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debian-edu_build-depends package set for stretch/arm64

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package set debian-edu_build-depends in stretch/arm64
The package set debian-edu_build-depends in stretch/arm64 consists of 1092 packages:
None 105 (9.6%) packages failed to build reproducibly: python2.7 xorg-server x11proto-core automake-1.15 libnet fonts-kacst-one nss sqlite3 gstreamer1.0 flex linuxdoc-tools gtk-sharp3 autoconf fonts-dejavu dejagnu mono-addins zephyr# qtwebkit-opensource-src texi2html fonts-freefont fonts-cantarell lirc+#++ botan1.10 doxygen libtheora babl libsndfile r-base fftw3 cppunit indent libqxt flex-old gimp directfb libical kde4libs keyutils akonadi python-numpy sonnet krunner wxwidgets3.0 kdelibs4support latex2html freerdp mpqc chromium-browser plasma-framework webkitgtk systemtap gegl blends lynx libkf5libkdepim fpc nasm jack-audio-connection-kit qt4-x11 libcddb mathpiper hsqldb1.8.0 tagcoll2 gdb icedtea-web comedilib libgcrypt20 xz-utils libbluray labltk gtkspell bash libgpg-error ragel qdbm pycairo pyqt5 libident automake1.11++ gcc-defaults emacs24 db5.3 augeas librevenge mono+ systemd gettext qtwebkit firebird3.0 evolution-data-server colord autogen geoip dbus-python mesa subversion# ant bind9 vlc#+ openjdk-8 postgresql-9.6 gnutls28 emacs25 libopendbx sane-backends
None 9 (0.8%) packages failed to build from source: python-apt xfonts-base libxdmcp libfreehand gnome-icon-theme jemalloc libsemanage mopac7 icu
None None None None 5 (0.5%) packages are either in depwait state, blacklisted, not for us, or cannot be downloaded: luajit crystalhd gcc-6 libx86emu llvm-toolchain-3.9
None 973 (89.1%) packages successfully build reproducibly: a52dec aalib accountsservice acl advancecomp adwaita-icon-theme agg akonadi-calendar akonadi-search alsa-lib analitza apache2 apparmor appstream-glib apr apr-util apt asciidoc aspell atk1.0 at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core attr audiofile audit autoconf2.13 autoconf2.64 autoconf-archive autotools-dev avahi avogadro babeltrace base-files bash-completion bc binutils#++ bison blt bluez bluez-qt bodr boost-defaults breeze bsdmainutils byacc bzip2 ca-certificates cairo c-ares cdbs cdebconf cdparanoia cfitsio check chemical-mime-data chromaprint chrpath cifs-utils clamav cli-common clucene-core clutter-1.0 clutter-gst-3.0 clutter-gtk cmake cmake-fedora cmocka cm-super coinmp coinutils collada2gltf commons-math consolekit cpio cpufrequtils cracklib2 cryptsetup csound cunit cups# curl cvs cyrus-sasl2 cython czmq datefudge db-defaults dblatex dbus dbus-glib d-conf dctrl-tools debhelper debian-archive-keyring desktop-file-utils devscripts dh-autoreconf dh-buildinfo dh-exec dh-lua dh-ocaml dh-python dictd dictionaries-common ding-libs djvulibre dnprogs dnspython docbook docbook2x docbook-to-man docbook-utils docbook-xml docbook-xsl dpatch dpkg# d-shlibs dssi e2fsprogs ed eigen3 elfutils enca# enchant esound exiv2 expat explorercanvas extra-cmake-modules faad2 facile fakeroot faketime fam farstream-0.2 fastjar fdupes ffmpeg+ fig2dev file findutils flac flite flot fltk1.3 fluidsynth fontconfig fonts-crosextra-carlito fonts-dejima-mincho fonts-ipafont fonts-liberation fonttools foomatic-db-engine freebsd-glue freebsd-libs freeglut freehep-graphics2d freehep-graphicsio freehep-graphicsio-emf freehep-graphicsio-pdf freehep-graphicsio-svg freehep-io freehep-util freehep-xml freetds freetype frei0r fribidi ftgl ftplib fuse game-music-emu gamin gawk+ gconf gdbm# gdk-pixbuf gem2deb gengetopt ghostscript giflib gl2ps glew glewmx glib2.0 glibc glibmm2.4 glm glw gmp gnome-common gnome-desktop3 gnome-doc-utils gnome-pkg-tools gnome-settings-daemon gnome-video-effects gnu-efi gnulib gnumeric gnupg2 gob2 gobject-introspection goffice goocanvas googletest gperf gpgmepp gphoto2 gpm gpsd gputils grantlee5 graphite2 grilo groff gsettings-desktop-schemas gsfonts gsl gst-plugins-bad1.0 gst-plugins-base1.0 gst-plugins-good1.0 