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debian-edu package set for stretch/armhf

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package set debian-edu in stretch/armhf
The package set debian-edu in stretch/armhf consists of 624 packages:
None 70 (11.2%) packages failed to build reproducibly: dia cfengine2 cgoban geoip iproute2 sqlite3 debian-edu-doc unifont gdbm# python3.5 gdm3 python2.7 pymol python-numpy swaks keyutils geomview freerdp glibc db5.3 squeak-vm mesa pycairo libical gtk+3.0 oregano ddd mplayer rsync icedtea-web hwinfo ibus-table-chinese dash gdb ltsp-docs fonts-freefont autoconf sensible-utils ntp gimp lazarus tuxpaint qjackctl grace aolserver4 dhcping kdevelop atlas gnuplot fpc gcc-defaults jxplorer gettext bash tcptraceroute totem wordnet gnugo gbrainy hydrogen subversion# vlc#+ exim4 php7.0 lsb ng-utils npth pianobooster xz-utils sane-backends
None 5 (0.8%) packages failed to build from source: ffmpeg+ strace+ libio-socket-ssl-perl python-apt icu
None None None None 10 (1.6%) packages are either in depwait state, blacklisted, not for us, or cannot be downloaded: syslinux ksshaskpass nvram-wakeup+ acpi-support memtest86 chromium-browser openclipart gcc-6 libreoffice firefox-esr
None 539 (86.4%) packages successfully build reproducibly: acl adduser adwaita-icon-theme alsa-utils animals apache2 apparmor appstream apt apt-listchanges ark arping aspell atftp atk1.0 atomix attr audacious audacity audiocd-kio audit autofs avahi avogadro bambam base-files base-passwd bash-completion bc bind9 bkchem blinken bluedevil bluefish blueman brasero bsd-finger build-essential bwbasic+ bzip2 cairo cantor c-ares cdebconf cheese chemtool childsplay cifs-utils citadel clementine command-not-found consolekit convmv coreutils cups# cups-filters curl cyrus-sasl2 dansguardian dbus dbus-glib debconf debian-archive-keyring debian-edu debian-edu-artwork debian-edu-config debian-edu-install debian-installer-netboot-images debianutils deborphan desktop-base desktop-file-utils desktop-profiles dh-python dictd diffutils digikam ding distro-info-data djview4 dmidecode dovecot dpkg# dragon drpython dsdo dutch dvgrab e2fsprogs easychem eject elfutils espa-nol etherwake ethtool evince expat file findutils fluid-soundfont fluidsynth fontconfig fonts-arphic-ukai fonts-arphic-uming fonts-liberation fonts-linex fonts-wqy-microhei fonts-wqy-zenhei foomatic-db foomatic-db-engine foomatic-filters fotoxx fping fracplanet freebirth freetype galculator gamine gcompris gconf gdebi gdis gdk-pixbuf geogebra ghemical gimp-data-extras gimp-help glib2.0 gmp gnash gnome-chemistry-utils gnucap gnuchess gnupg2 gnutls28 gobject-introspection goplay gosa gosa-plugin-netgroups gperiodic gpredict gpsim graphicsmagick graphite2 graphmonkey gravit grep gsfonts-x11 gtans gtick gtk+2.0 gtk-recordmydesktop gutenprint gvrng gzip harfbuzz hddtemp hdparm hexchat hicolor-icon-theme hostname hplip htop hunspell-ca ibus-array ibus-chewing icinga ifrench iftop igerman98 init-system-helpers inkscape insserv iotop iptables iputils isc-dhcp isenkram jackd-defaults java-common jbigkit k3b kaffeine kalgebra kalzium kamera kanagram kbruch kcalc kcharselect kde-baseapps kdegraphics-thumbnailers kde-l10n kdenlive kdepim kde-spectacle kdewebdev kdf kfloppy kgeography khangman kig killer kinfocenter klavaro klettres kmix kmplot konsole konversation kopete krb5# krb5-auth-dialog krdc krfb kstars ktouch ktuberling kturtle kwalletmanager kwin kwordquiz lapack