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Notes about issue cmake_rpath_contains_build_path in unstable

Identifier: cmake_rpath_contains_build_path
Suites: unstable / trixie / bookworm / bullseye / experimental
Description: When an executable is linked with a shared library from the same project,
RPATH will contain the build path. Even if this is stripped on installation,
the build-id will remain unchanged.
With CMake 3.14+, packages can set `-DCMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN=ON` to
fix the issue. This is done automatically when using the currently
experimental debhelper compat level v14.
When working with older CMake versions, the `CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH` option can be
enabled instead, but it may be required to also set `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` while
running tests.
Packages in 'unstable' known to be affected by this issue:
(the 1/4 most-popular ones (within this issue) are underlined)

reproducible icon 374 reproducible packages in unstable/amd64: airspyone-host akonadi akonadi-calendar akonadi-search akregator alkimia alure analitza aoflagger apriltag apt apulse ark artikulate audiocd-kio avro-c axe-demultiplexer baloo-kf5 baloo-widgets bamtools basket biometryd bluez-qt breeze brotli bullet cantor cassiopee cervisia chromaprint civetweb clblast clfft cloudcompare cmark-gfm codec2 cog corectrl cppad cppdb createrepo-c cryptominisat darkradiant debconf-kde deviceinfo dino-im dlt-daemon dolphin dsdcc dtkcore dublin-traceroute ebook-tools evolution-ews falcosecurity-libs fasttext faudio fcitx-qt5 fcitx5 fcitx5-gtk fcitx5-qt ffmpegthumbnailer field3d flightcrew fluidsynth freediameter genomicsdb gifticlib glbinding glyr go-for-it gr-fosphor gr-funcube gr-hpsdr gr-iqbal gr-osmosdr gr-rds gr-satellites grantlee5 gvm-libs gwenview hackrf hatari hepmc3 hershey-fonts highway hipblas hipercontracer hugin iceoryx imath inkscape jsonnet jxrlib k3b kaccounts-integration kactivities-kf5 kauth kbibtex kcalutils kconfig kdb kdebugsettings kdeclarative kdeconnect kdecoration kdegraphics-mobipocket kdepim-addons kdepim-runtime kdeplasma-addons kdesu kdevelop-python kdf kdsoap keditbookmarks kemoticons kfilemetadata-kf5 kglobalaccel kholidays kickpass kiconthemes kidentitymanagement kidletime kile kinfocenter kinit kio kio-extras kissfft kiten kldap kleopatra kmailtransport kmix kokkos kolourpaint kompare konsole kontact korganizer kosmindoormap kpackage kpat kpeople kphotoalbum kpipewire kpublictransport krdc krfb kseexpr kservice ksirk ksyntax-highlighting ktexteditor ktorrent kup-backup kwallet-kf5 kwave kwayland kwin kwindowsystem layer-shell-qt ledger libam7xxx libarcus libavif libcec libcitygml libclaw libcorkipset libcoverart libdigidoc libdrumstick libemf2svg libfreenect libfreesrp libftdi1 libgav1 libgdf libheif libime libime-jyutping libjdns libjson-rpc-cpp libkcddb libkdegames libkgapi libkml libkscreen libksysguard liblastfm libmemcached libminc libmysofa libpano13 libpodofo libqapt libqes libqtdbustest libqtxdg librsync libsavitar libsdl3 libsfml libsolv libvcflib libwebm libwfa2 libxtrx libxtrxdsp libxtrxll libyang libyang2 libzip liggghts lomiri-app-launch lomiri-indicator-transfer lomiri-thumbnailer lomiri-url-dispatcher lucene++ lxqt-config lxqt-globalkeys m4api macromoleculebuilder maliit-framework mapcache mcpl md4c mediascanner2 meshlab metis milou mlt molmodel mujoco mygui nanomsg ncrystal nexus nng notcurses nuspell nvidia-texture-tools obexftp ogre-1.9 okteta okular onevpl onnx openal-soft opencascade opencc opengv openimageio openscenegraph opentracing-cpp openvlbi osmo-fl2k otcl paho.mqtt.c palapeli pam-wrapper phonon pim-data-exporter pim-sieve-editor pktools plasma-discover plasma-firewall plasma-nm plasma-thunderbolt plasma-workspace plee-the-bear plfit polkit-qt-1 poppler powercap powerdevil prime-phylo primecount print-manager proj prometheus-cpp purpose q4wine qca2 qcoro qdmr qgnomeplatform qhttpengine qmenumodel qpdf qt-color-widgets qt6-3d qt6-charts qt6-datavis3d qt6-lottie qt6-quicktimeline qt6-sensors qt6-serialbus qt6-shadertools qt6-speech qt6-svg qt6-webview qtcurve qtwebkit-opensource-src rnp rocs rsplib rtl-sdr s3d saga scitokens-cpp screengrab sentencepiece shasta sigil skrooge soapyosmo soapysdr soci solid spatialindex spoa stlink stopt supertux svxlink swami sword systemsettings taglib tcmu telepathy-qt tercpp tetgen tidy-html5 uchardet unshield urdfdom userbindmount vart vdeplug4 vecgeom volk vtk-dicom vulkan-validationlayers wbxml2 wildmidi woff2 x265 xeus-python xir xrt yajl z3 zarchive zulucrypt zxing-cpp zziplib akonadi-contacts+ akonadi-import-wizard+ akonadi-mime+ clazy+ clucene-core+ eiskaltdcpp# indi+ ismrmrd# kget+# krita+ leatherman+ lomiri-action-api+ pytorch-audio# recastnavigationP surgescript# upb+

FTBFS icon 17 FTBFS packages in unstable/amd64: apper armnn broker calligraplan dyssol editorconfig-core itinerary kitinerary libopenshot mathgl mrtdreader obs-advanced-scene-switcher regina-normal robot-testing-framework s2geometry slop segyio+

FTBR icon 17 unreproducible packages in unstable/amd64: asl c-munipack colobot dcmtk gr-radar grandorgue jpeg-xl nomacs openmm opm-simulators pupnp qt6-languageserver qt6-scxml rocrand webcamoid allegro5# shotcut+

E404 icon 2 404 packages in unstable/amd64: ecflow mosquitto


Our notes about issues affecting packages are stored in notes.git and are targeted at packages in Debian in 'unstable/amd64' (unless they say otherwise).

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.