, btfs, btop, btyacc, budgie-desktop, buffy, burgerspace, bustle, bwbasic, byacc-j, c-blosc, cadaver, cairo-dock, cairo-ocaml, cairodevice, calcoo, camorama, camp, caneda, cantata, car, casablanca, castxml, caveexpress, cb2bib, ccbuild, cdbackup, cdcd, cdck, cdcover, cde, cdebconf, cdecl, cdparanoia, cdrkit, cen64, ceres-solver, charls, checkit-tiff, cheetah, cherrytree, chiark-tcl, chipmunk, chise-base, chkservice, chron, chrony, chuck, ciftilib, cinnamon, citadel, citus, clamfs, clamz, cldump, clearsilver, clementine, clif, cluster, clutter-gesture, clzip, cmake, cmocka, cmor, cmus, codequery, codetools, collada-dom, collada2gltf, collectd, colorize, colortail, connectome-workbench, conv-tools, convlit, copyfs, covered, coz-profiler, cpl-plugin-naco, cpufreqd, cpufrequtils, crack, cramfsswap, crawl, critterding, criu, cronolog, crossroads, crrcsim, crtmpserver, crystalhd, csh, ctfutils, ctwm, cubew, cue2toc, curlpp, cvc3, cwiid, cyrus-imapd, cyrus-imspd, dahdi-tools, dansguardian, daq, dares, darkice, darktable, darnwdl, date, dawg, dawgdic, dbench, dbi, dbmix, dbview, dcl, dds, dds2tar, debian-xcontrol, deborphan, desklaunch, deskmenu, desktopnova, devio, dhcp-probe, dhcpcd5, dia-newcanvas, dichromat, diffstat, dircproxy, directvnc, discover, diskscan, djvulibre, dleyna-server, dlib, dlt-daemon, dns2tcp, dnsmasq, dnsproxy, docopt.cpp, dolfin, dolphin-emu, doschk, dossizola, drac, dradio, drawterm, drawxtl, drc, driftnet, dropbear, dspdfviewer, dssi, duff, dumpet, dvbsnoop, dvbstream, dvbtune, dvgrab, dvi2ps, dvidvi, dwarves-dfsg, e2guardian, e2tools, ebnetd, ecdsautils, echoping, edbrowse,, edfbrowser, edid-decode, effects, efivar, efte, eggdrop, electric-fence, elementtidy, embree, empire-lafe, emu8051, encfs, enchant, enigma, ent, eperl, epr-api, etherape, ethstatus, etoile, ettercap, etw, eurephia, exodusii, facter, falselogin, fam, fasianoptions, fassets, fauhdlc, faulthandler, fbasics, fbb, fbonds, fbpager, fcitx-anthy, fcitx-chewing, fcitx-cloudpinyin, fcitx-configtool, fcitx-googlepinyin, fcitx-hangul, fcitx-kkc, fcitx-m17n, fcitx-sayura, fcitx-skk, fcitx-sunpinyin, fcitx-ui-light, fcitx-unikey, fcitx-zhuyin, fcopulae, fdflush, fdsend, fdupes, fexoticoptions, fextremes, ffrenzy, fgarch, fileschanged, filezilla, fimport, findimagedupes, fio, fl-cow, flare-engine, flashbench, fldigi, flexbar, flexml, flightgear, floatbg, flog, flow-tools, flowgrind, fluidsynth-dssi, fmit, fmultivar, fnonlinear, fomp, fontforge, foptions, foreign, fportfolio, fqterm, frameworkintegration, fraqtive, free42-nologo, freebayes, freebsd-buildutils, freecell-solver, freedroidrpg, freedv, freehdl, freeradius, fregression, fso-gpsd, fstrcmp, fte,, ftpmirror, ftrading, funitroots, fusedav, fuseiso, fusesmb, fvwm1, fwbuilder, g2, g2clib, gadfly, gadmin-bind, gadmin-openvpn-server, gadmin-proftpd, gadmin-rsync, gadmin-samba, gaffitter, galleta, game-music-emu, gamin, gav, gbatnav, gcc-bpf, gcolor2, gcpegg, gcx, gdal, gdata, gdb-msp430, gdesklets, gdigi, gdome2, geki2, geki3, genext2fs, genromfs, genshi, geos, getstream, gf-complete, gflags, ggobi, gigalomania, gigedit, gimp, gjay, gkrellm-x86info, gkrelltop, glaurung, glewmx, glfer, glfw3, glib-networking, glide, glimpse, global, globjects, gltron, gmchess, gmediaserver, gmodels, gmrun, gmysqlcc, gnash, gniall, gnokii, gnome-games-app, gnome-keyring-sharp, gnome-menus, gnome-nds-thumbnailer, gnome-pie, gnome-python, gnome-shell-mailnag, gnome-software, gnome-subtitles, gnss-sdr, gnu-efi, gnuais, gnucap, gnudatalanguage, gnuit, gnumail, gnustep-back, gocr, gopher, gphpedit, gplcver, gplots, gpm, gpp, gpr, gpredict, gpsd, gputils, gpx2shp, gqrx-sdr, grafx2, graphicsmagick, gravitywars, grcm, grcompiler, greed, greenbone-security-assistant, grhino, grig, gromit, gross, grpn, grub, gscanbus, gst-plugins-espeak, gstm, gtable, gtick, gtk+2.0, gtk+3.0, gtk2-engines, gtk2-engines-cleanice, gtk2-engines-magicchicken, gtk2-engines-oxygen, gtk2-engines-wonderland, gtkgl2, gtkguitune, gtkpool, gtkwave, guile-3.0, gupnp-igd, guymager, gwaei, gwc, gxmessage, haildb, hamfax, hamlib, haproxy, hdup, heaptrack, hebcal, hexec, hexter, hindsight, hivelytracker, hivex, hmisc, ho22bus, hp2xx, hspell-gui, httrack, httraqt, hunt, hyantesite, i3lock, iat, iaxmodem, ibus-chewing, icewm, icheck, icmptx, id-utils, ideviceinstaller, ido, iec16022, ifrit, ifstat, ignition-math2, ikiwiki-hosting, infon, input-utils, intel-cmt-cat, intel-graphics-compiler, inventor, ip4r, ipfm, ipgrab, ipip, ipkungfu, ippusbxd, ipsvd, iptotal, iptraf-ng, ipvsadm, ipwatchd, ipwatchd-gnotify, ircii, ircmarkers, ircp-tray, iroffer, irony-mode, irssi-plugin-robustirc, isakmpd, ispell, itools, its, iwyu, jack, jack-keyboard, jackeq, jackmeter, jam, java-atk-wrapper, java2html, java3d, jcal, jdupes, jnettop, joy2key, jpeginfo, jreen, kaa-base, kaa-imlib2, kaa-metadata, kalarmcal, kanatest, kbd, kbdd, kbuild, kcollectd, kcoreaddons, kelbt, kernsmooth, keylaunch, keytouch-editor, kguiaddons, kile, kim-api, kimwitu, kino, kissplice, klick, klustakwik, kmail, kmc, knewstuff, knotifications, knutclient, komi, konqueror, kore, koules, krb5-auth-dialog, kvmtool, kvpm, kwstyle, kxl, kxmlrpcclient, labrea, ladish, lakai, lasi, last-align, latrace, lattice, latticeextra, lcrt, le-dico-de-rene-cougnenc, leaktracer, lensfun, lft, libacpi, libantlr3c, libao, libaosd, libapache-mod-auth-kerb, libapache-mod-auth-radius, libapache-mod-encoding, libapache-mod-evasive, libapache-mod-log-sql, libapache-mod-removeip, libapache2-mod-auth-mellon, libapache2-mod-auth-openidc, libapache2-mod-auth-pgsql, libapache2-mod-auth-plain, libapache2-mod-authn-yubikey, libapache2-mod-authnz-external, libapache2-mod-authnz-pam, libapache2-mod-authz-unixgroup, libapache2-mod-defensible, libapache2-mod-encoding, libapache2-mod-fcgid, libapache2-mod-form, libapache2-mod-geoip, libapache2-mod-intercept-form-submit, libapache2-mod-ldap-userdir, libapache2-mod-lisp, libapache2-mod-lookup-identity, libapache2-mod-python, libapache2-mod-watchcat, libapache2-mod-xsendfile, libauthen-libwrap-perl, libax25, libbpp-core, libbpp-phyl, libbtbb, libcxgb3, libdbusmenu, libdebug, libdigest-whirlpool-perl, libdigidoc, libdr-sundown-perl, libdssialsacompat, libencode-eucjpms-perl, libevhtp, libexif-gtk, libfile-map-perl, libfile-rsyncp-perl, libgc, libgcr410, libgdiplus, libgepub, libgetdata, libgff, libghemical, libgooglepinyin, libgpiv, libgsm, libheimdal-kadm5-perl, libhmsbeagle, libid3tag, libifp, libimage-imlib2-perl, libindicator, libio-aio-perl, libio-dirent-perl, libio-pty-perl, libitl, libitpp, libjpeg6b, libjpeg9, libjsoncpp, libkdtree++, libkf5kgeomap, libkgapi, libkolab, libksba, liblas, liblaxjson, liblip, libloki, liblopsub, liblrdf, liblucy-perl, libmarpa-r2-perl, libmatemixer, libmcrypt, libmirisdr, libmongo-client, libmongoc, libmozilla-ldap-perl, libmpd, libmthca, libnes, libnet-ldapapi-perl, libnet-z3950-simpleserver-perl, libnfo, libnids, libnih, libnl3, libnss-gw-name, libnss-lwres, libnzb, libofetion, libogg, liboggplay, liboglappth, libomxalsa, libomxcamera, libomxfbdevsink, libomxmad, libomxvideosrc, libomxvorbis, libomxxvideo, libosmocore, libpam-blue, libpam-radius-auth, libpaper, libpcl1, libperl5i-perl, libphonenumber, libpll, libppd, libprelude, libpreludedb, libprintsys, libproxy, libquazip, librcd, libsieve, libsmbios, libsmf, libsoundio, libstroke, libsx, libtcd, libtext-charwidth-perl, libtext-iconv-perl, libtk-tablematrix-perl, libtorrent-rasterbar, libubootenv, libuninum, libusb-java, libview, libvistaio, libvmime, libvslvm, libwebsockets, libwibble, libwnckmm, libxmltok, libxsettings-client, libxss, liece, lifeograph, lilo, linssid, linux, linux86, linuxinfo, linuxtv-dvb-apps, literki, littler, lizardfs, ll-scope, lldpd, lme4, lmtest, lnpd, lockfile-progs, logfs-tools, logtool, logtools, lookup, lorene, lostirc, lpr, lr, lshw, lsof, lua-torch-nn, lua50, luajit, luminance-hdr, lvm2, lwatch, lwipv6, lxml, lxqt-session, lysdr, lzip, m2crypto, m2ext, madplay, maffilter, magic, magicfilter, mah-jong, mailfront, mailsync, make-dfsg, makedumpfile, makefs, mango-lassi, maria, mariadb-connector-c, marisa, matchit, maxflow, mbr, mbw, mdocml, megaglest, members, memstat, memtailor, menu, mergelog, mergerfs, mes, metapixel, mgcv, mgdiff, mhwaveedit, micro-proxy, milkytracker, mimelib1, minc-tools, minetest, minisapserver, minisat+, miniupnpc, mirage, miredo, misc3d, missfits, mixmaster, mknfonts.tool, mm3d, mnormt, moarvm, moc, mod-authn-webid, mod-authz-securepass, mod-mono, mod-proxy-msrpc, mod-vhost-ldap, modemmanager-qt, modglue, modplugtools, mokomaze, molds, mono-fuse, moonshot-ui, mooproxy, mopac7, moreutils, mozjs24, mp3info,, mpg321, mplayer, mpm-itk, mpqc, mpv, mriconvert, mrtg, msort, multcomp, mumudvb, murasaki, mutrace, mutt, mvtnorm, mydumper, myspell, mysql-ocaml, mythtvfs-fuse, nagios-plugins-contrib, nam, naspro-bridges, nat, nautilus-image-converter, navit, nbtscan, ncbi-vdb, ncurses-hexedit, ndpmon, neko, nemiver, netdiag, netemul, netkit-bootparamd, netkit-rusers, netkit-rwall, netkit-rwho, netpbm-free, netris, netrw, netselect, neverball, nflog-bindings, nfqueue-bindings, nfs-ganesha, nfs-utils, nis, nitrokey-app, nix, nkf, nlkt, nlme, nlopt, nmapsi4, notify-python, notmuch, npd6, nq, nrg2iso, nrss, nss-updatedb, nss-wrapper, ntirpc, nuspell, nuttcp, nuxwdog, nvme-cli, nvram-wakeup, nwall, nwrite, nxcl, nyquist, o3dgc, obconf-qt, obs-studio, obsession, ocaml-curses, odc, olpc-kbdshim, olpc-powerd, omins, ompl, open-vm-tools, openbabel, opencryptoki, opendnssec, openexr-viewers, opengm, openhpi, openigtlink, openjade, openjpeg2, openlayer, opensips, openttd, openvas-manager, openvas-scanner, openxr-sdk-source, opus, opus-tools, orafce, oroborus, orocos-kdl, orthanc, orthanc-dicomweb, orthanc-postgresql, orthanc-webviewer, orthanc-wsi, orville-write, osdclock, osm2pgrouting, osm2pgsql, osmcoastline, osmium-tool, osmo-trx, otb, otpw, owfs, owx, oxygen, p7zip, packeth, pacman, pacparser, pads, pal, palbart, palo, pam-dbus, pam-python, paps, papyrus, parchive, parprouted, passenger, patch, patchage, pavucontrol-qt, paxctl, pbbam, pbcopper, pcapy, pcsc-cyberjack, pd-fftease, pd-iemnet, pd-lyonpotpourri, pd-pool, pd-py, pd-xsample, pdf2htmlex, pdns, pdns-recursor, pente, perceptualdiff, performous, permute, petri-foo, pg-comparator, pg-partman, pg-rage-terminator, pg-repack, pgaudit, pgextwlist, pgmemcache, pgmodeler, pgrouting, pgsql-asn1oid, pgsql-ogr-fdw, pgtop, phonon-backend-gstreamer, phonon-backend-vlc, php-facedetect, php-igbinary, php-mongodb, physlock, picocom, pidgin-blinklight, pidgin-mra, pidgin-openfetion, pillow, pillow-sane, pilot-link, pinfo, pipewalker, pkg-config, plastimatch,, ploticus, pmacct, pmount, pnetcdf, poa, poco,, polspline, polylib, pommed, poppassd, portreserve, postal, postgresql-hll, postgresql-multicorn, postgresql-mysql-fdw, postgresql-pgmp, postgresql-pllua, postgresql-plproxy, postgresql-plsh, postgresql-prioritize, postgresql-unit, povray, powa-archivist, powerdebug, ppl, prefix, prelink, preprepare,,, primer3, prison, privbind, proftpd-dfsg, pseudo, psi-plus, psignifit, pslib, psycopg2, puf, pugixml, pugl, pulseview, puma, purelibc, pvclust, pvrg-jpeg, py-radix, pyalsaaudio, pyao, pybluez, pycryptopp, pyferret, pygdchart2, pygobject-2, pygpgme, pygtk, pyicu, pykaraoke, pylibssh2, pylirc, pymad, pymssql, pynifti, pyodbc, pyorbit, pyprotocols, pyqwt5, pyside-tools, python-adns, python-bibtex, python-biggles, python-box2d, python-bsddb3, python-casmoothing, python-cddb, python-chaco, python-cjson, python-cups, python-daap, python-demgengeo, python-dmidecode, python-enable, python-espeak, python-ethtool, python-geohash, python-gnatpython, python-gtkglext1, python-gudev, python-http-parser, python-iptables, python-jpype, python-krbv, python-levenshtein, python-lz4, python-lzma, python-lzo, python-mecab, python-mhash, python-neuroshare, python-nids, python-omniorb, python-osd, python-pam, python-pdal, python-poppler, python-pqueue, python-prctl, python-pyalsa, python-pypcap, python-pypm, python-qt4, python-reportlab, python-shogun, python-smbpasswd, python-stdlib-extensions, python-utmp, python-visual, python3-stdlib-extensions, pythonqt, pythontracer, pyxmpp, qastools, qemu, qmmp, qmtest, qps, qsapecng, qscintilla2, qt4-perl, qtimageformats-opensource-src, qtkeychain, qtstyleplugins-src, quadprog, quantlib-swig, quelcom, quesoglc, quisk, quixote, quixote1, quotatool, r-bioc-affy, r-bioc-affyio, r-bioc-altcdfenvs, r-bioc-annotate, r-bioc-annotationdbi, r-bioc-annotationhub, r-bioc-aroma.light, r-bioc-biobase, r-bioc-biocgenerics, r-bioc-biocinstaller, r-bioc-biocparallel, r-bioc-biomart, r-bioc-biomformat, r-bioc-biostrings, r-bioc-biovizbase, r-bioc-bsgenome, r-bioc-cummerbund, r-bioc-deseq2, r-bioc-dnacopy, r-bioc-ebseq, r-bioc-edger, r-bioc-ensembldb, r-bioc-genefilter, r-bioc-geneplotter, r-bioc-genomeinfodb, r-bioc-genomicalignments, r-bioc-genomicfeatures, r-bioc-genomicranges, r-bioc-go.db, r-bioc-graph, r-bioc-gviz, r-bioc-hilbertvis, r-bioc-hypergraph, r-bioc-interactivedisplaybase, r-bioc-iranges, r-bioc-limma, r-bioc-makecdfenv, r-bioc-mergeomics, r-bioc-metagenomeseq, r-bioc-multtest, r-bioc-phyloseq, r-bioc-preprocesscore, r-bioc-qvalue, r-bioc-rbgl, r-bioc-rsamtools, r-bioc-rtracklayer, r-bioc-s4vectors, r-bioc-savr, r-bioc-shortread, r-bioc-snpstats, r-bioc-summarizedexperiment, r-bioc-variantannotation, r-bioc-xvector, r-omegahat-xmlrpc, r-other-amsmercury, r-other-curvefdp, r-other-iwrlars, r-other-mott-happy, r-other-nitpick, r-zoo, radiusd-livingston, rafkill, rakarrack, rapache, rapmap, raspell, raul, razor, rbdoom3bfg, rcmdr, rcolorbrewer, rcpp, rdiff-backup, rdiff-backup-fs, rdist, reaver, recordmydesktop, reiser4progs, relimp, remctl, remem, remmina, renaissance, repmgr, resample, retro-gtk, rggobi, rgl, rglpk, rgtk2, ricochet-im, rig, rjava, rkward, rmatrix, rmpi, rmysql, robustbase, rodbc, rosegarden, rotter, rox, rpart, rplay, rquantlib, rrdcollect, rserve, rsprng, rss-glx, rsymphony, rt-extension-customfieldsonupdate, rtkit, rubiks, ruby-allocations, ruby-atomic, ruby-augeas, ruby-bcrypt, ruby-bert, ruby-bson, ruby-byebug, ruby-cairo, ruby-charlock-holmes, ruby-concurrent-ext, ruby-curb, ruby-curses, ruby-dataobjects-mysql, ruby-dataobjects-postgres, ruby-dataobjects-sqlite3, ruby-debian, ruby-debug-inspector, ruby-dep-selector, ruby-eb, ruby-escape-utils, ruby-exif, ruby-fast-blank, ruby-fast-stemmer, ruby-fast-xs, ruby-fcgi, ruby-ferret, ruby-ffi, ruby-ffi-yajl, ruby-fftw3, ruby-filesystem, ruby-fusefs, ruby-gd, ruby-github-markdown, ruby-god, ruby-gpgme, ruby-grib, ruby-gsl, ruby-hamlit, ruby-hdfeos5, ruby-hiredis, ruby-hitimes, ruby-hpricot, ruby-http-parser.rb, ruby-json, ruby-kyotocabinet, ruby-lapack, ruby-ldap, ruby-levenshtein, ruby-libvirt, ruby-libxml, ruby-mecab, ruby-mpi, ruby-msgpack, ruby-multibitnums, ruby-multimap, ruby-mysql2, ruby-narray, ruby-ncurses, ruby-netcdf, ruby-nfc, ruby-nio4r, ruby-nokogumbo, ruby-odbc, ruby-oily-png, ruby-oj, ruby-ox, ruby-password, ruby-pcaprub, ruby-pg, ruby-posix-spawn, ruby-prometheus-client-mmap, ruby-psych, ruby-raindrops, ruby-rdiscount, ruby-re2, ruby-redcarpet, ruby-redcloth, ruby-rinku, ruby-rjb, ruby-rpatricia, ruby-sdl, ruby-sequel-pg, ruby-serialport, ruby-shadow, ruby-sqlite3, ruby-termios, ruby-timfel-krb5-auth, ruby-tokyocabinet, ruby-unf-ext, ruby-unicode, ruby-version-sorter, ruby-vmstat, ruby-websocket-driver, ruby-xmlhash, ruby-xmlparser, ruby-yajl, ruby-zoom, rubyluabridge, rudecgi, ruli, safe-hole-perl, saint, salmon, sandwich, sapphire, scanssh, scantailor, scap-workbench, scgi, schedtool, scheme9, scim-canna, scim-m17n, scim-skk, sciscipy, screentest, scribus, scsitools, scummvm, sdate, sdcv, sdlbasic, seafile-client, seqtk, setbfree, sfcgal, sgrep, shellex, shiboken, shogun, showq, sidplay, sidplay-libs, siggen, sight, signond, silentjack, simgear, simh, simulavr, sip4, skinedit, skipfish, skyeye, slashem, sleepenh, slony1-2, slrn, sm, sm-archive, smart, smartmontools, smpq, smtpping, sn, snappea, snd, snibbetracker, snow, soapyremote, socks4-server, sofia-sip, sortmail, spacearyarya, spacezero, spamassassin, spd, speex, spew, sphinxtrain, spim, spinner, spl-linux, splat, springlobby, sqlite3-pcre, squid3, sra-sdk, srecord, srm-ifce, ssh-askpass, ssh-contact, ssmping, stacks, staden, stardata-common, stardict, starplot, stdsyslog, step, stfl, stoken, storm, stormlib, streamripper, stretchplayer, strucchange, stymulator, subnetcalc, subread, subtle, sudo, sugar-base, sugar-toolkit, sugar-toolkit-gtk3, summain, sunxi-tools, supercollider, superlu, supertuxkart, survex, survival, swac-get, swapspace, swfmill, sx, synaesthesia, synapse, synaptic, synergy, synopsis, syrep, sysdig, systemd-ui, tagainijisho, tandem-mass, taningia, tantan, tarantool-lts, task, taskd, tasksh, tcd-utils, tclcl, tclgeoip, tcllib, tcm, tcpflow, tcplay, tcpslice, tcs, tdfsb, tdom, teg, telegram-desktop, tenace, termdebug, termit, tetradraw, tetraproc, tetrinet, tevent,, tftp-hpa, threadweaver, thuban, tightvnc, timew, tin, tint2, tkdnd, tkrat, tkrplot, tla, tlsh, tmpreaper, tnat64, tnftp, toilet, tokyotyrant, tolua++, tomboy, toppler, tora, torcs, trace-cmd, transcalc, traverso, treil, triggerhappy, triplane, trustedqsl, tseries, tstools, tth, ttyrec, tucnak, tulip, turnserver, tuxcmd-modules, tvtime, tweak, twinkle, twisted, twoftpd, typespeed, tzc, u-boot, u1db, uanytun, ucimf-sunpinyin, udisks2, ufo-filters, ulatencyd, umbrello, uncrustify, undertaker, uni2ascii, unicode-screensaver, unicorn, unionfs-fuse, unittest++, unixodbc-gui-qt, unmo3, upnp-router-control, upslug2, urca, urjtag, user-manager, utalk, uw-imap, valabind, valadoc, varnish, vc, vcdimager, vdr-plugin-epgsearch, vdr-plugin-epgsync, vdr-plugin-femon, vdr-plugin-fritzbox, vdr-plugin-osdteletext, vdr-plugin-remote, vdr-plugin-remoteosd, vdr-plugin-satip, vdr-plugin-softhddevice, vdr-plugin-streamdev, vdr-plugin-svdrposd, vdr-plugin-svdrpservice, vdr-plugin-vnsiserver, vdr-plugin-xineliboutput, vflib3, viva, vlan, vmfs-tools, vnlog, vokoscreen, vorbis-tools, votca-tools, vsdump, vte2.91, vtprint, vtwm, w3cam, waili, wav2cdr, wavbreaker, wbox, wbxml2, wcc, webissues, webkit2pdf, weechat, wesnoth-1.12, wget, wide-dhcpv6, wipe, wmcalc, wmcore, wmfrog, wml, wmmixer, wmnet, wmressel, worklog,, wrapsrv, writerperfect, wrk, wsynth-dssi, wvdial, wxastrocapture, x265, x2vnc, x52pro, x86info, xalan, xarclock, xauth, xaw3d, xbacklight, xball, xbattbar, xbill, xbindkeys-config, xblast-tnt, xbubble, xca, xcal, xcalib, xcfa, xcolmix, xdebug, xdelta, xdemineur, xdrawchem, xdu, xe, xf86-input-wacom, xfoil, xfrisk, xfsdump, xfsprogs, xgammon, xine-lib-1.2, xine-ui, xiphos, xkbind, xkeycaps, xlassie, xlbiff, xlog, xmacro, xmille, xml2, xmldiff, xmlrpc-epi, xmms2, xmount, xmountains, xosd, xpaint, xphoon, xplot, xppaut, xpuzzles, xpyb, xracer, xscorch, xsd, xserver-xorg-input-elographics, xserver-xorg-input-joystick, xserver-xorg-input-keyboard, xserver-xorg-input-mouse, xserver-xorg-input-mutouch, xserver-xorg-input-synaptics, xserver-xorg-input-void, xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu, xserver-xorg-video-fbdev, xserver-xorg-video-glide, xserver-xorg-video-intel, xserver-xorg-video-openchrome, xshisen, xsok, xsp, xss-lock, xssproxy, xstarfish, xsunpinyin, xsynth-dssi, xsysinfo, xtel, xtell, xtpcpp, xtrkcad, xtv, xvkbd, xwrits, xxgdb, xzoom, yadifa, yaml-cpp, yaml-cpp0.3, yersinia, ygl, yorick-gy, yoshimi, ytree, yubikey-server-c, yubiserver, z80asm, z80ex, zbackup, zbar, zelig, zeroconf-ioslave, zfec, zimpl, zivot, zmap, znc, zoneminder, zpaq, zvbi, zynaddsubfx |