gtk+2.0 gtk+3.0 gtk-doc gtkextra gtkglext gtkimageview gtkmm2.4 gtkmm3.0 gtksourceview2 gucharmap hamlib harfbuzz haxe heimdal help2man hesiod hicolor-icon-theme hiredis html2text http-parser hunspell hwloc hyphen ibus ijs imagemagick# inkscape intltool io-stringy iptables iso-codes ispell itstool jackd2 jansson javacc java-common javatools jbigkit jetring jfugue jimtcl jinja2 jquery json-c json-glib junit junit4 kactivities-kf5 kalarmcal karchive kauth kblog kbookmarks kcalcore kcalutils kcmutils kcodecs kcompletion kconfig kconfigwidgets kcontacts kcoreaddons kcrash kdbusaddons kdeclarative kdecoration kded kdepimlibs kdevelop-pg-qt kdevplatform kdewebkit kdnssd-kf5 kdoctools kemoticons kerberos-configs kf5-kdepim-apps-libs kf5-kdepimlibs kf5-messagelib kfilemetadata-kf5 kglobalaccel kguiaddons kholidays khtml ki18n kiconthemes kidentitymanagement kidletime kimap kinit kio kitemmodels kitemviews kjobwidgets kldap kmailtransport kmbox kmime kmod knewstuff knotifications knotifyconfig kontactinterface kpackage kparts kpimtextedit kplotting kpty krb5# kross kscreenlocker kservice ktexteditor ktextwidgets ktnef kwallet-kf5 kwayland kwidgetsaddons kwindowsystem kxmlgui kxmlrpcclient lablgtk2 ladspa-sdk lame lapack lcms2 ldb lensfun leptonlib less libabw libaio libappindicator libarchive libarchive-zip-perl libart-lgpl libass libassuan libasyncns libatomic-ops libavc1394 libbs2b libbsd libburn libcaca libcairo-perl libcanberra libcap2 libcap-ng libcdio libcdr libchamplain libchewing libcitadel libclc libcmis libcommons-collections3-java libcroco libdaemon libdatrie libdbi libdc1394-22 libdca libdebian-installer libdigest-hmac-perl libdrm libdv+ libdvbpsi libdvdnav libdvdread libe-book libebur128 libecap libedit libeot libepoxy libept libestr libetonyek libev libevdev libevent libexif libexttextcat libextutils-depends-perl libextutils-pkgconfig-perl libfastjson libffi libfont-freetype-perl libgadu libgc libgd2 libgdata libghemical libglade2 libglademm2.4 libglib-perl libgltf libglu libgnome libgnomecanvas libgnome-keyring libgnomeui libgphoto2 libgpod libgringotts libgsf libgsm libgssglue libgtkdatabox libgudev libguess libgxps libhtml-lint-perl libhtml-tagset-perl libhttp-message-perl libice libid3tag+ libidl libidn libidn2-0 libiec61883 libieee1284 libindi libinput+ libio-socket-inet6-perl libio-string-perl libipc-run3-perl libisofs libjlatexmath-java libjpeg-turbo libjsoncpp libkate libkcddb libkcompactdisc libkdegames libkeduvocdocument libkf5calendarsupport libkf5eventviews libkf5grantleetheme libkf5gravatar libkf5incidenceeditor libkf5kdcraw libkf5kdgantt2 libkf5kexiv2 libkf5kipi libkf5ksieve libkf5libkleo libkf5mailcommon libkf5mailimporter libkf5pimcommon libkf5sane libkgapi libksba libkscreen libksysguard liblangtag liblastfm liblinear liblivemedia liblo liblocale-gettext-perl liblockfile liblogging liblognorm liblouis liblqr liblrdf libmaa libmad libmatroska libmcrypt libmicrohttpd libmng libmnl libmodplug libmodule-build-perl libmongo-client libmpc libmspub libmtp libmwaw libmygpo-qt libndp libnetfilter-conntrack libnet-ip-perl libnet-libidn-perl libnet-snmp-perl libnfnetlink libnfsidmap libnftnl libnl3 libnotify libnova libodfgen libogg liboglappth libomxil-bellagio libonig libopenmpt liborcus libotr libpagemaker libpango-perl libpaper libparse-yapp-perl libpcap libpeas libpipeline libpng1.6 libpodofo libprelude libproxy libpsl libpthread-stubs libqalculate libqtpas libquazip libquicktime libraw libraw1394 librdkafka librelp librest librsvg librsync libsamplerate libsbsms libscalar-list-utils-perl libsdl1.2 libsdl2 libseccomp libsecret libselinux libsepol libsgmls-perl libshout libsieve libsm# libsoup2.4 libsoxr libspectre libssh libssh2 libtasn1-6 libteam libtest-consistentversion-perl libtest-exception-perl libtest-most-perl libtest-nowarnings-perl libtest-number-delta-perl libtest-pod-perl libtest-warn-perl libtest-www-mechanize-cgiapp-perl libtextwrap libthai libticables libticalcs libticonv libtifiles libtirpc libtool