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Notes about issue user_hostname_manually_added_requiring_further_investigation in buster

Identifier: user_hostname_manually_added_requiring_further_investigation
Suites: unstable / trixie / bookworm / bullseye / buster / experimental
Description: Packages which intentionally capture the username or hostname into a custom format,
but aren't obviously using any tool or system which has this as a core issue.
Interesting because they could be fixed by fixing these things at build time.
Packages in 'buster' known to be affected by this issue:
(the 1/4 most-popular ones (within this issue) are underlined)

reproducible icon 1 reproducible packages in buster/amd64: pmix

FTBFS icon 3 FTBFS packages in buster/amd64: clisp debmake-doc sbcl

FTBR icon 40 unreproducible packages in buster/amd64: alljoyn-core-1504 alljoyn-core-1509 alljoyn-core-1604 bibclean blitz++ broccoli ecl eclipse-titan eso-midas freewnn galax geomview getdp getfem++ icinga2 madness manila namazu2 netrek-client-cow petsc python-qtconsole r-base remote-tty ripmime senlin silo-llnl sipxtapi slof smlnj sphinxsearch squeak-vm user-mode-linux xemacs21-packages xindy xorp grub2#+++ lam+ librep#+ omake# vlc#+

blacklisted icon 1 blacklisted packages in buster/amd64: gmsh


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