cmake rpath contains build path | 8048519 | 37094 | 439 | airspyone-host, akonadi, akonadi-calendar, akonadi-contacts, akonadi-import-wizard, akonadi-mime, akonadi-search, akregator, alkimia, allegro5, alure, analitza, aoflagger, apper, apriltag, apt, apulse, aqsis, ark, armnn, artikulate, asl, audiocd-kio, avro-c, axe-demultiplexer, baloo-kf5, baloo-widgets, bamtools, basket, biometryd, bluez-qt, breeze, broker, brotli, bullet, c-munipack, calligraplan, cantor, cassiopee, cervisia, choqok, chromaprint, civetweb, clazy, clblast, clfft, clickhouse, cloudcompare, clucene-core, cmark-gfm, codec2, cog, colobot, content-hub, corectrl, cppad, cppdb, createrepo-c, cryptominisat, darkradiant, dcmtk, debconf-kde, deviceinfo, dino-im, dlt-daemon, dolphin, dsdcc, dtkcore, dublin-traceroute, dyssol, ebook-tools, ecflow, editorconfig-core, eiskaltdcpp, evolution-ews, falcosecurity-libs, fasttext, faudio, fcitx-qt5, fcitx5, fcitx5-gtk, fcitx5-qt, ffmpegthumbnailer, field3d, flightcrew, fluidsynth, freediameter, genomicsdb, gifticlib, glbinding, glyr, go-for-it, gr-fosphor, gr-funcube, gr-hpsdr, gr-iqbal, gr-osmosdr, gr-radar, gr-rds, gr-satellites, grandorgue, grantlee5, graywolf, gvm-libs, gwenview, hackrf, hatari, hepmc3, hershey-fonts, highway, hipblas, hipercontracer, hugin, iceoryx, ignition-transport, ilmbase, imath, indi, inkscape, ismrmrd, itinerary, jpeg-xl, jsonnet, jxrlib, k3b, kaccounts-integration, kactivities-kf5, kauth, kbibtex, kcalutils, kconfig, kdb, kdebugsettings, kdeclarative, kdeconnect, kdecoration, kdegraphics-mobipocket, kdepim-addons, kdepim-runtime, kdeplasma-addons, kdesu, kdevelop-python, kdf, kdsoap, keditbookmarks, kemoticons, kf5-messagelib, kfilemetadata-kf5, kget, kglobalaccel, kholidays, khotkeys, khtml, kickpass, kiconthemes, kidentitymanagement, kidletime, kile, kinfocenter, kinit, kio, kio-extras, kipi-plugins, kissfft, kiten, kitinerary, kjs, kjsembed, kldap, kleopatra, kmailtransport, kmix, knotes, kokkos, kolourpaint, kompare, konsole, kontact, kopete, korganizer, kosmindoormap, kpackage, kpat, kpeople, kphotoalbum, kpipewire, kpublictransport, krdc, krfb, krita, kseexpr, kservice, ksirk, ksyntax-highlighting, ktexteditor, ktorrent, ktp-accounts-kcm, ktp-text-ui, kup-backup, kwallet-kf5, kwave, kwayland, kwin, kwindowsystem, layer-shell-qt, leatherman, ledger, libam7xxx, libarcus, libavif, libcec, libcitygml, libclaw, libcorkipset, libcoverart, libdigidoc, libdrumstick, libemf2svg, libfreenect, libfreesrp, libftdi1, libgav1, libgdf, libgroove, libheif, libime, libime-jyutping, libjdns, libjson-rpc-cpp, libkcddb, libkdegames, libkf5incidenceeditor, libkf5ksieve, libkf5mailimporter, libkgapi, libkml, libkscreen, libksysguard, libktoblzcheck, liblastfm, libmemcached, libminc, libmysofa, libopenshot, libpano13, libpodofo, libqapt, libqes, libqtdbustest, libqtxdg, librsync, libsavitar, libsdl3, libsfml, libsolv, libvcflib, libwebm, libwfa2, libxtrx, libxtrxdsp, libxtrxll, libyang, libyang2, libzip, liggghts, lomiri-action-api, lomiri-app-launch, lomiri-indicator-transfer, lomiri-thumbnailer, lomiri-url-dispatcher, lucene++, lxqt-config, lxqt-globalkeys, m4api, macromoleculebuilder, maliit-framework, mapcache, mathgl, mcpl, md4c, mediascanner2, meshlab, metis, milou, mlt, molmodel, mongo-cxx-driver, mosquitto, mrtdreader, mujoco, mygui, nanomsg, ncrystal, nexus, nng, nomacs, nordlicht, notcurses, nuspell, nvidia-texture-tools, obexftp, obs-advanced-scene-switcher, oce, ogre-1.9, okteta, okular, onevpl, onnx, openal-soft, opencascade, opencc, opengv, openimageio, openmm, openscenegraph, opentracing-cpp, openvlbi, opm-simulators, osmo-fl2k, otcl, paho.mqtt.c, palapeli, pam-wrapper, phonon, pim-data-exporter, pim-sieve-editor, pktools, plasma-discover, plasma-firewall, plasma-nm, plasma-thunderbolt, plasma-workspace, plee-the-bear, plfit, pmdk-convert, pmemkv, polkit-qt-1, poppler, powercap, powerdevil, prime-phylo, primecount, print-manager, proj, prometheus-cpp, pupnp, purpose, pytorch-audio, q4wine, qca2, qcoro, qdmr, qgnomeplatform, qhttpengine, qmenumodel, qpdf, qt-color-widgets, qt6-3d, qt6-charts, qt6-datavis3d, qt6-languageserver, qt6-lottie, qt6-quicktimeline, qt6-scxml, qt6-sensors, qt6-serialbus, qt6-shadertools, qt6-speech, qt6-svg, qt6-webview, qtcurve, qtwebkit-opensource-src, recastnavigation, regina-normal, rnp, robot-testing-framework, rocrand, rocs, rsplib, rtl-sdr, s2geometry, s3d, saga, scitokens-cpp, screengrab, segyio, sentencepiece, shasta, shotcut, sigil, skrooge, slop, soapyosmo, soapysdr, soci, solid, soundkonverter, spatialindex, spoa, stlink, stopt, supertux, surgescript, svxlink, swami, sword, sysrepo, systemsettings, taglib, tcmu, telepathy-qt, tercpp, tetgen, tidy-html5, uchardet, unshield, upb, urdfdom, userbindmount, vart, vdeplug4, vecgeom, volk, vtk-dicom, vulkan-validationlayers, wbxml2, webcamoid, wildmidi, woff2, x265, xeus-python, xir, xrt, yajl, z3, zarchive, zulucrypt, zxing-cpp, zziplib |
records build flags | 6289349 | 21769 | 445 | adios, afterstep, alertmanager-irc-relay, alpine, alsa-tools, amanda, amfora, apache2, apertium, apertium-pt-gl, arachne-pnr, argus, atf, auto-07p, aws-nuke, babl, bacula, balloon, bareos, bash, benchmark, bettercap, bibledit-gtk, bind9, bitshuffle, blis, blitz++, bluefish, bluez, bombadillo, boolstuff, c-icap, c2go, cclive, cctbx, cdo, cfrpki, cgal, charybdis, chicken, clamav, clhep, clickhouse, clipman, clp, cobra-cli, codesearch, coin3, coinmp, coinor-cbc, coinor-cgl, coinor-dylp, coinor-osi, coinor-symphony, coinor-vol, colorize, comedilib, courier, crowdsec, ctpp2, cubew, curl, cvsd, cyrus-imapd, dcmtk, debmake-doc, deck, dime, duf, dune-functions, dune-geometry, dune-grid, dune-grid-glue, dune-pdelab, dune-typetree, dune-uggrid, e2guardian, easygen, eccodes, eckit, ecl, ectrans, efm-langserver, eggdrop, emboss, emd, emoslib, enblend-enfuse, epiphany, esys-particle, fastjet, fdb, ffcvt, fflas-ffpack, fftw3, ffuf, fiat-ecmwf, filezilla, fim, fityk, flex, fltk1.3, fq, freefem++, freeradius, fricas, fvwm, g2, gambc, garagemq, gauche, gauche-c-wrapper, gauche-gl, gauche-gtk, gcc-11, geoip, gerris, getdns, getfem++, gforth, ggd-utils, gh, gifwrap, gitlab, givaro, gmp, gnuradio, gnustep-base, go-md2man-v2, go-mmproxy, go-qrcode, go-rpmdb, go-sendxmpp, gocc, gojq, golang-android-soong, golang-bindata, golang-github-alecthomas-chroma-v2, golang-github-anacrolix-dms, golang-github-axgle-mahonia, golang-github-aymerick-douceur, golang-github-benbjohnson-tmpl, golang-github-calmh-xdr, golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite, golang-github-charmbracelet-bubbletea, golang-github-cheekybits-genny, golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter, golang-github-containernetworking-plugins, golang-github-containers-dnsname, golang-github-coreos-discovery-etcd-io, golang-github-dataence-porter2, golang-github-dcso-bloom, golang-github-dnstap-golang-dnstap, golang-github-emersion-go-msgauth, golang-github-evanw-esbuild, golang-github-francoispqt-gojay, golang-github-geertjohan-go.rice, golang-github-go-debos-fakemachine, golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector, golang-github-golang-jwt-jwt, golang-github-golang-mock, golang-github-google-blueprint, golang-github-google-cel-go, golang-github-google-wire, golang-github-gucumber-gucumber, golang-github-hhatto-gorst, golang-github-influxdata-yarpc, golang-github-jhillyerd-enmime, golang-github-micromdm-scep, golang-github-mmcloughlin-avo, golang-github-mozillazg-go-pinyin, golang-github-muka-go-bluetooth, golang-github-niklasfasching-go-org, golang-github-odeke-em-cli-spinner, golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder, golang-github-pelletier-go-toml, golang-github-pires-go-proxyproto, golang-github-pointlander-peg, golang-github-pquerna-ffjson, golang-github-rakyll-statik, golang-github-rogpeppe-go-internal, golang-github-segmentio-ksuid, golang-github-smallstep-certificates, golang-github-smallstep-truststore, golang-github-traefik-yaegi, golang-github-ugorji-go-codec, golang-github-varlink-go, golang-github-vincent-petithory-dataurl, golang-github-xo-terminfo, golang-github-yosssi-ace, golang-gogoprotobuf, golang-golang-x-vuln, golang-google-protobuf, golang-goprotobuf, golang-honnef-go-tools, golang-k8s-kube-openapi, golang-mvdan-sh, golang-petname, golang-v2ray-core, golint, gortr, gosop, gox, goxkcdpwgen, gpac, grace, graph-tool, graphicsmagick, grass, grib-api, groonga, gsort, gtk-sharp3, guile-2.0, guile-2.2, gutenprint, gyoto, hdf-eos4, hdf-eos5, hdf5, hercules, hey, hjson-go, htslib, hugo-mx-gateway, icingadb, idjc, ignition, imagemagick, insighttoolkit5, ispell, iverilog, jack-audio-connection-kit, jdim, jid, jove, jp, json2file-go, kannel, kappanhang, keepalived, kel-agent, kubecolor, kubernetes-split-yaml, kvirc, lcm, lf, libapache2-mod-perl2, libbrahe, libcddb, libcdk5, libcgicc, libcgns, libcommoncpp2, libcoyotl, libevocosm, libhdate, libhdf4, libksysguard, liblas, libm4ri, libnet, libnginx-mod-http-lua, librep, libresample, librsb, libsdl-console, libsndfile, libstatgrab, libtheora, libtool, libzia, lilo, link-grammar, lltsv, log4cpp, lumin, lwatch, lyx, madlib, madness, mailfilter, mapnik, mc, mdnsd, metkit, mimetic, miredo, mirrorbits, mkcert, mm, moarvm, moc, mockery, molly-brown, mona, mp3blaster, mplayer, mruby, munipack, mutt, nats-server, nbdkit, ncl, nebula, neomutt, neovim-qt, net-snmp, netcdf, netdata, netgen, netrw, neuron, nextcloud-spreed-signaling, nginx, nitrokey-app, nncp, ntl, obs-cli, ocaml-cohttp, ocaml-conduit, ocaml-mirage-crypto, ocaml-uri, oci-image-tools, ocsipersist, odc, omake, opencascade, opencv, opendkim, opendmarc, openmpi, opensmtpd-filter-rspamd, opensmtpd-filter-senderscore, openssl, oregano, osmo-hlr, osmo-mgw, ossp-uuid, panicparse, pat, pdal, pdns, pebble, perl, petsc, php7.0, php7.4, php8.2, picosat, pidgin, pike8.0, pinfish, pmacct, pnetcdf, postgresql-9.6, ppl, proftpd-dfsg, prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter, prometheus-exporter-exporter, prometheus-frr-exporter, prometheus-hacluster-exporter, prometheus-ipmi-exporter, prometheus-libvirt-exporter, prometheus-mqtt-exporter, prometheus-nextcloud-exporter, prometheus-redis-exporter, prometheus-smokeping-prober, pth, pup, python-pysam, python-qt4, python2.7, pytorch, qd, quantlib, quvi, ragel, rawdns, readline, readline5, remmina, rheolef, rootlesskit, s-nail, samtools, sdpa, sendmail, seqkit, shadowsocks-v2ray-plugin, silo-llnl, simstring, singular, skeema, slepc, smartmontools, snapper, snoopy, snort, snowflake, sogo, sope, soqt, speech-tools, splint, sqlite3, sshesame, stayrtr, swi-prolog, swish-e, tarantool, tcl8.5, tcl8.7, tcl9.0, tcpflow, tiemu, tin, tml, trafficserver, tty-share, tucnak, unikmer, util-vserver, vcfanno, vdr, vim, vip-manager, visp, vlc, volk, websocketd, west-chamber, wget, wireguard-go, wolfssl, xdmf, xmpp-dns, xq, xrdp, xtables-addons, yggdrasil, yorick, yosys, yubikey-agent, zabbix |
build id differences only | 4699736 | 21895 | 327 | airspy-host, akonadi-search, alure, analitza, aoflagger, apper, apt, aqsis, aribas, ark, artikulate, audiocd-kio, authbind, autoclass, avogadro, avogadrolibs, avro-c, axe-demultiplexer, baloo-kf5, bamtools, bandwidthd, bible-kjv, binfmtc, bladerf, bullet, cantor, cassiopee, cc1111, cdcat, cervisia, cg3, cgal, choose-mirror, cigi-ccl, clucene-core, cmark-gfm, codec2, colobot, colorcode, cpmtools, cppdb, dcmtk, debug-me, deepin-movie-reborn, deja-dup, diffpdf, digikam, dislocker, dolphin, doublecmd, dpic, drumkv1, dsh, dustmite, efax, elpa, faifa, fcitx, ferret-vis, ffmpegthumbnailer, field3d, flameshot, flightcrew, fluidsynth,, freeorion, fscrypt, ftjam, fweb, gazebo, gbase, gerstensaft, gifticlib, ginkgocadx, glbinding, glyr, gp2c, gpgmepp, gr-fosphor, gr-hpsdr, gr-iio, gr-osmosdr, gr-radar, gr-rds, grantlee, grantlee5, graywolf, grpc, grub-installer, gwenview, hackrf, haskell-gtk-traymanager, haskell-iso8601-time, hatari, haveged, hershey-fonts, hfst, hmat-oss, httpfs2, hugin, icmake, icon, ignition-msgs, ignition-transport, ike, inkscape, ismrmrd, italc, juffed, jxrlib, kaccounts-integration, kactivities-kf5, kactivitymanagerd, kconfig, kde-cli-tools, kdeclarative, kdeconnect, kdepim-addons, kdepim-runtime, kdeplasma-addons, kdesu, kdevelop, kdevelop-python, kdf, kemoticons, kf5-messagelib, kfilemetadata-kf5, kglobalaccel, khotkeys, khtml, kinit, kio, kio-extras, kiten, kjsembed, klatexformula, kleopatra, kmailtransport, kmenuedit, kolf, kolourpaint, kompare, konsole, kpat, kpeople, krdc, krfb, kross, kservice, ksirk, kst, ksyntax-highlighting, ksysguard, ktp-common-internals, ktp-text-ui, kup-backup, kwallet-kf5, kwave, kwin, kwindowsystem, libam7xxx, libcitygml, libclaw, libcorkipset, libdigidoc, libdrumstick, libftdi1, libgdf, libgroove, libjdns, libjson-rpc-cpp, libkcddb, libkf5ksieve, libkgapi, libkml, libkscreen, libksysguard, liblastfm, libminc, libphysfs, libqapt, libqes, libqtxdg, librime, libsfml, libsmdev, libsolv, libsoxr, liggghts, limba, lmms, looptools, lua-sandbox, luakit, lucene++, lxqt-config, lxqt-globalkeys, main-menu, massxpert, mbedtls, metis, midori, milou, mimedefang, mlpack, mold, mshr, multimail, mygui, mysql-workbench, netmaze, nis, nitpic, nitroshare, nomacs, nvidia-texture-tools, oakleaf, obexftp, oce, odil, ogamesim, ogre-1.9, okteta, omhacks, openal-soft, openalpr, opencc, openimageio, opennds, opensurgsim, openvas-libraries, osgearth, ossim, otcl, ovito, padthv1, palapeli, pam-wrapper, pantomime1.2, perl-byacc, pgpgpg, phonon, pipemeter, pixmap, pktools, plasma-desktop, plasma-discover, plasma-mediacenter, plasma-nm, plasma-workspace, plee-the-bear, polkit-qt-1, popt, poster, powerdevil, prime-phylo, print-manager, proftpd-mod-autohost, proftpd-mod-case, proftpd-mod-clamav, proftpd-mod-dnsbl, proftpd-mod-fsync, proftpd-mod-msg, proftpd-mod-tar, proftpd-mod-vroot, projectm, puredata-import, purpose, pyfribidi, pyosmium, pyqwt3d, python-laszip, q4wine, qca2, qhttpengine, qlandkartegt, qt-gstreamer, qtcurve, ratfor, rocs, rtl-sdr, s3d, sagan, sdformat, sigil, sitplus, sjeng, skrooge, sleepyhead, smokegen, soapyosmo, soapysdr, soci, solid, squirrel3, stalin, stimfit, svxlink, swami, swirc, synthv1, systemsettings, telepathy-qt, tetgen, tidy-html5, ubertooth, udpkg, uml-utilities, uphpmvault, urdfdom, vmpk, volk, vtk-dicom, vulkan, waffle, wildmidi, wpa, wsclean, x2goclient, xenwatch, xinv3d, xjump, xvier, yacpi, yajl, yaskkserv, zulucrypt |