libunicode-string-perl libunistring libupnp liburi-perl libusb libusb-1.0 libva libvdpau libverto libvisio libvncserver libvoikko libvorbis libvorbisidec libvpx libwebp libwibble libwmf libwpd libwpg libwps libx11 libxau libxaw libxcb libxcomposite libxcursor libxdamage libxext libxfixes libxfont libxi libxinerama libxkbcommon libxkbfile libxklavier libxml2 libxml-parser-perl libxmltok libxmu libxpm libxrandr libxrender libxshmfence libxslt libxss libxt libxtst libxv libxvmc libxxf86dga libxxf86vm libyaml libyaml-perl libzip licensecheck lilv linphone lintian linux+ linux-atm linux-base lksctp-tools lm-sensors lp-solve lsb lua5.1 lua5.2 lua5.3 lua-lpeg lv2 lvm2 lxml+ lz4 lzma lzo2 m4 make-dfsg mako man-db marble maven-repo-helper mawk mdds mdocml meanwhile meta-kde mhash mime-support minizip mlt mobile-broadband-provider-info modemmanager modemmanager-qt moreutils motif mozilla-devscripts mozjs mpdecimal mpeg2dec mpg123 mpg321 mpi-defaults mtasc muparser myspell mysql-connector-c++ mysql-defaults mysql-transitional mythes nas nautilus ncurses neon27 netbase netcat netcdf netpbm-free net-snmp nettle net-tools network-manager networkmanager-qt newt nghttp2 ninja-build nose npapi-sdk npth nspr nss-wrapper numactl o3dgc+ ocaml okteta openal-soft openbabel opencollada openconnect opencore-amr opencv openjpeg2 openldap opensp openssh openssl+ openssl1.0 optipng opus orc p11-kit pam pango1.0 patch patchutils pciutils pcre3 pcsc-lite pep8 perl perl-openssl-defaults phonon pixman pkg-config pkg-kde-tools pkg-php-tools plib ply plymouth po4a po-debconf policykit-1 poppler popt portaudio19 portmidi portsmf potrace poxml ppp pps-tools procps projectm protobuf publicsuffix pulseaudio py3cairo pyasn1 pyflakes pygobject pygobject-2 pygtk pyppd python3.5 python3-defaults python-daemon python-defaults python-distutils-extra python-docutils python-ldap python-pyasn1-modules python-pylibacl python-pyxattr python-setuptools python-stdlib-extensions python-testtools python-tz qca2 qimageblitz qjson qpdf qtbase-opensource-src### qtchooser qtdeclarative-opensource-src qtlocation-opensource-src qtmultimedia-opensource-src qtscript-opensource-src qtserialport-opensource-src qtsvg-opensource-src qttools-opensource-src qtx11extras-opensource-src qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src quilt radcli rapidjson rarian rdfind re2 re2c readline recode redland rename rhino rtmpdump rubberband ruby-defaults samba# sbc sdl-image1.2 sdl-mixer1.2 sdl-net1.2 sdlpango sdl-ttf2.0 serf sg3-utils sgmltools-lite shapelib shared-mime-info sharutils shine sidplay-libs sip4 slang2 smarty-lexer snappy sndio sng snowball softhsm2 solid soprano soundtouch sox sparsehash spdylay speech-dispatcher speex sphinx+ srtp sssd# startup-notification stk stringencoders strip-nondeterminism suil suitesparse svn2cl swfmill swftools swig symlinks syndication t4kcommon taglib talloc tcl8.5 tcl8.6 tcltk-defaults tcp-wrappers tdb tesseract tevent texinfo texlive-base+ texlive-bin+ texlive-extra texlive-lang threadweaver tidy-html5 tiff time tinycdb tk8.5 totem-pl-parser tracker ttf-bitstream-vera twolame txt2man tzdata ucpp uid-wrapper unbound unixodbc unzip ustr util-linux v4l-utils vala valgrind vamp-plugin-sdk vcdimager vo-amrwbenc vorbis-tools vstream-client vte2.91 vulkan w3m wavpack wayland wayland-protocols wcslib wdiff webkit2gtk webrtc-audio-processing wget wireless-tools wxpython3.0 x11-apps x11proto-composite x11proto-damage x11proto-dri2 x11proto-dri3 x11proto-fixes x11proto-gl x11proto-input x11proto-kb x11proto-present x11proto-randr x11proto-render x11proto-scrnsaver x11proto-xext x11proto-xf86bigfont x11proto-xinerama x11-utils x264 x265 xauth xbae xcb-proto xcb-util xcb-util-cursor xcb-util-image xcb-util-keysyms xcb-util-wm xdelta3 xfonts-utils xft xine-lib-1.2 xmhtml xml-core xmlrpc-epi xmlto xmltoman xorg-sgml-doctools xplanet xterm xtrans xutils-dev xvidcore yaml-cpp yasm yelp-tools zeitgeist zeromq3 zip zlib zsh# zvbi

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.