laptop-mode-tools lcms2 ldap2zone ldapvi ldm less libapache-mod-auth-kerb libassuan libbsd libcairo-perl libcap2 libcap-ng libcgi-pm-perl libcitadel libconfig-inifiles-perl libconvert-asn1-perl libcroco libcrypt-smbhash-perl libdatrie libdigest-hmac-perl libdigest-md4-perl libedit libemail-address-perl libemail-find-perl libemail-valid-perl libev libexporter-lite-perl libffi libfilesys-df-perl libgcrypt20 libgd2 libglib-perl libgpg-error libgtk2-perl libhtml-fromtext-perl libhtml-parser-perl libhtml-tagset-perl libice libidn libidn2-0 libio-socket-inet6-perl libjcode-pm-perl libjpeg-turbo libksba liblocale-gettext-perl liblockfile libmailtools-perl libmcrypt libnet-dns-perl libnet-domain-tld-perl libnet-ip-perl libnet-ldap-perl libnet-netmask-perl libnet-smtp-ssl-perl libnet-ssleay-perl libnotify libpam-krb5 libpam-mklocaluser libpango-perl libpng1.6 libproxy libpsl librecad libregexp-common-perl libreoffice-dictionaries librsvg libselinux libsemanage libsepol libsieve libsm# libsocket6-perl libssh2 libtasn1-6 libterm-readkey-perl libtext-unaccent-perl libthai libtimedate-perl libtool libunicode-map8-perl libunicode-map-perl libunicode-maputf8-perl libunicode-string-perl libunistring liburi-perl libusb-1.0 libwebp libwmf libwww-perl libx11 libxau libxcb libxcomposite libxcursor libxdamage libxdmcp libxext libxfixes libxi libxinerama libxml2 libxpm libxrandr libxrender libxslt libxss libyaml lightdm lightspeed lingot links2 lmemory lmms lockfile-progs lshw lsscsi ltsp ltspfs lxde-metapackages lz4 makepasswd man-db manpages manpages-es-extra manpages-fr-extra marble mate-desktop-environment mawk mc mcp-plugins meta-gnome3 meta-kde mew-beta mime-support mlocate monitoring-plugins mozjs mpdecimal mtools mtpaint mtr munin myspell-el-gr myspell-pt-br nagios-nrpe nbd ncftp ncurses netbase netcat-openbsd nettle net-tools network-manager network-manager-applet nfs-utils nghttp2 nictools-pci nmap norwegian notify-python nspr nss-mdns nss-pam-ldapd nullidentd numlockx numptyphysics ocrad openbsd-inetd openldap openrc openshot openssh openssl+ openssl1.0 openuniverse osmo ossp-uuid p11-kit pam pam-python pam-tmpdir pango1.0 parcellite parley patch pavucontrol pciutils pcre3 pdns perl perl-openssl-defaults php-defaults pidgin pixman planets planner plasma-nm plasma-workspace-wallpapers plymouth pnm2ppa powertop print-manager procinfo procmail procps prototypejs psmisc pulseaudio pygobject pygobject-2 pygtk pysiogame pysycache python3-defaults python-defaults python-easygui qsynth rdesktop rdiff-backup readline recode reportbug resolvconf rocs rosegarden rsyslog rtmpdump samba# sane-frontends scratch screen scribus scriptaculous sed shadow shared-mime-info shutdown-at-night sitesummary skanlite slbackup slbackup-php smarty3 smarty-gettext smbldap-tools snowball solfege squashfs-tools squid3 ssh-askpass ssl-cert sssd# starplot stellarium step sudo swh-plugins synaptic sysfsutils system-config-lvm system-config-printer systemd sysvinit tango-icon-theme tar tasksel tcl8.6 tcpdump tdb terminatorx tftp-hpa tiff tightvnc tilp2 tmispell-voikko traceroute tuxmath tuxpaint-config tuxtype tzdata ucf ufraw umbrello unattended-upgrades unison unzip usb-modeswitch usbutils ustr util-linux uw-imap valgrind vgrabbj viewmol vim vte vym wget wxmaxima xabacus xball xboard xfce4 xfce4-goodies xfonts-75dpi xine-ui xmakemol xorg xoscope xpaint xplanet xprintidle xrdp xserver-xorg-input-synaptics zip zlib

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.