build path captured in assembly objects | 3456711 | 7896 | 31 | aircrack-ng, boost1.62, dietlibc, gmp, gnutls28, libdv, libffi, libjpeg-turbo, libpsm2, libsodium, libunwind, libzstd, linux, mesa, mpeg2dec, mpg123, multiboot, musl, nettle, nspr, openssl, openssl1.0, pcsx2, pixman, powermanga, retroarch, u-boot, wavpack, wrapsrv, yaskkserv, zapping |
captures shell variable in autofoo script | 2906210 | 8821 | 96 | adios, advi, alsa-tools, amanda, ann, antlr, apertium, autoconf, autoconf2.59, autogen, automake1.11, babl, bibledit-gtk, bind9, bless, bluez, boolstuff, comedilib, cvsutils, dee, dhcpd-pools, emboss, epiphany, fakechroot, flex, gcc-mingw-w64, gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf, gearmand, geoip, geomview, gerris, gnome-sharp2, grub2, gtk-sharp2, gtk-sharp3, gtkspell, guile-2.0, guile-2.2, guile-3.0, hdf-eos4, hercules, idjc, inn2, jack-audio-connection-kit, lam, lcm, libbrahe, libcddb, libcommoncpp2, libcoyotl, libevocosm, libforms, libgphoto2, libhdate, libnet, librep, libsdl-console, libsndfile, libstatgrab, libtar, liburcu, lifelines, lirc, lttv, meanwhile, mimetic, mona, mp3blaster, munipack, netgen, nis, oregano, osmo-hlr, osmo-mgw, quantlib, quickfix, r-base, ragel, shadow, silo-llnl, simstring, source-highlight, sqlite3, styx, sundials, swish-e, tango, telepathy-python, torrus, vdk2, west-chamber, xmlcopyeditor, xtables-addons, xz-utils, yaws, ypserv |
random id in pdf generated by dblatex | 1962158 | 6345 | 107 | 4ti2, apparmor, apt-dpkg-ref, arduino, ask, asymptote, auctex, autoconf, bash, bbdb, beast-mcmc, biber, bibtool, bird, blends, bliss, blitz++, cacti, cafeobj, cassbeam, ccfits, cddlib, cl-asdf, cli-common, coinor-csdp, csync2, cvs, dejagnu, dune-istl, esajpip, ess, fig2dev, flint, form, freefem, gap-design, gap-factint, gap-toric, gitano, gitmagic, gle-graphics, gnuplot-mode,, graphite2, gtg-trace, gyoto, hamradio-maintguide, haskell98-report, highlight.js, impressive, java-imaging-utilities, jmodeltest, jpylyzer, jthread, khronos-api, kimwitu-doc, krb5, lammps, latex-coffee-stains, latex-make, ledger2beancount, libbluray, libconfig, libcrcutil, libdc1394-22, libgfshare, libmatio, libraw1394, librostlab, librostlab-blast, libstxxl, linuxdoc-tools, macsyfinder, minizinc, mpfi, mpfr4, muse-el, ocaml-melt, octave-ocs, opencolorio, openmama, openocd, opensp, packaging-tutorial, pbuilder, pescetti, primesieve, probabel, proofgeneral, pspp, pygtkmvc, python-tidylib, pyx, rpy, rubber, scscp-imcce, sgml-base-doc, siproxd, srtp, starlink-pal, tachyon, tcltk-defaults, tipa, udunits, ufoai, velvet, vmdb2 |
captures build path via assert | 1685796 | 7314 | 217 | ableton-link, ancient, android-platform-external-boringssl, android-platform-external-libunwind, antimony, apper, aspectc++, audmes, autodock-vina, azure-uamqp-python, bedtools, biboumi, blasr, blastem, btrfs-progs, bustools, buzztrax, c-graph, c2x, ckbuilder, clsparse, compiz, cryfs, cryptokit, ctsim, dde-calendar, deepin-screenshot, dhex, dmarc-cat, dmrconfig, doscan, duktape, duma, dune-geometry, dune-grid, dune-grid-glue, dune-uggrid, erlang-p1-stringprep, estscan, etbemon, ffmpegfs, fhist, fifechan, firmware-tomu, fontmatrix, freerdp2, fsplib, gap, genht, gftl-shared, git-annex, git-repair, glulxe, gmp, gmp-ecm, gnucobol, gtimer, hacktv, hhsuite, holes, i3-wm, i3status, iem-plugin-suite, imagination, innoextract, insserv, ir.lv2, ivar, jacktrip, jstest-gtk, kafs-client, kmer, langdrill, lasso, libapache2-mod-authn-yolo, libappindicator, libcap2, libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl, libesedb, libevt, libfvde, libgclib, libjpeg, liblnk, libmoe, libmstoolkit, libnewlib-nano, libnxt, liboping, librandomx, libreswan, libvariable-magic-perl, limesuite, listserialportsc, lltdscan, lsyncd, lumpy-sv, lz4, mapserver, mecab, mender-client, mescc-tools, metar, minimap2, mrtrix, mujs, muparserx, music, netatalk, netkit-rsh, nfdump, nginx, ngraph-gtk, node-expat, node-mapnik, ntopng, objcryst-fox, ocaml-cstruct, ocaml-sha, octave-octclip, octave-sparsersb, olive-editor, openems, opensubdiv, openvas-cli, openzwave, orpie, peony-extensions, pg-bsd-indent, pgpool2, pgstat, php-apcu, pldebugger, plotsauce, plume-creator, pnscan, ponyprog, proftpd-mod-counter, prometheus-postfix-exporter, protobuf, psychtoolbox-3, pure-ftpd, purify, python-pyproj, qmc, qmidinet, qtnetworkauth-everywhere-src, qwinff, redisearch, rfoo, rng-tools5, rtklib, ruby-bcrypt-pbkdf, ruby-bindex, ruby-bootsnap, ruby-character-set, ruby-commonmarker, ruby-ed25519, ruby-github-linguist, ruby-kgio, ruby-murmurhash3, ruby-pg-query, ruby-rblineprof, ruby-rbtrace, ruby-regexp-property-values, ruby-strptime, ruby-thrift, simdjson, simka, simpleparse, skiboot, snek, snooze, soapdenovo, sopt, spell, spglib, ssocr, st, stdx-allocator, steghide, subversion, sumaclust, sumatra, supercollider-sc3-plugins, suricata, survivor, swarm-cluster, systemc, tamil-gtk2im, tarlz, tessa, tiledarray, tmd710-tncsetup, trinityrnaseq, tvoe, ufo-core, uftrace, uisp, ukui-media, unshield, uwsgi, vdr-plugin-dvbhddevice, vdr-plugin-dvbsddevice, vfu, vim-command-t, vpb-driver, vulkan-loader, wiipdf, xc3sprog, xevil, xjig, xlunzip, zeroinstall-injector, zfs-fuse, znc-backlog, zytrax |
nondeterministic ordering in documentation generated by doxygen | 1639167 | 4280 | 36 | alsa-lib, apr, apt, argagg, frobby, gcc-10, gdal, glibmm2.4, gnuradio, khronos-opencl-clhpp, lapack, libdap, libofx, libosmocore, libsigc++-2.0, libssh, libstatgen, libzypp, linbox, lomiri-api, med-fichier, mptcpd, openmesh, opensaml, opm-common, opm-grid, opm-simulators, opm-upscaling, pacemaker, pipewire, process-cpp, shibboleth-sp, sofia-sip, ucommon, vtk7, vtk9 |
randomness in documentation generated by sphinx | 1382388 | 7612 | 196 | aiohttp-asyncmdnsresolver, aiomysql, alembic, aodh, astropy, astroquery, autosuspend, barbican, bcfg2, black, bleak, blender-doc, breathe, buildbot, bzr, ceilometer, celery, cglm, cheetah, cherrypy3, cinder, cloudkitty, colorzero, consfigurator, cookiecutter, datalad-next, davix, dbf, dbus-python, dcmstack, designate, developers-reference, dhcpcanon, diceware, django-cas-server, django-celery, django-polymorphic, dolfin, factory-boy, fenics-ffcx, ffcx, fish, fonttools, fpyutils, gammu, gcc-python-plugin, git-buildpackage, graphql-core, guidata, heat, highlight.js, imath, ipyparallel, jupyter-server, kitty, klepto, kombu, lava, libiio, libixion, liborcus, libserial, linux, lmfit-py, mailman3, masakari, masakari-monitors, matplotlib, md-toc, mdanalysis, mdtraj, mercurial-evolve, mini-buildd, minieigen, mmlib, mongo-c-driver, mopidy, mpi4py-fft, murano, nanovna-saver, navarp, neutron, nipy, nose2, nova, numpy, octavia, onetbb, openexr, openstack-trove, pandas, paramiko, pdb2pqr, pebl, pgloader, pikepdf, plainbox, portabase, propka, psi4, pwntools, py-postgresql, pyasn1, pycairo, pycares, pydicom, pydl, pygccxml, pymatgen, pymodbus, pymvpa2, pyopenssl, pyro4, pyserial-asyncio, pysoundfile, pysph, pytango, pytest, python-aio-pika, python-aioamqp, python-asdf, python-attrs, python-bioblend, python-cement, python-crypto, python-cycler, python-django, python-django-celery-beat, python-django-constance, python-django-mptt, python-django-pint, python-djangorestframework-simplejwt, python-doc8, python-drf-spectacular, python-duniterpy, python-geopandas, python-git, python-glanceclient, python-gsd, python-hexbytes, python-igraph, python-inline-snapshot, python-josepy, python-keystonemiddleware, python-laspy, python-libevdev, python-ly, python-matrix-nio, python-midiutil, python-mmcif-pdbx, python-neutron-lib, python-openstackclient, python-os-faults, python-padme, python-parsl, python-picologging, python-pyftpdlib, python-pygit2, python-pygraphviz, python-pyluach, python-pyqtgraph, python-qtconsole, python-ruffus, python-semantic-version, python-twitter, python-webob, python-webvtt, python-xarray, pyxb, qiime, qstylizer, quodlibet, radon, sahara, salt, sardana, sasview, satpy, scipy, silx, slidge, slixmpp, sphinx, sqlobject, statsmodels, sublime-music, symfit, taurus, translate-toolkit, tweepy, txtorcon, votca, wireplumber, xrootd, ycm-cmake-modules, zarr |
build id variation requiring further investigation | 1329134 | 5149 | 35 | bluez-qt, chromaprint, dash, debconf-kde, dublin-traceroute, ebook-tools, fcitx-qt5, gr-fcdproplus, gr-iqbal, ibus-qt, kauth, kcalc, kcalutils, kdecoration, kded, kdegraphics-mobipocket, khelpcenter, kholidays, kiconthemes, kidletime, kpackage, ktexteditor, kwayland, libcoverart, libkf5incidenceeditor, libmusicbrainz5, libranlip, mrtdreader, nordlicht, openambit, pymol, screengrab, stellarium, tercpp, uchardet |
build path identifiers in documentation generated by doxygen | 1091812 | 4740 | 27 | bluez-qt, ismrmrd, kactivities-kf5, kconfig, kdeclarative, kdesu, kemoticons, kfilemetadata-kf5, kglobalaccel, kholidays, kidletime, kio, kpackage, kpeople, kservice, ksyntax-highlighting, ktexteditor, kwayland, kwindowsystem, libopencsd, libsrtp2, opencascade, opencc, prometheus-cpp, qhttpengine, rocm-smi-lib, solid |
random order in documentation generated by javadoc | 1053132 | 10437 | 311 | access-modifier-checker, activemq, activemq-activeio, activemq-protobuf, adql, akuma, android-platform-libcore, antlr3, antlr4, apache-log4j-extras1.2, apache-log4j1.2, apache-log4j2, apache-mime4j, argparse4j, args4j, asm, asm3, async-http-client, atinject-jsr330, axis, axmlrpc, bcel, beansbinding, biojava-live, biojava4-live, biojava5-live, bouncycastle, bsaf, byte-buddy, bytecode, canl-java, castor, cdi-api, cglib, classycle, codenarc, commons-beanutils, commons-configuration, commons-configuration2, commons-io, commons-jci, commons-math, commons-math3, commons-vfs, cssparser, csvjdbc, dbus-java, derby, docbook-xsl-saxon, dokujclient, dom4j, doxia, doxia-sitetools, dtd-parser, easymock, eclipselink, elki, felix-bundlerepository, felix-framework, felix-gogo-runtime, felix-gogo-shell, felix-main, felix-shell, fest-assert, fest-reflect, fest-test, flute, fop, geronimo-jpa-2.0-spec, geronimo-jta-1.1-spec, geronimo-validation-1.0-spec, geronimo-validation-1.1-spec, gluegen2, gradle, guava-libraries, guice, hawtjni, hessian, htsjdk, httpunit, i2p, icu4j, imagej, ini4j, insubstantial, invokebinder, isorelax, ivy, jackson-annotations, jackson-dataformat-cbor, jackson-dataformat-smile, jackson-dataformat-yaml, jackson-datatype-guava, jackson-datatype-joda, jackson-jr, jacoco, jam-lib, jansi, jargs, jasperreports, jasypt, java-gnome, javahelp2, javamail, javassist, javatuples, javawriter, jaxb, jaxe, jblas, jboss-classfilewriter, jboss-jdeparser2, jboss-logging, jboss-logging-tools, jboss-logmanager, jboss-modules, jebl2, jenkins-json, jenkins-trilead-ssh2, jericho-html, jgit, jglobus, jimfs, jmdns, jmock2, jmol, jnr-constants, jnr-ffi, jnr-unixsocket, jnr-x86asm, joda-convert, joptsimple, josql, jsamp, jsap, jsch, jsemver, json-simple, jsoup, jta, jtharness, jtidy, jts, lgooddatepicker, libandroid-json-org-java, libasm4-java, libcds-moc-java, libcobra-java, libcodemodel-java, libcommons-collections3-java, libcommons-collections4-java, libcommons-fileupload-java, libdecentxml-java, libfastutil-java, libformula, libfreemarker-java, libglazedlists-java, libgnuinet-java, libgnumail-java, libhamcrest-java, libhibernate3-java, libhtml5parser-java, libhtmlparser-java, libidw-java, libimglib2-java, libirclib-java, libiscwt-java, libisrt-java, libitext5-java, libj2ssh-java, libjackson-json-java, libjaxen-java, libjboss-marshalling-java, libjchart2d-java, libjemmy2-java, libjfreechart-java, libjgraph-java, libjgraphx-java, libjlatexmath-java, libjlha-java, libjoda-time-java, libjogl2-java, libjpf-java, libjsonp-java, libjsr305-java, libjsr311-api-java, libjtds-java, libjung-free-java, libjuniversalchardet-java, libkryo-java, libloader, libmetadata-extractor-java, libonemind-commons-java-java, libowasp-antisamy-java, libowasp-esapi-java, libpal-java, libpdfbox-java, libpgjava, libpicocontainer-java, libquartz-java, libregexp-java, libreoffice, librepository, libspin-java, libswingx-java, libtggraphlayout-java, libtwelvemonkeys-java, libvldocking-java, libvt-ldap-java, libxbean-java, libxml-security-java, libxmlenc-java, libxmlrpc3-java, libxpp2-java, libxpp3-java, localizer, logback, lucene2, mac-widgets, maven-antrun-extended-plugin, maven-archiver, maven-bundle-plugin, maven-common-artifact-filters, maven-compiler-plugin, maven-compiler-plugin-2.5, maven-dependency-tree, maven-doxia-tools, maven-jar-plugin, maven-reporting-impl, maven-scm, maven-shared-io, maven-shared-utils, maven2-core, mockito, mockobjects, modello, mojarra, multiverse-core, mvel, naga, nekohtml, not-yet-commons-ssl, objenesis, okio, opencsv, openid4java, openjfx, opsin, osgi-annotation, osgi-compendium, osgi-foundation-ee, owasp-java-html-sanitizer, pirl, plexus-active-collections, plexus-build-api, plexus-cipher, plexus-classworlds, plexus-classworlds2, plexus-compiler, plexus-compiler-1.0, plexus-container-default, plexus-containers, plexus-digest, plexus-interactivity-api, plexus-interpolation, plexus-sec-dispatcher, plexus-utils2, png-sixlegs, portlet-api-2.0-spec, rdp-classifier, rhino, robocode, rome, saxonb, sdes4j, serp, service-wrapper-java, sitemesh, skyview, slixmpp, snakeyaml, sqljet, statcvs, sunflow, svnkit, swtchart, t-digest, tagsoup, tiles, timingframework, tomcat7, truffle, truffle-dsl-processor, uima-addons, uima-as, uimaj, undertow, vecmath, velocity, voms-api-java, wagon, wala, werken.xpath, weupnp, wsdl4j, wsil4j, xhtmlrenderer, xmlbeans-maven-plugin, xmlgraphics-commons, xom, zookeeper |
captures build arch | 1003028 | 3521 | 49 | aria2, bluez, boolector, cutils, dacs, emoslib, exabgp, exim4, fckit, gphoto2-cffi, hdf5, heimdal, hylafax, ipqalc, itksnap, javaparser, ksh93u+m, kyua, libpgm, luarocks, mldonkey, ncftp, odc, opencc, postgresql-9.6, puzzle-jigsaw, pyopencl, pyrit, python-bcrypt, python-blosc, python-cryptography, python-gevent, python-librtmp, python-nacl, python-pex, python-poppler-qt4, python-poppler-qt5, python-pygit2, python3.11, python3.12, smlsharp, snimpy, swig, tripwire, uzbl, vagalume, vboot-utils, veusz, vtk9 |
randomness in r rdb rds databases | 857509 | 27196 | 1333 | abind, acepack, bitops, boot, cairodevice, car, chron, cluster, codetools, date, dbi, dichromat, effects, fasianoptions, fassets, fbasics, fbonds, fcopulae, fexoticoptions, fextremes, fgarch, fimport, fmultivar, fnonlinear, foptions, foreign, fportfolio, fregression, ftrading, funitroots, gdata, gmodels, gplots, greenbone-security-assistant, gregmisc, gtable, gtools, hmisc, isospec, its, kernsmooth, lattice, latticeextra, littler, lme4, lmtest, matchit, mgcv, misc3d, mnormt, multcomp, mvtnorm, nlme, openturns, permute, polspline, ppx-derivers, pvclust, quadprog, r-base, r-bioc-affxparser, r-bioc-affy, r-bioc-affyio, r-bioc-all, r-bioc-altcdfenvs, r-bioc-annotate, r-bioc-annotationdbi, r-bioc-annotationfilter, r-bioc-annotationhub, r-bioc-aroma.light, r-bioc-arrayexpress, r-bioc-ballgown, r-bioc-basilisk, r-bioc-basilisk.utils, r-bioc-beachmat, r-bioc-biobase, r-bioc-biocbaseutils, r-bioc-bioccheck, r-bioc-biocfilecache, r-bioc-biocgenerics, r-bioc-biocinstaller, r-bioc-biocio, r-bioc-biocneighbors, r-bioc-biocparallel, r-bioc-biocsingular, r-bioc-biocstyle, r-bioc-biocversion, r-bioc-biocviews, r-bioc-biomart, r-bioc-biomformat, r-bioc-biostrings, r-bioc-biovizbase, r-bioc-bitseq, r-bioc-bladderbatch, r-bioc-bluster, r-bioc-bsgenome, r-bioc-bsseq, r-bioc-chemminer, r-bioc-cner, r-bioc-complexheatmap, r-bioc-consensusclusterplus, r-bioc-ctc, r-bioc-cummerbund, r-bioc-dada2, r-bioc-decoupler, r-bioc-degnorm, r-bioc-degreport, r-bioc-delayedarray, r-bioc-delayedmatrixstats, r-bioc-demixt, r-bioc-densvis, r-bioc-deseq, r-bioc-deseq2, r-bioc-destiny, r-bioc-dexseq, r-bioc-dir.expiry, r-bioc-dirichletmultinomial, r-bioc-dnacopy, r-bioc-drimseq, r-bioc-dropletutils, r-bioc-dss, r-bioc-dupradar, r-bioc-ebseq, r-bioc-edaseq, r-bioc-edger, r-bioc-eir, r-bioc-ensembldb, r-bioc-experimenthub, r-bioc-fishpond, r-bioc-fmcsr, r-bioc-genefilter, r-bioc-genelendatabase, r-bioc-geneplotter, r-bioc-genomeinfodb, r-bioc-genomeinfodbdata, r-bioc-genomicalignments, r-bioc-genomicfeatures, r-bioc-genomicfiles, r-bioc-genomicranges, r-bioc-geoquery, r-bioc-ggbio, r-bioc-glmgampoi, r-bioc-go.db, r-bioc-gosemsim, r-bioc-goseq, r-bioc-graph, r-bioc-grohmm, r-bioc-gseabase, r-bioc-gsva, r-bioc-gviz, r-bioc-hdf5array, r-bioc-hilbertvis, r-bioc-hsmmsinglecell, r-bioc-htsfilter, r-bioc-hypergraph, r-bioc-ihw, r-bioc-impute, r-bioc-interactivedisplaybase, r-bioc-ioniser, r-bioc-iranges, r-bioc-isoformswitchanalyzer, r-bioc-keggrest, r-bioc-limma, r-bioc-lpsymphony, r-bioc-makecdfenv, r-bioc-matrixgenerics, r-bioc-megadepth, r-bioc-mergeomics, r-bioc-metagenomeseq, r-bioc-metapod, r-bioc-mofa, r-bioc-mofa2, r-bioc-monocle, r-bioc-multiassayexperiment, r-bioc-multtest, r-bioc-mutationalpatterns, r-bioc-nanostringqcpro, r-bioc-netsam, r-bioc-noiseq, r-bioc-oligo, r-bioc-oligoclasses,, r-bioc-organismdbi, r-bioc-pcamethods, r-bioc-pfamanalyzer, r-bioc-phyloseq, r-bioc-preprocesscore, r-bioc-protgenerics, r-bioc-purecn, r-bioc-pwmenrich, r-bioc-qtlizer, r-bioc-qusage, r-bioc-qvalue, r-bioc-rbgl, r-bioc-rcpi, r-bioc-residualmatrix, r-bioc-rgsepd, r-bioc-rhdf5, r-bioc-rhdf5filters, r-bioc-rhdf5lib, r-bioc-rhtslib, r-bioc-rots, r-bioc-rsamtools, r-bioc-rsubread, r-bioc-rtracklayer, r-bioc-rwikipathways, r-bioc-s4arrays, r-bioc-s4vectors, r-bioc-saturn, r-bioc-savr, r-bioc-scaledmatrix, r-bioc-scater, r-bioc-scran, r-bioc-scrnaseq, r-bioc-scuttle, r-bioc-seqlogo, r-bioc-shortread, r-bioc-singlecellexperiment, r-bioc-singler, r-bioc-snpstats, r-bioc-sparsematrixstats, r-bioc-stringdb, r-bioc-structuralvariantannotation, r-bioc-summarizedexperiment, r-bioc-sva, r-bioc-tcgabiolinks,, r-bioc-tfbstools, r-bioc-titancna, r-bioc-tximeta, r-bioc-tximport, r-bioc-tximportdata, r-bioc-variantannotation, r-bioc-wrench, r-bioc-xvector, r-bioc-zlibbioc, r-cran-actuar, r-cran-ade4, r-cran-adegenet, r-cran-adegraphics, r-cran-adephylo, r-cran-admisc, r-cran-aer, r-cran-afex, r-cran-airr, r-cran-alakazam, r-cran-amap, r-cran-amelia, r-cran-amore, r-cran-animation, r-cran-apcluster, r-cran-ape, r-cran-aplpack, r-cran-argparse, r-cran-argparser, r-cran-arm, r-cran-arsenal, r-cran-askpass, r-cran-assertive.base, r-cran-assertive.sets, r-cran-assertthat, r-cran-av, r-cran-aweek, r-cran-backports, r-cran-base64enc, r-cran-base64url, r-cran-batchjobs, r-cran-batchtools, r-cran-bayesfactor, r-cran-bayesfm, r-cran-bayesm, r-cran-bayesplot, r-cran-bayestestr, r-cran-bbmisc, r-cran-bbmle, r-cran-bdgraph, r-cran-bdsmatrix, r-cran-beeswarm, r-cran-bench, r-cran-benchmarkme, r-cran-benchmarkmedata, r-cran-bh, r-cran-biasedurn, r-cran-bibtex, r-cran-bigmemory, r-cran-bigmemory.sri, r-cran-bindr, r-cran-bindrcpp, r-cran-bio3d, r-cran-biocmanager, r-cran-bios2cor, r-cran-bit, r-cran-bit64, r-cran-bitops, r-cran-biwt, r-cran-blme, r-cran-blob, r-cran-blockmodeling, r-cran-bms, r-cran-bold, r-cran-bookdown, r-cran-boolnet, r-cran-bradleyterry2, r-cran-brew, r-cran-brglm, r-cran-brglm2, r-cran-bridgesampling, r-cran-brio, r-cran-brms, r-cran-brobdingnag, r-cran-broom, r-cran-broom.mixed, r-cran-bslib, r-cran-ca, r-cran-cachem, r-cran-caic4, r-cran-cairo, r-cran-calibrate, r-cran-calibratr, r-cran-callr, r-cran-cardata, r-cran-caret, r-cran-catools, r-cran-cba, r-cran-cellranger, r-cran-cgdsr, r-cran-checkmate, r-cran-chk, r-cran-circlize, r-cran-circular, r-cran-class, r-cran-classint, r-cran-cli, r-cran-cliapp, r-cran-clipr, r-cran-clisymbols, r-cran-clock, r-cran-clubsandwich, r-cran-clue, r-cran-clustergeneration, r-cran-cmdfun, r-cran-cmprsk, r-cran-cmstatr, r-cran-coarsedatatools, r-cran-coda, r-cran-coin, r-cran-collapse, r-cran-colorspace, r-cran-colourpicker, r-cran-combinat, r-cran-commonmark, r-cran-conditionz, r-cran-conflicted, r-cran-conquer, r-cran-contfrac, r-cran-conting, r-cran-corpcor, r-cran-corrplot, r-cran-covid19us, r-cran-covr, r-cran-cowplot, r-cran-cpp11, r-cran-crayon, r-cran-credentials, r-cran-crosstalk, r-cran-crul, r-cran-ctmcd, r-cran-cubature, r-cran-cubelyr, r-cran-curl, r-cran-cutpointr, r-cran-cvar, r-cran-cvst, r-cran-cyclocomp, r-cran-d3network, r-cran-data.table, r-cran-datawizard, r-cran-dbitest, r-cran-dbplyr, r-cran-dbscan, r-cran-ddalpha, r-cran-ddrtree, r-cran-deal, r-cran-decor, r-cran-deldir, r-cran-dendextend, r-cran-dendsort, r-cran-densityclust, r-cran-deoptim, r-cran-deoptimr, r-cran-desc, r-cran-desolve, r-cran-devtools, r-cran-dfoptim, r-cran-diagnosismed, r-cran-diagram, r-cran-dials, r-cran-dicedesign, r-cran-dichromat, r-cran-diffobj, r-cran-digest, r-cran-dimred, r-cran-diptest, r-cran-dirmult, r-cran-discriminer, r-cran-distory, r-cran-distributional, r-cran-docopt, r-cran-domc, r-cran-doparallel, r-cran-dorng, r-cran-dosefinding, r-cran-dosnow, r-cran-dotcall64, r-cran-downlit, r-cran-downloader, r-cran-dplyr, r-cran-dqrng, r-cran-drr, r-cran-dslabs, r-cran-dt, r-cran-dtplyr, r-cran-dygraphs, r-cran-dynamictreecut, r-cran-dynlm, r-cran-e1071, r-cran-eaf, r-cran-earth, r-cran-eco, r-cran-ecodist, r-cran-ecosolver, r-cran-effectsize, r-cran-egg, r-cran-ei, r-cran-eipack, r-cran-ellipse, r-cran-ellipsis, r-cran-elliptic, r-cran-emayili, r-cran-emdbook, r-cran-emmeans, r-cran-emoa, r-cran-energy, r-cran-enrichwith, r-cran-epi, r-cran-epibasix, r-cran-epicalc, r-cran-epiestim, r-cran-epir, r-cran-epitools, r-cran-erm, r-cran-estimability, r-cran-estimatr, r-cran-etm, r-cran-evaluate, r-cran-evd, r-cran-exactextractr, r-cran-exactranktests, r-cran-expint, r-cran-expm, r-cran-extradistr, r-cran-factoextra, r-cran-factominer, r-cran-fail, r-cran-fancova, r-cran-fansi, r-cran-farver, r-cran-fastcluster, r-cran-fastica, r-cran-fastmap, r-cran-fastmatch, r-cran-fauxpas, r-cran-fdrtool, r-cran-ff, r-cran-ffield, r-cran-fftw, r-cran-fields, r-cran-filehash, r-cran-filelock, r-cran-findpython, r-cran-fingerprint, r-cran-fit.models, r-cran-fitbitscraper, r-cran-fitcoach, r-cran-fitdistrplus, r-cran-flashclust, r-cran-flexmix, r-cran-flextable, r-cran-fnn, r-cran-fontawesome, r-cran-fontbitstreamvera, r-cran-fontliberation, r-cran-fontquiver, r-cran-forcats, r-cran-foreach, r-cran-forecast, r-cran-formatr, r-cran-formattable, r-cran-formula, r-cran-fpc, r-cran-fracdiff, r-cran-freetypeharfbuzz, r-cran-fs, r-cran-fts, r-cran-furrr, r-cran-futile.logger, r-cran-futile.options, r-cran-future, r-cran-future.apply, r-cran-future.batchtools,, r-cran-gam, r-cran-gamm4, r-cran-gargle, r-cran-gb2, r-cran-gbm, r-cran-gbrd, r-cran-gbutils, r-cran-gclus, r-cran-gdtools, r-cran-gee, r-cran-geepack, r-cran-genabel,, r-cran-generics, r-cran-genetics, r-cran-genie, r-cran-genieclust, r-cran-genoplotr, r-cran-geoknife, r-cran-geometry, r-cran-geosphere, r-cran-gert, r-cran-getopt, r-cran-getoptlong, r-cran-ggalluvial, r-cran-ggally, r-cran-gganimate, r-cran-ggbeeswarm, r-cran-ggdendro, r-cran-ggeffects, r-cran-ggforce, r-cran-ggfortify, r-cran-ggm, r-cran-ggplot.multistats, r-cran-ggplot2, r-cran-ggpubr, r-cran-ggraph, r-cran-ggrastr, r-cran-ggrepel, r-cran-ggridges, r-cran-ggsci, r-cran-ggseqlogo, r-cran-ggsignif, r-cran-ggtext, r-cran-ggthemes, r-cran-ggvis, r-cran-gh, r-cran-git2r, r-cran-gitcreds, r-cran-glasso, r-cran-glmmtmb, r-cran-glmnet, r-cran-globaloptions, r-cran-globals, r-cran-glue, r-cran-gmaps, r-cran-gmm, r-cran-gmp, r-cran-gnm, r-cran-goftest, r-cran-googledrive, r-cran-googlesheets4, r-cran-googlevis, r-cran-goplot, r-cran-gower, r-cran-gparotation, r-cran-gprofiler, r-cran-gprofiler2, r-cran-graphlayouts, r-cran-gridbase, r-cran-gridextra, r-cran-gridgraphics, r-cran-gridsvg, r-cran-gridtext, r-cran-grimport2, r-cran-gsa, r-cran-gsl, r-cran-gss, r-cran-gstat, r-cran-gsubfn, r-cran-gtable, r-cran-guerry, r-cran-gunifrac, r-cran-gwidgets, r-cran-gwidgetsrgtk2, r-cran-gwidgetstcltk, r-cran-haplo.stats, r-cran-hardhat, r-cran-hash, r-cran-haven, r-cran-hdf5, r-cran-hdf5r, r-cran-heatmaply, r-cran-here, r-cran-hexbin, r-cran-highr, r-cran-hms, r-cran-hsaur3, r-cran-htmltable, r-cran-htmltools, r-cran-htmlwidgets, r-cran-httpcode, r-cran-httpuv, r-cran-httr, r-cran-httr2, r-cran-huge, r-cran-hunspell, r-cran-hwriter, r-cran-hypergeo, r-cran-ica, r-cran-ids, r-cran-igraph, r-cran-incidence, r-cran-ini, r-cran-inline, r-cran-insight, r-cran-int64, r-cran-interp, r-cran-intervals, r-cran-inum, r-cran-ipred, r-cran-irace, r-cran-irdisplay, r-cran-irkernel, r-cran-irlba, r-cran-iso, r-cran-isoband, r-cran-isocodes, r-cran-isospecr, r-cran-isoweek, r-cran-iterators, r-cran-itertools, r-cran-janeaustenr, r-cran-jinjar, r-cran-jomo, r-cran-jpeg, r-cran-jquerylib, r-cran-jrc, r-cran-jsonld, r-cran-jsonlite, r-cran-kableextra, r-cran-kaos, r-cran-kedd, r-cran-kernelheaping, r-cran-kernlab, r-cran-keyring,, r-cran-kmi, r-cran-kmsurv, r-cran-knitr, r-cran-knn.covertree, r-cran-kohonen, r-cran-ks, r-cran-ksamples, r-cran-kutils, r-cran-labdsv, r-cran-labeling, r-cran-laeken, r-cran-lambda.r, r-cran-lamw, r-cran-lasso2, r-cran-later, r-cran-lava, r-cran-lavaan, r-cran-lavasearch2, r-cran-lazyeval, r-cran-lbfgsb3c, r-cran-leaps, r-cran-learnbayes, r-cran-leiden, r-cran-leidenbase, r-cran-lexrankr, r-cran-lhs, r-cran-libcoin, r-cran-lifecycle, r-cran-linprog, r-cran-lintr, r-cran-lisreltor, r-cran-listenv, r-cran-lmertest, r-cran-lobstr, r-cran-locfdr, r-cran-locfit, r-cran-logcondens, r-cran-logger, r-cran-logging, r-cran-logspline, r-cran-loo, r-cran-lpsolve, r-cran-lsd, r-cran-lsei, r-cran-lsmeans, r-cran-lubridate, r-cran-luminescence, r-cran-lwgeom, r-cran-m2r, r-cran-magic, r-cran-magick, r-cran-magrittr, r-cran-maldiquant, r-cran-maldiquantforeign, r-cran-manipulatewidgets, r-cran-maotai, r-cran-mapdata, r-cran-mapproj, r-cran-maps, r-cran-maptools, r-cran-maptree, r-cran-markdown, r-cran-markovchain, r-cran-mass, r-cran-matching, r-cran-matchit, r-cran-mathjaxr, r-cran-matlab, r-cran-matrixcalc, r-cran-matrixmodels, r-cran-matrixstats, r-cran-maxlik, r-cran-maxstat, r-cran-mclogit, r-cran-mclust, r-cran-mclustcomp, r-cran-mcmc, r-cran-mcmcpack, r-cran-mda, r-cran-medadherence, r-cran-mediana, r-cran-memisc, r-cran-memoise, r-cran-mertools, r-cran-metadat, r-cran-metafor, r-cran-metamix, r-cran-metap, r-cran-metrics, r-cran-mets, r-cran-mfilter, r-cran-mi, r-cran-mice, r-cran-mime, r-cran-minerva, r-cran-miniui, r-cran-minpack.lm, r-cran-minqa, r-cran-misctools, r-cran-mitml, r-cran-mitools, r-cran-mixsqp, r-cran-mixtools, r-cran-mlbench, r-cran-mlmetrics, r-cran-mlmrev, r-cran-mlr, r-cran-mnp, r-cran-mockery, r-cran-mockr, r-cran-modeest, r-cran-modeldata, r-cran-modelmetrics, r-cran-modelr, r-cran-modeltools, r-cran-mpoly, r-cran-msm, r-cran-multcompview, r-cran-multicool, r-cran-multicore, r-cran-multidimbio, r-cran-multilevel, r-cran-munsell, r-cran-mutoss, r-cran-mvnfast, r-cran-mvnormtest, r-cran-nanotime, r-cran-natserv, r-cran-ncdf4, r-cran-ncdfgeom, r-cran-ncmeta, r-cran-network, r-cran-nfactors, r-cran-nleqslv, r-cran-nloptr, r-cran-nlp, r-cran-nmf, r-cran-nnet, r-cran-nnls, r-cran-nortest, r-cran-nozzle.r1, r-cran-npsurv, r-cran-numderiv, r-cran-nws, r-cran-officer, r-cran-openmx, r-cran-openssl, r-cran-openxlsx, r-cran-optimalcutpoints, r-cran-optimparallel, r-cran-optimx, r-cran-optparse, r-cran-ordinal, r-cran-orthopolynom, r-cran-packrat, r-cran-palmerpenguins, r-cran-pammtools, r-cran-pan, r-cran-pander, r-cran-parallelly, r-cran-parallelmap, r-cran-parameters, r-cran-paramhelpers, r-cran-parmigene, r-cran-parsetools, r-cran-partitions, r-cran-party, r-cran-partykit, r-cran-patchwork, r-cran-pbapply, r-cran-pbdzmq, r-cran-pbivnorm, r-cran-pbkrtest, r-cran-pbmcapply, r-cran-pcapp, r-cran-pcict, r-cran-pdftools, r-cran-pec, r-cran-performance, r-cran-permute, r-cran-phangorn, r-cran-pheatmap, r-cran-phylobase, r-cran-phytools, r-cran-pillar, r-cran-pingr, r-cran-pixmap, r-cran-pkgbuild, r-cran-pkgcond, r-cran-pkgconfig, r-cran-pkgdown, r-cran-pkgkitten, r-cran-pkgload, r-cran-pkgmaker, r-cran-pki, r-cran-plm, r-cran-plogr, r-cran-plot3d, r-cran-plotly, r-cran-plotmo, r-cran-plotrix, r-cran-pls, r-cran-plumber, r-cran-plyr, r-cran-png, r-cran-poissonbinomial, r-cran-polyclip, r-cran-polycor, r-cran-polycub, r-cran-polynom, r-cran-poorman, r-cran-popepi, r-cran-posterior, r-cran-postlogic, r-cran-powerlaw, r-cran-prabclus, r-cran-pracma, r-cran-praise, r-cran-prediction, r-cran-prettycode, r-cran-prettyr, r-cran-prettyunits, r-cran-prevalence, r-cran-princurve, r-cran-proc, r-cran-processx, r-cran-prodlim, r-cran-profilemodel, r-cran-profmem, r-cran-profvis, r-cran-progress, r-cran-progressr, r-cran-projpred, r-cran-promises, r-cran-propclust, r-cran-prophet, r-cran-proto, r-cran-proxy, r-cran-ps, r-cran-pscbs, r-cran-pscl, r-cran-psy, r-cran-psych, r-cran-psychometric, r-cran-psychotools, r-cran-psychotree, r-cran-psychtools, r-cran-psyphy, r-cran-publish, r-cran-purrr, r-cran-purrrlyr, r-cran-purrrogress, r-cran-pvclust, r-cran-pwr, r-cran-pwt, r-cran-pwt8, r-cran-pwt9, r-cran-qap, r-cran-qgraph, r-cran-qlcmatrix, r-cran-qpdf, r-cran-qqman, r-cran-qtl, r-cran-quantmod, r-cran-quantreg, r-cran-qvcalc, r-cran-r.cache, r-cran-r.devices, r-cran-r.methodss3, r-cran-r.oo, r-cran-r.rsp, r-cran-r.utils, r-cran-r2d2, r-cran-r6, r-cran-ragg, r-cran-randomfields, r-cran-randomfieldsutils, r-cran-randomforest, r-cran-randomglm, r-cran-ranger, r-cran-rann, r-cran-rappdirs, r-cran-raschsampler, r-cran-raster, r-cran-ratelimitr, r-cran-rbibutils, r-cran-rcarb, r-cran-rcdk, r-cran-rcdklibs, r-cran-rcmdcheck, r-cran-rcmdrmisc, r-cran-rcppannoy, r-cran-rcpparmadillo, r-cran-rcppcctz, r-cran-rcppdate, r-cran-rcppdist, r-cran-rcppeigen, r-cran-rcppgsl, r-cran-rcpphnsw, r-cran-rcppml, r-cran-rcppmlpack, r-cran-rcppparallel, r-cran-rcppprogress, r-cran-rcpproll, r-cran-rcppspdlog, r-cran-rcpptoml, r-cran-rcsdp, r-cran-rcurl, r-cran-rdbnomics, r-cran-rdflib, r-cran-rdpack, r-cran-readbrukerflexdata, r-cran-readmzxmldata, r-cran-readr, r-cran-readstata13, r-cran-readxl, r-cran-recipes, r-cran-redland, r-cran-registry, r-cran-regsem, r-cran-relsurv, r-cran-rematch, r-cran-rematch2, r-cran-remotes, r-cran-rentrez, r-cran-renv, r-cran-repr, r-cran-reprex, r-cran-reshape, r-cran-reshape2, r-cran-restfulr, r-cran-reticulate, r-cran-rex, r-cran-rgdal, r-cran-rgenoud, r-cran-rgeos, r-cran-rglwidget, r-cran-rgooglemaps, r-cran-rhandsontable, r-cran-rinside, r-cran-rio, r-cran-riskregression, r-cran-ritis, r-cran-rjags, r-cran-rjson, r-cran-rlang, r-cran-rle, r-cran-rlinsolve, r-cran-rlist, r-cran-rlrsim, r-cran-rlumshiny, r-cran-rmarkdown, r-cran-rmpfr, r-cran-rms, r-cran-rmutil, r-cran-rnaturalearthdata, r-cran-rncl, r-cran-rneos, r-cran-rnetcdf, r-cran-rnexml, r-cran-rngtools, r-cran-rniftilib, r-cran-robumeta, r-cran-robust, r-cran-robustrankaggreg, r-cran-rockchalk, r-cran-rocr, r-cran-rook, r-cran-rose, r-cran-rotl, r-cran-roxygen2, r-cran-rpact, r-cran-rpf, r-cran-rpostgresql, r-cran-rprojroot, r-cran-rprotobuf, r-cran-rrcov, r-cran-rredlist, r-cran-rsample, r-cran-rsclient, r-cran-rsconnect, r-cran-rsdmx, r-cran-rsgcc, r-cran-rslurm, r-cran-rsolnp, r-cran-rspectra, r-cran-rsqlite, r-cran-rstan, r-cran-rstanarm, r-cran-rstantools, r-cran-rstatix, r-cran-rstudioapi, r-cran-rsvd, r-cran-rsvg, r-cran-rtdists, r-cran-rtsne, r-cran-rtweet, r-cran-runit, r-cran-rversions, r-cran-rvest, r-cran-rwave, r-cran-rwiener, r-cran-s2, r-cran-sampling, r-cran-samr, r-cran-sass, r-cran-satellite, r-cran-scales, r-cran-scatterd3, r-cran-scattermore, r-cran-scatterplot3d, r-cran-sctransform, r-cran-sdmtools, r-cran-segmented, r-cran-selectr, r-cran-sem, r-cran-semplot, r-cran-semtools, r-cran-sendmailr, r-cran-seqinr, r-cran-seriation, r-cran-seroincidence, r-cran-sessioninfo, r-cran-setrng, r-cran-sets, r-cran-seurat, r-cran-seuratobject, r-cran-sf, r-cran-sfsmisc, r-cran-sftime, r-cran-shades, r-cran-shape, r-cran-shapes, r-cran-shazam, r-cran-shiny, r-cran-shinybs, r-cran-shinycssloaders, r-cran-shinydashboard, r-cran-shinyfiles, r-cran-shinyjs, r-cran-shinystan, r-cran-shinythemes, r-cran-simplermarkdown, r-cran-sitmo, r-cran-sjlabelled, r-cran-sjmisc, r-cran-sjplot, r-cran-sjstats, r-cran-skimr, r-cran-slam, r-cran-slider, r-cran-smcfcs, r-cran-smoother, r-cran-sn, r-cran-sna, r-cran-snakecase, r-cran-snowballc, r-cran-snowfall, r-cran-sodium, r-cran-solrium, r-cran-sourcetools, r-cran-sp, r-cran-spacetime, r-cran-spam, r-cran-sparql, r-cran-sparr, r-cran-sparsem, r-cran-sparsesvd, r-cran-spatial, r-cran-spatialreg, r-cran-spatstat, r-cran-spatstat.core,, r-cran-spatstat.explore, r-cran-spatstat.geom, r-cran-spatstat.linnet, r-cran-spatstat.model, r-cran-spatstat.sparse, r-cran-spatstat.utils, r-cran-spc, r-cran-spdata, r-cran-spdep, r-cran-spdl, r-cran-spelling, r-cran-splines2, r-cran-spp, r-cran-sqldf, r-cran-squarem, r-cran-stable, r-cran-stabledist, r-cran-stablelearner, r-cran-stanheaders, r-cran-stars, r-cran-statcheck, r-cran-statip, r-cran-statmod, r-cran-statnet.common, r-cran-stringdist, r-cran-stringi, r-cran-stringr, r-cran-suppdists, r-cran-surveillance, r-cran-survey, r-cran-survminer, r-cran-survmisc, r-cran-susier, r-cran-svglite, r-cran-svmisc, r-cran-svunit, r-cran-swagger, r-cran-sys, r-cran-systemfit, r-cran-systemfonts, r-cran-taxize, r-cran-tcltk2, r-cran-tcr, r-cran-teachingdemos, r-cran-tensor, r-cran-tensora, r-cran-testextra, r-cran-testit, r-cran-testthat, r-cran-textshaping, r-cran-tfisher, r-cran-tfmpvalue, r-cran-tgp,, r-cran-thematic, r-cran-themis, r-cran-threejs, r-cran-tibble, r-cran-tidygraph, r-cran-tidyr, r-cran-tidyselect, r-cran-tidytext, r-cran-tidyverse, r-cran-tiff, r-cran-tigger, r-cran-tikzdevice, r-cran-timechange, r-cran-timedate, r-cran-timereg, r-cran-timeseries, r-cran-tinytest, r-cran-tinytex, r-cran-tm, r-cran-tmb, r-cran-tmvnsim, r-cran-tmvtnorm, r-cran-tokenizers, r-cran-transformr, r-cran-treescape, r-cran-treespace, r-cran-triebeard, r-cran-trimcluster, r-cran-truncdist, r-cran-truncnorm, r-cran-tsne, r-cran-tsp, r-cran-ttr, r-cran-tufte, r-cran-tweenr, r-cran-tzdb, r-cran-ucminf, r-cran-udunits2, r-cran-unbalanced, r-cran-uniqtag, r-cran-unitizer, r-cran-units, r-cran-upsetr, r-cran-urlchecker, r-cran-urltools, r-cran-uroot, r-cran-usethis, r-cran-utf8, r-cran-uuid, r-cran-uwot, r-cran-v8, r-cran-vcd, r-cran-vcdextra, r-cran-vcr, r-cran-vctrs, r-cran-vdiffr, r-cran-vegan, r-cran-venndiagram, r-cran-vgam, r-cran-vim, r-cran-vioplot, r-cran-vipor, r-cran-viridis, r-cran-viridislite, r-cran-vroom, r-cran-waldo, r-cran-warp, r-cran-waveslim, r-cran-wavethresh, r-cran-wdi, r-cran-webfakes, r-cran-webgestaltr, r-cran-webmockr, r-cran-webshot, r-cran-webutils, r-cran-wgcna, r-cran-whatif, r-cran-whisker, r-cran-whoami, r-cran-wikidataqueryservicer, r-cran-wikidatar, r-cran-wikipedir, r-cran-wikitaxa, r-cran-withr, r-cran-wk, r-cran-wkutils, r-cran-wordcloud, r-cran-worrms, r-cran-xfun, r-cran-xml, r-cran-xml2, r-cran-xmlparsedata, r-cran-xopen, r-cran-xslt, r-cran-xtable, r-cran-xts, r-cran-yaml, r-cran-zeallot, r-cran-zelig, r-cran-zeligchoice, r-cran-zeligei, r-cran-zeligverse, r-cran-zip, r-omegahat-xmlrpc, r-other-amsmercury, r-other-ascat, r-other-chbutils, r-other-curvefdp, r-other-disgenet2r, r-other-iwrlars, r-other-kcha-psiplot, r-other-mott-happy, r-other-nitpick, r-other-rajewsky-dropbead, r-other-wasabi, r-other-x4r, r-zoo, rcmdr, rcolorbrewer, rcpp, relimp, rggobi, rgl, rglpk, rgtk2, rjava, rkward, rmatrix, rmpi, rmysql, robustbase, rodbc, rpart, rquantlib, rserve, rsprng, rsymphony, sandwich, scatterplot3d, sm, snow, strucchange, survival, tkrplot, tseries, urca, zelig |
nondeterminstic todo identifiers in documentation generated by doxygen | 778753 | 1257 | 5 | apt, asl, dbus, iceoryx, mptcpd |
bin sh is bash | 764676 | 1905 | 19 | comedilib, dragonfly-reverb, gcc-arm-none-eabi, gcc-xtensa-lx106, gkrellm-leds, gradle-kotlin-dsl, icu, jackd2, klayout, kuttypy, libzstd, lynx, mdnsd, monkeystudio, mpich, open-build-service, pygopherd, resource-agents, savi |
graphviz nondeterministic output | 725468 | 2209 | 17 | alsa-lib, clustalo, code-saturne, coinor-dylp, coinor-osi, coinor-vol, coinutils, ekg2, girara, givaro, gsoap, janus, libevdev, proj, refcard, sailcut, taglib |
blacklisted on jenkins armhf only | 720120 | 2938 | 56 | acl2, agda, ceph, chromium, chromium-browser, commons-math3, cthreadpool, dbus-cpp, doc-linux-fr, docbook-defguide, eclipse, eclipse-wtp, eigen3, firefox, firefox-esr, flang, freedict, gcc-mingw-w64, gcc-snapshot, ghc, gromacs, groovy, haskell-gi-gtk, julia, libreoffice, linux, llvm-toolchain-11, llvm-toolchain-3.7, llvm-toolchain-3.8, llvm-toolchain-3.9, llvm-toolchain-4.0, llvm-toolchain-9, llvm-toolchain-snapshot, mame, mlton, nbdkit, openfoam, openjdk-11, openstructure, openturns, openvswitch, paperwork, polymake, pypy, python3.9, qt4-x11, qtwebengine-opensource-src, quantlib, rustc, sagemath, scala, seqan2, tomcat8, ufoai-maps, unidic-mecab, woo |
randomness in qdoc | 709553 | 3000 | 17 | qbs, qt3d-opensource-src, qtbase-opensource-src, qtconnectivity-opensource-src, qtdeclarative-opensource-src, qtlocation-opensource-src, qtmultimedia-opensource-src, qtnetworkauth-everywhere-src, qtscript-opensource-src, qtscxml-everywhere-src, qtsensors-opensource-src, qtserialport-opensource-src, qtsvg-opensource-src, qttools-opensource-src, qtwebsockets-opensource-src, qtx11extras-opensource-src, qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src |
different encoding in html by docbook xsl | 603684 | 1758 | 13 | adcli, comedilib, confuse, libpqxx, libx11, nted, plplot, realmd, sdl-stretch, synaptic, systemtap, tidy-html5, wayland |
captures build path | 600791 | 2881 | 115 | amora-server, amp, aspectj, atitvout, autoconf2.59, banshee, ben, bibclean, bibledit-gtk, boolstuff, boost1.81, buddy, cctbx, cduce, clisp, comedilib, coq, dacs, dballe, docky, doxygen, eclipse-cdt-pkg-config, efl, emboss, esdl, eso-midas, fftw, fsharp, geant321, geomview, getdp, getfem++, ghc, ghc-testsuite, gnome-sharp2, gnome-video-arcade, goldendict-webengine, grass, grub2, gtk-gnutella, gtk-sharp2, hmmer, hyperestraier, hyperic-sigar, icu4j-4.2, injeqt, iotjs, jabref, jskeus, juman, lam, libcoyotl, libevocosm, libforms, libguestfs, libhdate, libical, libnb-platform18-java, librostlab, libsdl-console, libswe, lifelines, linuxcnc, logol, lout, mac-fdisk, madness, manila, marionnet, mayavi2, mclibs, mdnsd, mona, mono, mono-basic, msp430-libc, namazu2, ne10, neovim, oclgrind, openmolar, paraview, pcp, pebl, pegasus-wms, pforth, php-finder-facade, php7.3, plplot, polyml, postgresql-9.6, pymvpa2, python3.9, qtquickcontrols-opensource-src, quantlib, r-base, sbcl, senlin, simstring, sketch, skytools3, slime, smuxi, spark, statsmodels, swish-e, telepathy-python, unicon, visp, vlc, warzone2100, witty, woo, xmlcopyeditor, xorp |
timestamps in pdf generated by apache fop | 578563 | 1336 | 15 | doc-linux-fr, drbd-doc, erlang, gnucash-docs, gpsbabel, pam, pegasus-wms, publican, scons, scons-doc, treeview, x11proto-core, xmlformat, xmlstarlet, xorg-docs |
sphinxdoc translations | 576653 | 3229 | 90 | aiomysql, apbs, autosuspend, bleak, buildbot, cglm, colorzero, consfigurator, cookiecutter, coreboot, dasbus, davix, dbus-python, diceware, dolfin, fastd, ffcx, fpyutils, fsspec, glances, inkscape-textext, isbg, libgnatcoll-db, libixion, liborcus, libtemplates-parser, libxmlada, md-toc, mdanalysis, nose2, numba, onetbb, opendrop, pgloader, propka, pycairo, pycares, pycoast, pycryptodome, pyftdi, pysph, pytest-mock, python-attrs, python-bytecode, python-clevercsv, python-coverage, python-django-constance, python-django-crispy-forms-foundation, python-django-mptt, python-django-pgschemas, python-django-pint, python-django-postgres-extra, python-djangorestframework-simplejwt, python-doc8, python-drf-spectacular, python-duniterpy, python-freesasa, python-git, python-gsd, python-headerparser, python-hexbytes, python-ilorest, python-josepy, python-lark, python-matrix-nio, python-mmcif-pdbx, python-mrcfile, python-os-faults, python-psutil, python-pyftpdlib, python-pygit2, python-pyluach, python-pyqtgraph, python-semantic-version, python-telegram-bot, python-telethon, python-trio-websocket, python-xsdata, qstylizer, rpyc, sardana, satpy, sphinx-autoapi, sphinx-copybutton, sphinx-panels, sqlite-utils, streamlink, todoman, tweepy, twine |
random order in static libraries | 565324 | 2748 | 38 | biosig4c++, bobcat, bulletml, clhep, coin3, coinor-cgl, coinor-ipopt, dico, exiv2, gcl, judy, lam, leveldb, libept, libf2c2, libowfat, librcsb-core-wrapper, libtommath, libvterm, libwibble, mapnik, mupdf, newlib, o3dgc, opencv, pbseqlib, pdal, python3.12, smlnj, spooles, swish-e, syrthes, tcl8.5, tcl8.6, tk8.5, tk8.6, wcslib, yaml-cpp0.3 |
build dir in tags generated by doxygen | 552312 | 2381 | 20 | freecontact, gutenprint, ignition-math, ignition-physics, ignition-utils, jpeg-xl, kactivities-kf5, kauth, kcalcore, kconfigwidgets, kcoreaddons, kfilemetadata-kf5, kiconthemes, klatexformula, kpackage, libzypp, litl, ogre-1.12, simbody, vlfeat |
random order in tarball | 538057 | 1627 | 18 | binutils, binutils-m68hc1x, bio-eagle, bsh, curry-libs, curry-tools, dahdi-linux, dogecoin, fastforward, fdroidserver, maildirsync, module-assistant, ndiswrapper, pulseaudio, qbittorrent, sawfish, wily, xorg-server |
paths vary due to usrmerge | 513675 | 1926 | 33 | advi, afterstep, atf, buddy, comedilib, emboss, fapolicyd, gcc-arm-none-eabi, gcc-mingw-w64, gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf, gcc-sh-elf, gcc-xtensa-lx106, gnunet, imagemagick, lcm, libforms, libsdl-console, libsx, lirc, mahimahi, manderlbot, mdnsd, mpich, net-snmp, node-undici, ns2, php7.4, php8.2, simstring, snapper, sonivox, sundials, zeekctl |
user hostname manually added requiring further investigation | 492512 | 1711 | 47 | alljoyn-core-1504, alljoyn-core-1509, alljoyn-core-1604, bibclean, broccoli, clisp, ecl, eclipse-titan, eso-midas, freewnn, galax, geomview, getdp, getfem++, gmsh, grub2, icinga2, lam, librep, macaulay2, madness, manila, namazu2, ncbi-igblast, netrek-client-cow, netsurf, omake, openjdk-8-jre-dcevm, petsc, php7.0, php7.4, python-qtconsole, r-base, remote-tty, ripmime, sbcl, senlin, silo-llnl, sipxtapi, slof, smlnj, sphinxsearch, squeak-vm, user-mode-linux, vlc, xindy, xorp |
test suite logs | 487676 | 1627 | 14 | apbs, binutils, binutils-mipsen, cxref, gcc-10, gcc-11, gcc-12, gcc-13, gdb, kallisto, php7.4, php8.2, posixtestsuite, python-parse-type |
blacklisted on jenkins | 423305 | 2424 | 52 | acl2, ben, calligra, cherrytree, codelite, cvc4, gcc-10, gcc-10-cross-ports, gcc-11, gcc-11-cross-ports, gcc-12, gcc-12-cross-ports, gcc-13, gcc-13-cross-ports, gcc-6, gcc-7, gcc-8, gcc-9, gcc-9-cross-ports, gcc-snapshot, gmsh, golang-github-azure-azure-sdk-for-go, gr-dab, grammalecte, itksnap, lazarus, libstdc++-arm-none-eabi, magics++, mongodb, mono, mpqc3, navarp, ocaml-dune, octave, opa-ff, openblas, openjfx, paraview, pgocaml, psi4, qgis, scipy, telegram-desktop, thunderbird, trilinos, vtk6, vtk7, vtk9, webkitgtk, wine, wpewebkit, yade |
nondeterministic devhelp documentation generated by gtk doc | 401900 | 993 | 4 | gdk-pixbuf, menu-cache, telepathy-spec, upower |
fonts in pdf files | 385297 | 2234 | 54 | ask, asymptote, avr-libc, bacula-doc, cafeobj, canl-c, code-saturne, cxxtest, debmake-doc, dune-common, dune-localfunctions, enblend-enfuse, firehol, flann, form, galax, gdcm, gl2ps, gnubg, gnustep-make, gprolog, graphviz, kannel-sqlbox, kicad, libtheora, libtommath, libu2f-host, libu2f-server, live-manual, logidee-tools, manderlbot, minlog, mpich, mrpt, mxallowd, nordugrid-arc-doc, ocaml-atd, pasdoc, paw, pmw, python-escript, python-pcs, rheolef, sollya, soundscaperenderer, systemtap, tcode, topal, ufoai, urweb, weka, winff, yacas, yosys |
absolute build dir in docs generated by doxygen ref | 374020 | 1702 | 33 | actor-framework, basix, box2d, davix, dolfin, fenics-dolfinx, gfal2, gtsam, isospec, ldns, libdbusmenu-qt, libevdev, libnjb, libquicktime, libsdl2-gfx, lime, lirc, nlohmann-json3, ohcount, openjph, pcl, qpid-proton, sdbus-cpp, seqan-needle, silly, tiny-dnn, tntdb, vips, visp, volk, wxwidgets3.0, xenium, zipios++ |
ftbfs due to f-file-prefix-map | 352903 | 1731 | 20 | chromium, firmware-microbit-micropython, fuzzylite, grantlee5, ignition-common, kalarmcal, kcodecs, kdeclarative, knotifications, kookbook, kparts, libkgapi, llvm-toolchain-9, massif-visualizer, okteta, python-kubernetes, scram, seqan, seqan2, tellico |
randomness in objects inv | 345516 | 2512 | 78 | cbor2, cglm, consfigurator, copyq, cppy, cvxopt, enlighten, factory-boy, fenics-ffcx, ffcx, fpyutils, gdspy, glances, inkscape-textext, lava-server, liborcus, libserial, logzero, mailman3, mathjax-docs, md-toc, mopidy, mpi4py-fft, mutagen, opendrop, openshot-qt, pikepdf, postorius, pyftdi, pygccjit, pymatgen, pymodbus, pyqt5, pyserial-asyncio, pysoundfile, pytest-qt, pytest-regressions, python-aioamqp, python-attrs, python-cleo, python-cssselect2, python-django-crispy-forms, python-drf-spectacular, python-dtcwt, python-dugong, python-duniterpy, python-flask-cors, python-guacamole, python-ilorest, python-josepy, python-lark, python-libevdev, python-matrix-nio, python-midiutil, python-periphery, python-psutil, python-pykka, python-pyluach, python-ruffus, python-semantic-version, python-telegram-bot, python-tinycss2, python-twitter, python-webvtt, python-whoosh, python-xmlschema, pytools, quart, scapy, snakemake, stressant, subuser, terminaltables, todoman, twine, xpore, yoyo, zarr |
random hashes in cython output | 331457 | 1569 | 38 | bitshuffle, brltty, cyvcf2, dipy, dolfin, fenics-dolfinx, fiona, fpylll, frozenlist, gensim, indexed-gzip, libgpuarray, lxml, macs, music, opendht, py-stringmatching, pydoctor, pynx, python-av, python-cython-blis, python-djvulibre, python-iow, python-pcl, python-pomegranate, python-pysam, python-pyspike, python-suitesparse-graphblas, python-thinc, rdma-core, scikit-fmm, scikit-learn, sfepy, twisted, xmms2, xraylib, yarl, yt |
build dir in documentation generated by doxygen | 309216 | 1613 | 39 | arrayfire, asl, bitz-server, box2d, cmocka, csound, dolfinx, elastix, geographiclib, gmerlin-avdecoder, gr-soapy, ignition-plugin, imath, libcereal, libdshconfig, libgadu, libopencsd, libopenshot-audio, libpwiz, librtr, libsdl2-gfx, libusermetrics, libzeep, lirc, lomiri, lomiri-indicator-network, netcdf-fortran, nlohmann-json3, pcl, presage, qtspell, range-v3, seqan3, sofia-sip, toulbar2, wxwidgets3.0, xalan, xenium, xorg-gtest |
build path in direct url json file generated by flit | 305409 | 900 | 11 | cockpit, flit, glgrib, jeepney, libselinux, poliastro, python-confuse, python-hashids, python-mediafile, selinux-python, typer |
ftbfs in jenkins setup | 279016 | 546 | 4 | debian-installer, debian-installer-netboot-images, openssl, ruby2.7 |
timestamps in manpages generated by rst2man | 275193 | 606 | 7 | bind9, git-hub, lift, rgain, salt, syncevolution, zathura |
captures kernel variant | 263068 | 2398 | 48 | angelfish, ausweisapp2, deepin-image-viewer, epm, fairy-stockfish, fcitx5-configtool, foot, hydrogen, jtdx, kdevelop-pg-qt, kdewebkit, keepassx, keepassxc, kjots, kmymoney, kronometer, krusader, ktechlab, libkf5kexiv2, lokalize, lomiri-camera-app, lomiri-docviewer-app, monado, osdsh, pentobi, photoqt, poxml, procmail, proj, pynx, python-psycopg2cffi, qabcs, qmapshack, qqc2-desktop-style, qt6-5compat, qt6-connectivity, qt6-declarative, qt6-multimedia, qt6-quick3d, quassel, rsibreak, sayonara, shotcut, sweeper, toppic, vrfy, wireshark, zfp |
pdf id varying due to build path | 259505 | 1110 | 32 | angband, avrdude, backup-manager, cysignals, debomatic, dh-kpatches, gap-alnuth, gap-atlasrep, gap-ctbllib, gap-float, gap-gapdoc, gap-grape, gap-guava, gap-io, gap-laguna, gap-openmath, gap-polycyclic, gap-radiroot, gap-scscp, gap-tomlib, gmt, impressive-display, jigsaw-generator, latex2rtf, latexdiff, owncloud-client, python-biopython, python-pymzml, qevercloud, shared-mime-info, turnin-ng, ubuntu-packaging-guide |
random order in md5sums | 259425 | 938 | 29 | bglibs, cgoban, cvm, daemontools, dot-forward, dput, ipsvd, liblockfile, libranlip, lrzsz, magicfilter, mailfront, minicom, netqmail, pachi, qmail-run, qmail-tools, rockdodger, runit, skalibs, socklog, tinydyndns, twoftpd, ucspi-proxy, ucspi-unix, uruk, wmpuzzle, wmweather, wmwork |
captures kernel version via CMAKE SYSTEM | 247882 | 863 | 16 | biboumi, brewtarget, ectrans, fckit, fiat-ecmwf, gatb-core, intel-mediasdk, itksnap, libcec, librabbitmq, minia, paraview, pgrouting, vtk7, xdmf, xtpcpp |
nondeterministic ordering in deprecated items collected by doxygen | 208695 | 456 | 1 | json-c |
build path in qdoc | 191988 | 1145 | 9 | lomiri-download-manager, qtconnectivity-opensource-src, qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src, qtnetworkauth-everywhere-src, qtremoteobjects-everywhere-src, qtscript-opensource-src, qtsensors-opensource-src, qtvirtualkeyboard-opensource-src, qtwebsockets-opensource-src |
cryptographic signature | 164633 | 405 | 1 | nss |
different due to umask | 160859 | 1214 | 41 | asterisk-prompt-fr-armelle, asterisk-prompt-fr-proformatique, avr-libc, bareos, bidiui, blockattack, cinder, condor, debian-installer, epix, flowscan, fs-uae, gcc-avr, gcc-h8300-hms, gcc-m68hc1x, gcc-msp430, gcl, gnu-smalltalk, gtk-sharp2, klone, libapache2-mod-ruid2, libguestfs, libinnodb, libphp-jpgraph, linux86, live-manual, maint-guide, mountpy, msp430-libc, newtonsoft-json, nunit, pairs, pcp, python-escript, ruby-pygments.rb, sweethome3d-furniture, uclibc, valgrind, vlc, warzone2100, zotero-standalone-build |
randomness in documentation generated by epydoc | 160546 | 492 | 11 | cherrypy3, dbus-python, esys-particle, kiwi, ldaptor, moap, python-csb, python-openid, python-rtslib-fb, skytools3, sumo |
pdf created by ghostscript | 158047 | 894 | 19 | altree, aspic, autoconf, bacula-doc, enblend-enfuse, glosstex, gnuplot, gprolog, graphviz, londonlaw, lprng-doc, nasm, octave-communications, paexec, pecomato, proxy-suite, sbcl, scheme9, snort |
randomness in binaries generated by golang | 150796 | 2109 | 229 | age, alertmanager-irc-relay, amfora, aws-nuke, balloon, bettercap, bombadillo, browserpass, burrow, c2go, cadvisor, canid, certspotter, clipman, cloudsql-proxy, cobra-cli, codesearch, containerd, debiman, debos, deck, delve, direnv, easygen, efm-langserver, elvish, emd, etcd, fcitx5-bamboo, fdroidcl, fever, ffcvt, ffuf, fq, fscrypt, g10k, garagemq, gdu, ggd-utils, gh, gifwrap, git-lfs, gitaly, gitbatch, gitbrute, gitlab-shell, go-cpe-dictionary, go-cve-dictionary, go-dep, go-exploitdb, go-gir-generator, go-md2man-v2, go-mmproxy, go-qrcode, go-rpmdb, go-sendxmpp, gobuster, gocc, gojq, golang-android-soong, golang-bindata, golang-github-alecthomas-chroma, golang-github-alecthomas-chroma-v2, golang-github-anacrolix-dms, golang-github-avast-apkverifier, golang-github-axgle-mahonia, golang-github-aymerick-douceur, golang-github-benbjohnson-tmpl, golang-github-bmatsuo-lmdb-go, golang-github-calmh-xdr, golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite, golang-github-charmbracelet-bubbletea, golang-github-cheekybits-genny, golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter, golang-github-containernetworking-plugins, golang-github-containers-dnsname, golang-github-containers-toolbox, golang-github-coreos-discovery-etcd-io, golang-github-dataence-porter2, golang-github-dcso-bloom, golang-github-dnstap-golang-dnstap, golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers, golang-github-emersion-go-msgauth, golang-github-evanw-esbuild, golang-github-francoispqt-gojay, golang-github-geertjohan-go.rice, golang-github-go-debos-fakemachine, golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector, golang-github-golang-jwt-jwt, golang-github-golang-mock, golang-github-google-blueprint, golang-github-google-wire, golang-github-gucumber-gucumber, golang-github-hhatto-gorst, golang-github-influxdata-yarpc, golang-github-jhillyerd-enmime, golang-github-mailru-easyjson, golang-github-micromdm-scep, golang-github-mmcloughlin-avo, golang-github-mozillazg-go-pinyin, golang-github-muka-go-bluetooth, golang-github-nicksnyder-go-i18n, golang-github-niklasfasching-go-org, golang-github-odeke-em-cli-spinner, golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder, golang-github-pelletier-go-toml, golang-github-pires-go-proxyproto, golang-github-pointlander-peg, golang-github-pquerna-ffjson, golang-github-rakyll-statik, golang-github-rogpeppe-go-internal, golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate, golang-github-segmentio-ksuid, golang-github-smallstep-truststore, golang-github-traefik-yaegi, golang-github-ugorji-go-codec, golang-github-varlink-go, golang-github-vbatts-tar-split, golang-github-vincent-petithory-dataurl, golang-github-vmware-govmomi, golang-github-xo-terminfo, golang-github-yosssi-ace, golang-golang-x-exp, golang-golang-x-vuln, golang-google-protobuf, golang-goprotobuf, golang-gvisor-gvisor, golang-honnef-go-tools, golang-k8s-kube-openapi, golang-mvdan-sh, golang-pault-go-ykpiv, golang-petname, golint, google-cloud-print-connector, gopass, gortr, gosop, gotestsum, govarnam, goxkcdpwgen, gsort, hellfire, hjson-go, hugo-mx-gateway, icingadb, ignition, ipp-usb, irtt, jid, jp, json2file-go, kcptun, kel-agent, kubecolor, kubernetes-split-yaml, kxd, lf, libpod, lltsv, lumin, lxd, mender-cli, micro, mirrorbits, mkcert, mockery, molly-brown, morty, nats-server, ncbi-entrez-direct, nextcloud-spreed-signaling, nncp, obs-cli, oci-image-tools, opensmtpd-filter-rspamd, panicparse, pat, pebble, piuparts, pk4, pollen, prometheus, prometheus-apache-exporter, prometheus-bind-exporter, prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter, prometheus-exporter-exporter, prometheus-frr-exporter, prometheus-hacluster-exporter, prometheus-ipmi-exporter, prometheus-libvirt-exporter, prometheus-mqtt-exporter, prometheus-nginx-exporter, prometheus-redis-exporter, prometheus-smokeping-prober, prometheus-snmp-exporter, prometheus-sql-exporter, prometheus-squid-exporter, prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter, pt-websocket, pup, restic, riseup-vpn, rootlesskit, seqkit, shadowsocks-v2ray-plugin, singularity-container, skeema, skopeo, snowflake, sshesame, terminews, termshark, textql, tml, tty-record, tty-share, unikmer, vcfanno, victoriametrics, vip-manager, vip-manager2, websocketd, wireguard-go, wuzz, xmpp-dns, xq, yggdrasil, ymuse, yubihsm-connector |
timestamps from cpp macros | 149307 | 756 | 14 | bareos, calligra, condor, gcl, mongodb, nco, paraview, pike7.8, squeak-vm, virtuoso-opensource, vlc, wine, wine-development, yap |
randomness in icc colour profiles | 143801 | 379 | 1 | colord |
diffoscope runs forever | 143715 | 1327 | 29 | calligra, codelite, cvc4, gcc-13, gcc-6-cross, gcc-6-cross-ports, gmsh, gr-dab, itksnap, lazarus, libstdc++-arm-none-eabi, magics++, mongodb, mono, mpqc3, navarp, octave, opa-ff, openblas, paraview, psi4, qgis, thunderbird, trilinos, vtk6, vtk9, webkitgtk, wine, yade |
random order in python environment pickle | 140700 | 649 | 17 | davix, ironic, manila, mayavi2, morse-simulator, paramiko, pebl, py-postgresql, pycairo, pygccxml, pyregion, python-cogent, python-openstackdocstheme, python-oslo.utils, python-pyaudio, qiime, senlin |
translations missing due to intltool merge | 132693 | 364 | 1 | totem |
users and groups in tarball | 129040 | 540 | 8 | epix, gcc-m68hc1x, klone, mono, pcp, python-escript, uclibc, vlc |
random order of pdf ids generated by latex | 117419 | 393 | 7 | bibtool, boxbackup, gap-sonata, latex-mk, libsrtp2, octave-odepkg, secilc |
unsorted file glob by cmake | 115291 | 354 | 2 | intel-mediasdk, wpewebkit |
timestamps in qhc | 111742 | 642 | 7 | kcmutils, kf6-extra-cmake-modules, octave, pyside6, qtdoc-opensource-src, qtquickcontrols-opensource-src, u1db-qt |
build path in index files generated by qdoc | 111062 | 429 | 3 | qtcreator, qtdatavis3d-everywhere-src, qtwayland-opensource-src |
unsorted cache file by vlc-cache-gen | 107592 | 328 | 1 | vlc |
random order generated by stateless iterators in lua | 106819 | 326 | 1 | texlive-bin |
portable executable strong name varies | 102725 | 377 | 3 | gio-sharp, keepass2, libayatana-appindicator |
build path used to determine version or package name | 98353 | 319 | 2 | accountsservice, httpcomponents-client5 |
nondeterministic ordering in guile binaries | 96776 | 524 | 10 | guile-2.2, guile-3.0, guile-gcrypt, guile-git, guile-lib, guile-lzlib, guile-zlib, guile-zstd, guix, nyacc |
build path in header generated by glib genmarshal | 94402 | 307 | 1 | evolution |
nondetermistic js output from webpack | 92185 | 427 | 6 | node-cbor, node-clipboard, node-istanbul, node-react-highlight-words, node-react-highlighter, node-react-paginate |
random order in java jar manifest mf | 88421 | 1029 | 22 | apache-directory-jdbm, assertj-core, commons-dbcp2, epubcheck, freehep-io, guacamole-client, hawtdispatch, httpcomponents-client, istack-commons, jackson-core, jackson-databind, jackson-dataformat-xml, jackson-jaxrs-providers, jackson-module-jaxb-annotations, jaxb-api, libjdo-api-java, libjdom1-java, libjdom2-java, libxalan2-java, r-cran-lambda.r, testng, xmlstreambuffer |
timestamp in documentation using sphinx zzzeeksphinx theme | 79095 | 344 | 2 | mako, sqlalchemy |
captures varying number of build path directory components | 78864 | 1132 | 61 | astropy-regions, astroscrappy, cyvcf2, ipywidgets, leaflet-image, less.js, libgpuarray, lomiri-notifications, lumino, node-axios, node-babel7, node-brotli-size, node-buble, node-cross-fetch, node-dagre-d3-renderer, node-dagre-layout, node-emotion, node-es6-promise, node-expat, node-fuzzaldrin-plus, node-iconv, node-jest, node-jschardet, node-jsonld, node-libpq, node-magic-string, node-matrix-js-sdk, node-mermaid, node-modern-syslog, node-node-forge, node-node-sass, node-opencv, node-prop-types, node-rdf-canonize, node-re2, node-rollup, node-shiny-server, node-srs, node-tippex, node-typestyle, node-uri-js, node-url-parse, node-vscode-lsp, node-webfont, node-websocket, node-with, node-zipfile, node-zrender, photutils, phpmyadmin, pymatgen, python-pomegranate, python-pyspike, qtmir, qutip, rainloop, twitter-bootstrap4, uim, vue.js, yt, zfp |
timestamps in pdf generated by latex | 72059 | 878 | 31 | abinit, ask, atlas, axiom, cafeobj, debian-history, firehol, frown, galax, gdcm, gmsh, gnat-gps, gnubg, grace, kannel-sqlbox, kicad, libaws, libforms, liblog4ada, libu2f-host, mxallowd, nordugrid-arc-doc, nwchem, oaklisp, ocamlviz, octave, python-pcs, sketch, systemtap, topal, vkd3d |
dynstr section longer by two bytes which are NULs | 69243 | 604 | 19 | armnn, cppad, deepin-album, dsdcc, faudio, ilmbase, kdb, kissfft, libfreesrp, mosquitto, okular, osmo-fl2k, powercap, qdmr, shasta, smb4k, stlink, sword, tcmu |
filesystem order in java jar manifest mf include resource | 68508 | 546 | 6 | libcommons-codec-java, libcommons-compress-java, libcommons-jexl2-java, libcommons-jxpath-java, libcommons-lang3-java, libcommons-net-java |
user in documentation generated by gsdoc | 60864 | 307 | 4 | dbuskit, gnustep-base, gnustep-dl2, gnustep-gui |
uids gids in tarballs generated by cmake kde package app templates | 58146 | 241 | 1 | kirigami2 |
golang compiler captures build path in binary | 55312 | 1300 | 114 | abci, acmetool, aerc, amazon-ecr-credential-helper, aptly, arduino-builder, autodeb, badger, boohu, chasquid, consul, consulfs, continuity, coyim, debug-me, dh-make-golang, dnscrypt-proxy, dnss, docker-registry, etcd-fs, ethflux, fuji, fzf, gb, git-sizer, gitlab, gitlab-workhorse, go-mtpfs, go-wire, gobgp, gocryptfs, goiardi, gokey, golang-1.11, golang-ginkgo, golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo, golang-github-appc-docker2aci, golang-github-appc-spec, golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl, golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober, golang-github-containers-buildah, golang-github-containers-storage, golang-github-eknkc-amber, golang-github-fernet-fernet-go, golang-github-google-cel-go, golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-grpc-gateway, golang-github-hashicorp-serf, golang-github-influxdata-tail, golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact, golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec, golang-github-pires-go-proxyproto, golang-github-sebest-xff, golang-github-smallstep-certificates, golang-github-spf13-cobra, golang-github-tdewolff-minify, golang-github-tinylib-msgp, golang-github-xenolf-lego, golang-github-xordataexchange-crypt, golang-glide, golang-gogoprotobuf, golang-gogottrpc, golang-golang-x-tools, gost, gosu, goval-dictionary, govendor, gron, hcloud-cli, heartbleeder, hub, hugo, influxdb, jp, kxd, merkleeyes, minica, mongo-tools, mtail, ncbi-entrez-direct, nebula, obfs4proxy, packer, paxrat, pluginhook, pollen, prometheus-alertmanager, prometheus-bird-exporter, prometheus-blackbox-exporter, prometheus-haproxy-exporter, prometheus-mailexporter, prometheus-mongodb-exporter, prometheus-mysqld-exporter, prometheus-node-exporter, prometheus-process-exporter, prometheus-pushgateway, prometheus-snmp-exporter, prometheus-varnish-exporter, ratt, rclone, reflex, reposurgeon, robustirc-bridge, runc, secsipidx, sia, skydns, slinkwatch, stenographer, syncthing, toxiproxy, umoci, vuls, webhook, winrmcp |
captures build dir in qmake prl files | 53484 | 231 | 2 | qtav, qtwebengine-opensource-src |
lxqt translate desktop binary file matched under certain locales | 52309 | 509 | 6 | liblxqt, lxqt-about, lxqt-admin, lxqt-common, lxqt-notificationd, lxqt-powermanagement |
kodi package captures build path in source filename hash | 50281 | 988 | 68 | bibletime, bustools, cg3, chemps2, darktable, dynarmic, encfs, igraph, innoextract, kodi-audiodecoder-fluidsynth, kodi-audiodecoder-openmpt, kodi-audiodecoder-sidplay, kodi-audioencoder-flac, kodi-audioencoder-lame, kodi-audioencoder-vorbis, kodi-audioencoder-wav, kodi-imagedecoder-heif, kodi-imagedecoder-raw, kodi-inputstream-adaptive, kodi-inputstream-ffmpegdirect, kodi-inputstream-rtmp, kodi-peripheral-joystick, kodi-peripheral-xarcade, kodi-pvr-argustv, kodi-pvr-dvblink, kodi-pvr-dvbviewer, kodi-pvr-filmon, kodi-pvr-hdhomerun, kodi-pvr-hts, kodi-pvr-iptvsimple, kodi-pvr-mediaportal-tvserver, kodi-pvr-mythtv, kodi-pvr-nextpvr, kodi-pvr-njoy, kodi-pvr-octonet, kodi-pvr-pctv, kodi-pvr-sledovanitv-cz, kodi-pvr-stalker, kodi-pvr-teleboy, kodi-pvr-vbox, kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsi, kodi-pvr-vuplus, kodi-pvr-waipu, kodi-pvr-wmc, kodi-pvr-zattoo, kodi-screensaver-asteroids, kodi-screensaver-biogenesis, kodi-screensaver-greynetic, kodi-screensaver-pingpong, kodi-screensaver-pyro, kodi-screensaver-shadertoy, kodi-vfs-libarchive, kodi-vfs-sftp, kodi-visualization-fishbmc, kodi-visualization-pictureit, kodi-visualization-shadertoy, kodi-visualization-spectrum, kodi-visualization-waveform, mir, nextpnr, open3d, openttd, qhull, qt6-remoteobjects, simgrid, solvespace, target-factory, transfuse |
timestamps in rcc files generated by rcc | 33603 | 239 | 4 | breeze-icons, dxf2gcode, gcompris-qt, subdownloader |
captures users gecos | 33145 | 426 | 13 | axiom, bacula-doc, eclipse-titan, fonts-fantasque-sans, fonts-sipa-arundina, gnuplot, latex-cjk-chinese-arphic, latex2html, pasdoc, petsc, php7.0, scalable-cyrfonts, starjava-ttools |
random order in plexus components xml | 31684 | 316 | 7 | doxia, doxia-sitetools, maven, maven-shared-jar, plexus-i18n, wagon, wagon2 |
timestamps in pe binaries | 31526 | 452 | 29 | bareftp, docky, fsharp, gdata-sharp, gnome-do, gnome-sharp2, gtk-sharp2, hexbox, libnb-platform18-java, log4net, mono, mono-addins, mono-basic, mono-reference-assemblies, mono-upnp, mono-zeroconf, monodevelop, newtonsoft-json, nunit, openmcdf, opentk, pdfmod, quickroute-gps, sdb, smuxi, sysinfo, taoframework, tasque, yahtzeesharp |
ocaml captures build path | 30226 | 1294 | 174 | apron, belenios, ben, cairo-ocaml, camlidl, camlimages, camljava, camlp4, camlpdf, camlzip, camomile, cmdliner, coinst, cppo, cryptgps, dochelp, dune, easy-format, facile, findlib, guestfs-tools, haxe, js-of-ocaml, jsonm, kalzium, lablgl, lablgtk3, lambda-term, libguestfs, libnbd, liquidsoap, lwt-log, lwt-ssl, mcl, menhir, misery, mlgmp, morbig, mysql-ocaml, obus, ocaml-afl-persistent, ocaml-alsa, ocaml-angstrom, ocaml-ansi-terminal, ocaml-astring, ocaml-atd, ocaml-augeas, ocaml-base64, ocaml-batteries, ocaml-benchmark, ocaml-bigarray-compat, ocaml-bitstring, ocaml-cairo2, ocaml-charinfo-width, ocaml-cpu, ocaml-cry, ocaml-csv, ocaml-ctypes, ocaml-data-notation, ocaml-dbus, ocaml-deriving-ocsigen, ocaml-domain-name, ocaml-dssi, ocaml-dtools, ocaml-dune, ocaml-duppy, ocaml-estring, ocaml-expat, ocaml-expect, ocaml-extunix, ocaml-faad, ocaml-ffmpeg, ocaml-fileutils, ocaml-flac, ocaml-fmt, ocaml-frei0r, ocaml-gen, ocaml-gettext, ocaml-graphics, ocaml-gstreamer, ocaml-inifiles, ocaml-inotify, ocaml-ipaddr, ocaml-lame, ocaml-lastfm, ocaml-libvirt, ocaml-lo, ocaml-luv, ocaml-merlin, ocaml-migrate-parsetree, ocaml-mm, ocaml-mmap, ocaml-mtime, ocaml-num, ocaml-ogg, ocaml-opus, ocaml-parsexp, ocaml-portaudio, ocaml-ptime, ocaml-ptmap, ocaml-pulseaudio, ocaml-qtest, ocaml-re, ocaml-reins, ocaml-res, ocaml-rope, ocaml-samplerate, ocaml-sedlex, ocaml-shine, ocaml-soundtouch, ocaml-speex, ocaml-sqlexpr, ocaml-sqlite3, ocaml-ssl, ocaml-stdcompat, ocaml-taglib, ocaml-text, ocaml-theora, ocaml-time-now, ocaml-trie, ocaml-unix-errno, ocaml-usb, ocaml-visitors, ocaml-voaacenc, ocaml-vorbis, ocaml-xmlplaylist, ocamlagrep, ocamlcreal, ocamldap, ocamlgsl, ocamlify, ocamlmod, ocamlnet, ocamlpam, ocamlsdl, ocp-indent, ocplib-endian, ocplib-simplex, ocsigenserver, ohcount, omake, orpie, pagodacf, parmap, pcre-ocaml, perl4caml, pplacer, ppx-derivers, ppx-deriving, ppx-expect, ppx-optcomp, ppx-tools, ppx-tools-versioned, prooftree, pxp, ragel, react, reactivedata, syslog-ocaml, type-conv, unison, unison-2.51+4.11.1, unison-2.51+4.13.1, uuidm, virt-top, virt-v2v, why3, wyrd, xml-light, xstr, xstrp4, yojson, zed, zeroinstall-injector |
randomness in frozenset representations in sphinx | 29724 | 236 | 5 | glance, keystone, pymongo, python-jsonschema, python-tooz |
gfortran mod captures build path | 29439 | 243 | 9 | eccodes, flexpart, flextra, grib-api, hdf5, libcgns, magics++, odb-api, sparskit |
build path in code generated by dgbus codegen | 29319 | 171 | 1 | xapp |
random order in javahelper manifest files | 29292 | 171 | 1 | xml-commons-external |
different encoding | 29008 | 410 | 15 | avr-libc, broccoli, doc-linux-fr, emboss, fftw, gmetrics, libnb-platform18-java, oolite, petsc, posixtestsuite, qt4-x11, r-base, scala, topal, zotero-standalone-build |
randomness in ocaml cmti files | 28694 | 248 | 13 | js-of-ocaml, lablgtk2, llvm-toolchain-14, mcl, ocaml-angstrom, ocaml-atd, ocaml-containers, ocaml-mew, ocaml-odoc, ocaml-xmlplaylist, ocsipersist, ppx-sexp-conv, typerep |
randomness in postgres opcodes | 28017 | 310 | 40 | bgw-replstatus, extra-window-functions, ip4r, jsquery, llvm-toolchain-14, pg-auto-failover, pg-dirtyread, pg-fact-loader, pg-failover-slots, pg-rage-terminator, pg-rational, pg-show-plans, pg-similarity, pg-snakeoil, pg-squeeze, pgaudit-1.7, pgauditlogtofile, pgfincore, pgl-ddl-deploy, pglogical, pglogical-ticker, pgpcre, pgsql-asn1oid, pgsql-ogr-fdw, pldebugger, plprofiler, postgresql-11, postgresql-13, postgresql-debversion, postgresql-mysql-fdw, postgresql-numeral, postgresql-periods, postgresql-plproxy, postgresql-q3c, postgresql-unit, rdkit, repmgr, tablelog, toastinfo, wal2json |
texi2html captures users gecos | 26927 | 374 | 14 | apron, bbdb, flex-old, gnugo, grub, ilisp, indent, jacal, libforms, python-xlib, scm, texi2html, twittering-mode, zlibc |
user in java jar manifest | 26794 | 348 | 17 | antelope, core-specs-alpha-clojure, emma-coverage, freetts, gant, guacamole-client, hsqldb1.8.0, jakarta-jmeter, jclic, jruby, junit5, kdgcommons-java, leiningen-clojure, libskinlf-java, lucene-solr, lucene4.10, writer2latex |
timestamps in tarball | 25942 | 233 | 5 | epix, libguestfs, mono, styx, uclibc |
timestamps in zip | 25222 | 307 | 7 | fs-uae, gtk-sharp2, h2database, jsxgraph, live-manual, mono, sweethome3d-furniture |
random order in documentation generated by naturaldocs | 24689 | 212 | 3 | augeas, libfann, openlayers |
build path in files generated by qdbusxml2cpp | 23283 | 152 | 1 | libkf5pimcommon |
timestamps in gzip headers | 22879 | 347 | 17 | aolserver4, debian-zh-faq, flowscan, lam, linux86, netqmail, netsurf, ooolib-perl, p3scan, pcp, pyntor, qmail-run, qmail-tools, r-base, rabbitmq-server, userv, xemacs21 |
random temporary filenames embedded by mesonpy | 22612 | 194 | 5 | beancount, contourpy, python-rtmidi, scikit-misc, ueberzug |
timestamps in manpages generated by latex2man | 21624 | 147 | 1 | pstoedit |
randomness in binaries generated by ruby mkmf | 19243 | 138 | 1 | rrdtool |
timestamps in manpages added by golang go flags | 18965 | 137 | 1 | snapd |
lessc nondeterministic keys | 17121 | 130 | 1 | twitter-bootstrap3 |
random order in sisu javax inject named | 15476 | 124 | 2 | eclipse-aether, maven |
captures kernel version | 14560 | 415 | 26 | dacs, ecl, emoslib, g15daemon, geomview, grace, k3d, marionnet, ncbi-blast+, ncbi-igblast, newtonsoft-json, nunit, ocamlbricks, odc, petsc, php7.0, php7.4, pike7.8, posixtestsuite, pympress, python2.7, ripmime, sphinxsearch, squeak-vm, virtuoso-opensource, xorp |
python shebang and dependency nondeterministically 3 or 3 point 5 | 14436 | 158 | 2 | cclib, python-xlrd |
timestamps in manpages added by golang cobra | 13823 | 149 | 2 |, hugo |
timestamps in manpages generated by help2man | 13517 | 116 | 4 | blcr, freeture, gnu-smalltalk, r-base |
href links mangled by node marked | 13435 | 115 | 1 | npm |
buildpath in postgres opcodes | 13136 | 124 | 2 | postgresql-15, rdkit |
timestamps in ps generated by dvips | 12808 | 380 | 25 | apt-dpkg-ref, debian-history, debian-zh-faq, dejagnu, doc-linux-fr, epix, esys-particle, fdutils, geomview, giac, gri, lout, mclibs, muttprint, nbibtex, noweb,, psicode, slime, smlnj, spooles, texworks-manual, userv, wmii-doc, yaws |
rollup embeds build path | 12164 | 142 | 4 | node-chroma-js, node-deepmerge, node-js-yaml, node-pako |
haskell abi hash differences | 11468 | 547 | 47 | haskell-adjunctions, haskell-attoparsec, haskell-authenticate-oauth, haskell-boomerang, haskell-butcher, haskell-chart, haskell-cipher-aes, haskell-comonad, haskell-czipwith, haskell-dav, haskell-filtrable, haskell-gi-gdkpixbuf, haskell-gi-gdkx11, haskell-gi-gobject, haskell-gi-pango, haskell-gi-vte, haskell-happstack-authenticate, haskell-hsopenssl, haskell-http-api-data, haskell-juicypixels, haskell-keys, haskell-language-c, haskell-microstache, haskell-mono-traversable, haskell-monoid-subclasses, haskell-network, haskell-openglraw, haskell-pandoc-types, haskell-parallel, haskell-path, haskell-persistent, haskell-profunctors, haskell-semirings, haskell-shakespeare, haskell-shelly, haskell-sop-core, haskell-src-meta, haskell-template-haskell-compat-v0208, haskell-tls, haskell-typed-process, haskell-wai-extra, haskell-xml-conduit, haskell-yesod, haskell-yesod-auth, haskell-yesod-auth-hashdb, haskell-yesod-test, xmonad-contrib |
fortran captures build path | 10151 | 277 | 15 | casacore, fckit, getdp, itsol, mitlm, mopac, oasis3, packmol, petsc, pftools, pvm, scalapack, siconos, sundials, wsjtx |
timestamp in fonts generated by opentype | 10052 | 321 | 11 | fonts-cns11643, fonts-courier-prime, fonts-meera-inimai, fonts-smc-anjalioldlipi, fonts-smc-chilanka, fonts-smc-karumbi, fonts-smc-manjari, fonts-smc-meera, fonts-smc-rachana, fonts-smc-raghumalayalamsans, fonts-smc-suruma |
nondeterminism added by pyqt5 pyrcc5 | 9954 | 151 | 6 | electrum, freecad, kexi, mnemosyne, pyacidobasic, reportbug-ng |
timestamp in enc files added by texlive fontinst | 9095 | 95 | 1 | cjk |
varying mtimes in data tar gz or control tar gz | 7933 | 89 | 2 | libguestfs, libscout |
ftbfs uninvestigated test failures | 7924 | 115 | 6 | custodia, golang-github-hashicorp-yamux, python-futurist, python-gammu, slt, symfony |
nondeterministic ordering in todo items collected by doxygen | 7890 | 88 | 1 | libcamera |
timezones manpages podman | 7780 | 92 | 2 | doxygen, juman |
randomness in browserify lite output | 7642 | 135 | 6 | groovebasin, libjs-webrtc-adapter, node-lolex, node-qs, node-xterm, should.js |
timestamps in static libraries | 7473 | 118 | 3 | gcc-avr, gcc-bpf, linux86 |
randomness in documentation generated by mkdocs | 7345 | 85 | 1 | python-mkdocs |
timestamps in javascript generated by node grunt banner | 7006 | 94 | 2 | jquery-tablesorter, searx |
timestamps in pdf content | 6886 | 143 | 5 | cxxtest, live-manual, maint-guide, pfstools, slime |
build path captured by octave | 6636 | 384 | 28 | octave-audio, octave-control, octave-database, octave-dicom, octave-fits, octave-general, octave-geometry, octave-gsl, octave-image-acquisition, octave-instrument-control, octave-interval, octave-io, octave-level-set, octave-ltfat, octave-miscellaneous, octave-msh, octave-nan, octave-netcdf, octave-optim, octave-optiminterp, octave-quaternion, octave-secs2d, octave-signal, octave-stk, octave-struct, octave-vibes, octave-video, octave-zeromq |
timestamps in epub | 6294 | 123 | 5 | cxxtest, debian-history, live-manual, maint-guide, publican |
fontforge resets modification time | 5913 | 148 | 7 | cardo, fonts-beteckna, fonts-fantasque-sans, fonts-sipa-arundina, fonts-smc-karumbi, scalable-cyrfonts, ttf-freefont |
build time embedded by fontforge | 5790 | 204 | 9 | fonts-allerta, fonts-arundina, fonts-gamaliel, fonts-karmilla, fonts-rit-sundar, fonts-smc-dyuthi, fonts-smc-keraleeyam, fonts-smc-uroob, triod-postnaja |
timestamps embedded in manpages by scdoc | 5747 | 117 | 3 | grim, scdoc, slurp |
python versioneer uses parentdir | 5628 | 109 | 3 | dask, llvmlite, python-limits |
usr lib debug dotdwz dir inherits build user | 5479 | 109 | 4 | 389-ds-base, lighttpd, powerman, reproject |
build path in include graphs generated by doxygen | 5449 | 104 | 2 | combblas, sofia-sip |
buildpath in binaries generated by d compiler ldc | 5426 | 146 | 12 | appstream-generator, dcontainers, diet-ng, gir-to-d, glib-d, gtk-d, ldc, libbiod, libundead, mir-core, mustache-d, tilix |
clilibs line order | 5251 | 143 | 11 | boogie, cecil-flowanalysis, dafny, db4o, de4dot, gdata-sharp, gtk-sharp-beans, gtk-sharp2, mono-debugger-libs, opentk, sdb |
date added to pom properties by felix bundleplugin | 5164 | 203 | 19 | classmate, compress-lzf, felix-osgi-obr, felix-scr, geronimo-jacc-1.1-spec, geronimo-jcache-1.0-spec, jackrabbit, java-sdp-api, jug, libjettison-java, libmbassador-java, libmdock-java, librdfa-java, libstax2-api-java, mqtt-client, spatial4j, spatial4j-0.4, swagger-core, wss4j |
timestamps in jar | 5120 | 217 | 17 | bidiui, biogenesis, clojure, closure-compiler, eclipse, h2database, hyperestraier, idm-console-framework, jabref, jaminid, leiningen-clojure, lucene-solr, mathpiper, pegasus-wms, plplot, sisc, writer2latex |
copyright year in documentation generated by sphinx | 4965 | 113 | 5 | cython, knot, pyexiv2, python-simpy3, uncertainties |
nondeterministic defaults in documentation generated by python traitlets | 4913 | 70 | 1 | nbconvert |
timestamps in pdf generated by libreoffice | 4692 | 95 | 3 | esnacc, gpredict, parallel |
randomness in dh cligacpolicy scripts | 4550 | 79 | 2 | gdata-sharp, gtk-sharp2 |
random argument handling in javatools jh build | 4412 | 66 | 1 | jssc |
random uuid in notebooks generated by nbsphinx | 4384 | 84 | 4 | bmtk, jupyter-notebook, pyswarms, python-hdf5plugin |
build path captured by valac | 4170 | 103 | 3 | cairo-dock-plug-ins, geary, timeshift |
timestamps in cmake | 3873 | 142 | 7 | fceux, flightgear, gatb-core, insighttoolkit5, pgrouting, shotcut, wxmaxima |
timestamps in dvi generated by latex | 3770 | 155 | 12 | apt-dpkg-ref, axiom, bibclean, fdutils, freefem3d, gnuift, gri, hol88, muttprint, noweb, sgf2dg, texworks-manual |
timestamps in documentation generated by groovydoc | 3703 | 64 | 2 | gmetrics, groovy |
leaks path environment variable | 3545 | 103 | 8 | comedilib, gearmand, libcoyotl, mona, nipy, pakcs, petsc, php7.0 |
timestamps in preamble generated by node package preamble | 3341 | 173 | 9 | node-d3-axis, node-d3-brush, node-d3-chord, node-d3-collection, node-d3-color, node-d3-dispatch, node-d3-drag, node-d3-ease, node-d3-force |
randomness in fonts created by fontcustom | 2968 | 54 | 1 | fonts-fork-awesome |
apxs captures build path | 2857 | 107 | 8 | apache-upload-progress-module, libapache-mod-evasive, libapache-mod-log-sql, libapache2-mod-auth-plain, libapache2-mod-authn-yolo, libapache2-mod-authn-yubikey, libapache2-mod-authz-unixgroup, libapache2-mod-python |
timestamps in documentation generated by org mode | 2823 | 136 | 11 | citar, consult-el, elpa-transient, embark, ghub-el, hkl, magit, magit-forge-el, marginalia, orderless, vertico |
captures build path in r rdb rds databases | 2822 | 111 | 9 | r-bioc-progeny, r-cran-amap, r-cran-distr, r-cran-qqconf, r-cran-r2html, r-cran-sampling, r-cran-spatstat.random, r-cran-startupmsg, r-cran-terra |
captures home dir | 2727 | 52 | 3 | gnuift, petsc, php7.0 |
python-ply compiled parse tables | 2589 | 63 | 2 | python-phply, xonsh |
built by-in java manifest mf | 2588 | 90 | 4 | hdrhistogram, jiconfont, jiconfont-font-awesome, jiconfont-swing |
nondeterministic java bytecode | 2505 | 140 | 12 | c3p0, clojure, ganymed-ssh2, graxxia, hikaricp, jpathwatch, latexdraw, netty-3.9, openjpa, relaxngcc, scala-parser-combinators, taglibs-standard |
timestamp in java bnd manifest | 2453 | 68 | 3 | freeplane, lucene4.10, pegasus-wms |
randomness in fontconfig uuid files | 2422 | 49 | 1 | openscad |
python sphinx gallery adds timing to output | 2367 | 91 | 5 | lmfit-py, navarp, pydicom, skimage, sphinx-gallery |
timestamps in manpages generated by docbook xsl | 2358 | 71 | 5 | comedilib, doc-linux-fr, freerdp, scons, yash |
dpkg-dev extracts origtgz with bad permissions | 2350 | 48 | 2 | musescore-snapshot, musescore3 |
uid and gid in cmake-generated pkzip | 2350 | 48 | 2 | musescore-snapshot, musescore3 |
timestamp in info file created by makeinfo | 2343 | 78 | 4 | automake-1.15, automake1.11, slime, with-editor |
timestamps in 3d files created by survex | 2234 | 53 | 2 | grass, therion |
randomness in documentation indices generated by sphinx | 2233 | 89 | 5 | flycheck, libiio, plainbox, python-asyncssh, pyx3 |
timestamps in documentation generated by doxygen | 2202 | 59 | 3 | boost1.81, efl, vtk7 |
build path in typelib files generated by gir compiler | 2198 | 46 | 1 | granite |
unknown ada issue | 2187 | 117 | 19 | adacontrol, ahven, anet, dbusada, dh-ada-library, giac, gnat-gps, gprbuild, libalog, libaunit, libaws, libflorist, libgnatcoll, libgtkada, libncursesada, libxmlada, libxmlezout, polyorb, whitakers-words |
captures environment in sphinx autodoc | 1887 | 95 | 7 | astroplan, pathos, patroni, python-rcon, python-x2go, rdflib, xonsh |
randomness in python changelog references | 1792 | 42 | 1 | alembic |
umask in java jar file | 1790 | 50 | 2 | libxmpcore-java, tools-nrepl-clojure |
randomness in c files generated by extutils parsexs | 1777 | 65 | 3 | libmemcached-libmemcached-perl, libwx-perl, slic3r |
timestamps in description files generated by r-base-dev | 1762 | 67 | 3 | r-cran-lambda.r, r-cran-rsdmx, r-cran-teachingdemos |
timestamps in source generated by rcc | 1753 | 68 | 3 | autokey, dxf2gcode, webcamoid |
randomness in documentation generated by lua ldoc | 1574 | 39 | 1 | awesome |
timestamps in png | 1476 | 67 | 5 | gbrowse, gri, muttprint, netsurf, qrfcview |
randomness in html generated by texi2html | 1392 | 60 | 4 | ilisp, latex2html, maria, scm |
bundle name in java manifest mf | 1390 | 37 | 1 | tomcat9 |
python-ply lextokens | 1360 | 36 | 1 | astropy |
berkeley db variation requiring further investigation | 1279 | 35 | 2 | libpinyin, libzhuyin |
randomness in perl6 precompiled libraries | 1274 | 158 | 21 | perl6-zef, prove6, raku-file-find, raku-file-which, raku-getopt-long, raku-hash-merge, raku-json-class, raku-json-fast, raku-json-marshal, raku-json-name, raku-json-optin, raku-json-unmarshal, raku-librarycheck, raku-license-spdx, raku-log, raku-meta6, raku-readline, raku-tap-harness, raku-test-meta, raku-uri, raku-zef |
captures build arch via ecbuild | 1257 | 89 | 8 | atlas-ecmwf, eccodes, eckit, emoslib, fdb, metkit, metview, odc |
captures kernel version via ecbuild | 1257 | 89 | 8 | atlas-ecmwf, eccodes, eckit, emoslib, fdb, metkit, metview, odc |
records build flags from ecbuild | 1257 | 89 | 8 | atlas-ecmwf, eccodes, eckit, emoslib, fdb, metkit, metview, odc |
timestamps in h generated by ecbuild | 1257 | 89 | 8 | atlas-ecmwf, eccodes, eckit, emoslib, fdb, metkit, metview, odc |
embeds build data via node preamble | 1229 | 60 | 3 | node-d3, node-d3-queue, node-d3-scale |
buildpath in binaries generated by d compiler gdc | 1208 | 113 | 11 | a7xpg, gunroar, ii-esu, mu-cade, parsec47, projectl, sambamba, tatan, titanion, tumiki-fighters, val-and-rick |
timestamps in tex documents | 1198 | 55 | 4 | dballe, sagetex, sdpb, yade |
random xspp identifier by extutils xspp | 1157 | 34 | 1 | libwx-perl |
timestamps in documentation generated by texi2html | 1137 | 33 | 1 | fftw |
cython captures build path | 1117 | 42 | 3 | pyfai, sagemath, spark |
jekyll site time timestamp | 1109 | 33 | 1 | node-mocha |
nondeterministic output generated by moarvm | 1032 | 45 | 2 | nqp, rakudo |
build date in manpage generated by spf13 cobra | 1007 | 33 | 2 | balboa, caddy |
timestamps in documentation generated by sphinx | 990 | 31 | 1 | sagemath |
python module embeds build path in empty dirs | 972 | 43 | 2 | pyphen, python-installer |
nondeterminism in files generated by rime deployer | 946 | 80 | 12 | brise, rime-array, rime-ipa, rime-luna-pinyin, rime-middle-chinese, rime-pinyin-simp, rime-quick, rime-scj, rime-soutzoe, rime-stroke, rime-terra-pinyin, rime-wugniu |
different pot creation date in gettext po or pot files | 938 | 46 | 3 | gnome-shell-extension-caffeine, gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast, vdr-plugin-markad |
randomness in fat lto objects | 882 | 55 | 5 | chealpix, chemps2, dpdk, healpix-cxx, python2.7 |
captures build path via quicktest h qml | 870 | 35 | 2 | content-hub, pyotherside |
nondeterministic output from uglifyjs | 743 | 30 | 3 | html2canvas, moment-timezone.js, node-fuzzaldrin-plus |
nondeterministic versioned dependency on libadns | 728 | 31 | 3 | apachetop, lyskom-server, mailfromd |
timestamps in documentation generated by javadoc | 707 | 26 | 2 | jaminid, writer2latex |
randomness in binaries generated by d compiler gdc | 702 | 26 | 1 | onedrive |
randomness in ocaml custom executables | 695 | 43 | 4 | haxe, hevea, nss-passwords, ocaml-stdio |
build path in mip files generated by irafcl | 692 | 36 | 2 | iraf, wcstools |
timestamps in maven version files | 665 | 25 | 1 | scala |
build path captured by pyuic5 | 614 | 45 | 4 | dxf2gcode, nfs-ganesha, openmotor, tortoisehg |
nondeterminstic order of pkgconfig dependencies generated by meson | 579 | 24 | 1 | neatvnc |
ocaml dune captures build path | 564 | 84 | 26 | bin-prot, lwt, morsmall, ocaml-alcotest, ocaml-ao, ocaml-bigstringaf, ocaml-bjack, ocaml-ca-certs, ocaml-conduit, ocaml-csexp, ocaml-duration, ocaml-gmap, ocaml-ladspa, ocaml-mad, ocaml-magic-mime, ocaml-mirage-crypto, ocaml-uri, ocsipersist, optcomp, pa-ounit, ppx-deriving-yojson, ppxfind, ppxlib, pyml, tyxml, variantslib |
nondeterministic order of debhelper snippets added by dh fortran mod | 536 | 49 | 5 | atlas-ecmwf, fckit, healpix-fortran, kim-api, odc |
build path in line annotations added by ruby ragel | 507 | 22 | 1 | ruby-regexp-parser |
timestamps in dictionaries | 481 | 21 | 2 | dict-bouvier, dict-gcide |
timestamps in h generated by qdbusxml2cpp | 474 | 21 | 1 | dde-qt-dbus-factory |
serial numbers in ogg | 462 | 29 | 2 | colobot, minetest-mod-xdecor |
libtool captures shell build-flags build-path path-env | 438 | 30 | 6 | fastx-toolkit, jool, libcoyotl, libevocosm, libhdate, mona |
nondeterministic gtk icon cache | 430 | 20 | 1 | balsa |
png generated by plantuml captures kernel version and builddate | 425 | 26 | 2 | autosuspend, paperwork |
cflags recorded in ada ali files | 366 | 29 | 3 | adasockets, gprbuild, libxmlada |
randomness in svg generated by matplotlib | 364 | 26 | 2 | astroplan, python-ase |
captures build path in beam cma cmt files | 360 | 21 | 2 | erlang-ranch, esdl |
build path captured by rust | 347 | 42 | 6 | lintian-brush, matrix-synapse, precious, rsass, rust-sequoia-keyring-linter, sccache |
help2man puts traceback in generated man page | 309 | 22 | 2 | plip, python-schema-salad |
ghc captures build path via tempdir | 304 | 17 | 2 | git-repair, github-backup |
randomness in ocaml provides | 298 | 30 | 5 | labltk, mlpost, ocamlbricks, ocamlgraph, pgocaml |
timestamps in documentation generated by pandoc | 288 | 16 | 1 | firehol |
buildpath in binaries generated by ada compiler | 283 | 29 | 5 | adabrowse, alire, asis, dh-ada-library, gprbuild |
timestamps manually added needs further investigation | 265 | 21 | 2 | casacore-data-igrf, logol |
ada gprbuild gcc records temp paths | 263 | 27 | 6 | ahven, anet, dbusada, libalog, phcpack, whitakers-words |
sphinx htmlhelp readdir sensitive | 253 | 24 | 4 | pgadmin3, plastex, pyqi, pyxplot |
timestamps added by librime | 244 | 21 | 3 | rime-bopomofo, rime-combo-pinyin, rime-double-pinyin |
timestamps in allegro dat files | 240 | 15 | 1 | liquidwar |
build path captured by nim | 237 | 22 | 3 | hts-nim-tools, mosdepth, nim |
captures build path via haskell adddependentfile | 232 | 15 | 2 | curry-frontend, haskell-hledger |
randomness in t3g files generated tslmendian | 232 | 15 | 1 | open-gram |
timestamp in tables generated by casacore measuresdata | 227 | 15 | 1 | casacore-data-jplde |
randomness in ids generated by org-html-publish-to-html | 216 | 14 | 1 | yasnippet |
timezone variance because of automake mdate | 208 | 14 | 1 | automake1.11 |
randomness in pdf2htmlex html output | 204 | 14 | 1 | clips |
mono mastersummary xml files inherit filesystem ordering | 198 | 16 | 2 | hyena, taglib-sharp |
random order in ibus table createdb output | 183 | 25 | 4 | ibus-libzhuyin, ibus-table-chinese, ibus-table-extraphrase, ibus-table-others |
non deterministic doc base file for javadoc | 181 | 20 | 3 | libpixels-java, svnclientadapter, terraintool |
needs internet access to build | 175 | 18 | 2 | debian-installer, debian-installer-netboot-images |
captures execution time | 168 | 12 | 1 | quantlib |
random order in maven plugin xml | 155 | 12 | 1 | maven-scm |
scons doesnt pass environment to build tools | 140 | 11 | 1 | glob2 |
nondeterminism in java classes generated by jxc | 137 | 11 | 1 | libhibernate-validator-java |
ftbfs environment | 121 | 11 | 1 | debian-installer |
timestamps in manpages generated by lopsubgen | 113 | 10 | 1 | tfortune |
timestamps in manpages generated by sphinx | 105 | 10 | 1 | syncevolution |
doxygen fails to create all links in example code | 104 | 10 | 1 | juce |
uid variation in dbgsym packages | 98 | 9 | 1 | python-djvulibre |
randomness in output from perl deparse | 97 | 9 | 1 | knxd |
captures build path in hd5 database files | 91 | 13 | 3 | ngspetsc, python-anndata, xrayutilities |
timestamps in documentation generated by edoc | 89 | 12 | 2 | erlang-ranch, yaws |
random identifiers in epub files generated by asciidoc | 87 | 13 | 2 | cxxtest, dpmb |
timestamps in episode files generated by jxc | 86 | 9 | 1 | hbci4java |
random build path by golang compiler | 82 | 10 | 2 | golang-github-rsc-devweb, prometheus-postgres-exporter |
formatdb from ncbi blastplus captures build time | 76 | 12 | 2 | kleborate, metastudent-data |
member search index json | 75 | 8 | 1 | glpk-java |
timestamps in jsdoc toolkit documentation | 75 | 11 | 2 | jsjac, jsxgraph |
ada gpr embeds build path | 71 | 8 | 1 | libgtkada |
nondeterministic version generated by python param | 68 | 11 | 2 | colorcet, pyct |
timestamps from cpp macros in d | 63 | 7 | 1 | cheesecutter |
timestamp added by gnuradio grcc | 54 | 7 | 1 | gr-gsm |
markdown random email address html entities | 53 | 7 | 1 | abyss |
randomness in berkeley db files | 49 | 7 | 2 | gbrowse, mmorph |
openstack pkg tools python shebang and dependencies | 48 | 6 | 1 | redfishtool |
randomness in files generated by pinyin gen binary files | 47 | 6 | 1 | fcitx-libpinyin |
build path in apertium mode files | 46 | 15 | 7 | apertium-en-gl, apertium-eo-en, apertium-eo-es, apertium-es-gl, apertium-mk-bg, apertium-oc-es, apertium-pt-ca |
timestamps in pdf generated by daps | 46 | 6 | 2 | minexpert2, msxpertsuite |
timestamps in documentation generated by asciidoc | 45 | 6 | 1 | cxxtest |
erlang escript file | 42 | 6 | 1 | rebar3 |
codadef coda data files | 36 | 6 | 1 | harp |
jellyfish creates nondeterministic json | 35 | 5 | 1 | quorum |
timestamps in ppu generated by fpc | 35 | 5 | 1 | castle-game-engine |
absolute build paths in dot packlist file generated by perl extutils packlist | 31 | 7 | 2 | libchado-perl, libterm-readline-zoid-perl |
timezone specific files due to haskell devscripts | 28 | 5 | 1 | haskell-patience |
randomness in documentation graphviz generated by sphinx | 27 | 5 | 1 | python-django-treebeard |
randomness in binaries generated by sbcl | 26 | 5 | 1 | buildapp |
nondeterministic checksum generated by coq | 24 | 14 | 9 | aac-tactics, coq-bignums, coq-ext-lib, coq-interval, coq-iris, coq-reglang, coquelicot, mathcomp-finmap, mathcomp-zify |
random order in ocaml include directories | 24 | 5 | 2 | ocaml-uucp, ocaml-uunf |
timestamps in ifo files generated by python stardicter | 22 | 4 | 1 | stardict-czech |
nondeterminism in apertium lrx bin files generated by lrx comp | 21 | 6 | 2 | apertium-spa-ita, apertium-swe-nor |
images in pdf generated by latex | 20 | 4 | 1 | pycode-browser |
manpages generated by node marked man vary on build timezone | 18 | 4 | 1 | node-marked-man |
timestamps in documentation generated by mandoc | 17 | 5 | 2 | libopensmtpd, opensmtpd-filter-dkimsign |
ordering differences in pkg info | 15 | 5 | 2 | domain2idna, python-pylatex |
nondeterministic vo files generated by coq | 14 | 7 | 4 | coq-hierarchy-builder, coq-interval, mathcomp-algebra-tactics, ssreflect |
timestamps in cbd files generated by canna mkbindic | 12 | 3 | 1 | canna-shion |
extended attributes in jar file created without manifest | 11 | 3 | 1 | threeb |
random contents in dat files generated by chasen-dictutils makemat | 11 | 3 | 1 | ipadic |
randomness in browserify output | 11 | 3 | 1 | node-browserify |
randomness in prolog saved stage | 11 | 3 | 1 | eye |
randomness in intercal files | 9 | 3 | 1 | clc-intercal |
absolute path in cmake file generated by meson | 5 | 2 | 1 | xbyak |
gem2deb install mkmf log | 5 | 2 | 1 | ruby-enumerable-statistics |
nondeterministic ids in html output generated by python sphinx panels | 5 | 2 | 1 | python-cloup |
captures build path in vo files generated by coq | 4 | 2 | 1 | coq-elpi |
timestamps in org mode html output | 4 | 2 | 1 | libhpptools |
build path added by src2man from txt2man | 2 | 1 | 1 | rpma |
buildpath in code generated by bison | 1 | 1 | 1 | rumur |
build date in egg info directory name | 0 | 0 | 1 | sphinxcontrib-youtube |
build path captured by python numpy misc util | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
build path in documentation generated by pdflatex | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
build path in record file generated by pybuild flit plugin | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
build path in texi figure documentation | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
captures build path in mdb files | 0 | 0 | 1 | tangerine |
captures build path in sphinx attr links | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
captures build path via cmake variables | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
collation order varies by locale | 0 | 0 | 1 | lout |
copyright year in comments generated by ckbuilder | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
date added by ui auto | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
debiandoc sgml timestamp | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
different pot creation date in gettext mo files | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
docbook2txt locale | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
elinks dump varies output with locale | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
filesystem ordering in pak files generated by simutrans makeobj | 0 | 0 | 1 | simutrans-pak128.britain |
ftbfs build-indep not build on some archs | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
ftbfs due to disorderfs | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
ftbfs due to jenkins semaphore setup | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
ftbfs old compat debheper compat level | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
ftbfs uninvestigated unsatisfiable dependencies | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
ftbfs wdatetime | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
ftbfs with -fdebug-prefix-map error | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
hevea captures build path | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
implementation version in java manifest mf | 0 | 0 | 1 | emma-coverage |
lessc captures build path | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
locale dependent order in devlibs depends | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
locale differences in pom | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
lynx dump varies output with locale | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
nondeterminism in documentation generated by pydoctor | 0 | 0 | 1 | subvertpy |
nondeterminism in files generated by hfst | 0 | 0 | 1 | giella-sme |
nondeterministic output generated by gcab | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
nondeterministic output in warnings generated by breathe | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
nroff output varies by locale or utf8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
perl extutils xspp captures build path | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
ppds compressed b64 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
python wheel package | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
qt translate noop nondeterministic ordering | 0 | 0 | 1 | tagainijisho |
r base appends built header to description files | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
random order in antlr output | 0 | 0 | 1 | antlr3.2 |
random order in cython output | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
random order in files generated by module build | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
random order in native libs by setuptools | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
random order in python doit completion | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
randomness in documentation generated by scilab | 0 | 0 | 3 | scilab-ann, scilab-celestlab, scilab-plotlib |
randomness in property annotations generated by sphinx | 0 | 0 | 1 | pyfr |
randomness in python setuptools requires txt | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
randomness in qdoc page id | 0 | 0 | 1 | qt-at-spi |
randomness in swf files generated by as3compile | 0 | 0 | 1 | jquery-jplayer |
ros dynamic reconfigure captures build path | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
ruby mkmf makefile unsorted objects | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
serial numbers in ogg via sox | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
snapshot placeholder replaced with timestamp in pom properties | 0 | 0 | 3 | eclipse-cdt-pkg-config, eclipse-mylyn, eclipse-rse |
texinfo mdate sh varies by timezone | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamp added by java util properties | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamp and build path captured by python cheetah | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamp in jboss messagebundle generated code | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamp in pear registry files | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps added by blast2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps difference by unzip | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps from cpp macros in haskell | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps from imake in xutils | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps from tex4ht | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps from timestamp macro | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps generated by eigenbase resgen | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps generated by mangosdk spiprocessor | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps generated by xbean spring | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in ada library information files | 0 | 0 | 1 | gnat-mingw-w64 |
timestamps in copyright added by perl dist zilla | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in cpio archive | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in directories | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in documentation generated by docbook dbtimestamp | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in documentation generated by glib genpod | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in documentation generated by groff | 0 | 0 | 1 | llvm-toolchain-3.7 |
timestamps in documentation generated by htmldoc | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in documentation generated by lua ldoc | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in documentation generated by man2html | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in documentation generated by mkdocs | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in documentation generated by naturaldocs | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in documentation generated by ocamldoc | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in documentation generated by phpdox | 0 | 0 | 1 | php-finder-facade |
timestamps in documentation generated by podman | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in documentation generated by rdtool | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in documentation generated by ur | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in documentation generated with libwibble | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in edj files generated by edje cc | 0 | 0 | 1 | elementary |
timestamps in emacs autoloads | 0 | 0 | 2 | emacs24, emacs25 |
timestamps in files installed by dh kpatches | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in gjdoc properties files | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in header or footer by htmldoc in documentation | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in htm by gap | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in java stapler files | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in manpages created by libwibble | 0 | 0 | 2 | goplay, tagcoll2 |
timestamps in manpages generated by autogen | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in manpages generated by docbook2x | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in manpages generated by docbook utils | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in manpages generated by doxygen | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in manpages generated by perl extutils command mm | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in manpages generated by txt2man | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in manpages generated by yat2m | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in maven metadata local xml files | 0 | 0 | 1 | jruby-openssl |
timestamps in mdl molfile | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in output generated by txt2tags | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in pdf generated by imagemagick | 0 | 0 | 1 | quagga |
timestamps in pdf generated by matplotlib | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in pdf generated by rsvg convert | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in perllocal pod manpages generated by perl extutils mm unix | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in python code generated by cheetah | 0 | 0 | 1 | spectacle |
timestamps in python code generated by pyside | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in python docutils | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in python version numbers | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in qmake makefiles | 0 | 0 | 2 | qt4-x11, qtexengine |
timestamps in ruby documentation | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
timestamps in sym l files generated by malaga | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
txt2man dash p | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
uid and gid in jar | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
uname output in python debugging symbols caused by sysconfig getplatform | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
unrelated ftbfs | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
users and groups in cpio archive | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
variations from march native | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
varying ordering in data tar gz or control tar gz | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
xmlto txt output locale specific | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
year variable in documentation generated by doxygen | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
zope random field order in dzproduct | 0 | 0 | 0 |
For a total of 6977 packages categorized in 430 issues.
Our notes about issues affecting packages are stored in notes.git and are targeted at packages in Debian in 'unstable/amd64' (unless they say otherwise).