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Packages in trixie/i386 which failed to build reproducibly

reproducible icon 759 (2.0%) packages which failed to build reproducibly in trixie/i386:

gudhi cyclograph dipy gretl python-casacore watcher brickos firebird4.0 openmsx m2crypto smartdns ocaml-topkg jpeg-xl cyborg masakari-monitors libhmsbeagle masakari plplot adasockets libncursesada libgtkada liblog4ada gnome-metronome libcamera dnsjit python-fabio injeqt wyrd rdma-core gcc-14-cross gcc-14 guile-fibers node-webpack casacore librsvg elpa-transient libzypp gcc-13-cross gcc-12-cross ace boolstuff pymol schism openmm patroni# astroplan# libosmium grub2++++ efl warp knot python-inline-snapshot libjcat rime-luna-pinyin opencv freeplane nitime comedilib+ python-xarray secilc hx+ shortwave qtcreator publican jool pipewire tuxpaint python3.13 terminaltables shotcut+ vdr-plugin-markad opensaml sasview numpy visp binutils-gold yadifa gcc-h8300-hms spglib pytango fcitx-libpinyin zabbix isync starjava-ttools cinder gsequencer bluez pyfai# pynx rust-laurel mpi4py rabbitmq-server emacs-jabber erlang scikit-misc font-manager+ lomiri-content-hub+ python-igraph jupyter-server pupnp slidge r-cran-rstan manila qt6-quick3d qt6-languageserver qt6-scxml qt6-multimedia qt6-connectivity qt6-sensors qt6-remoteobjects qt6-base pyside6 qt6-quick3dphysics rebar3 graphviz+ python-git cardpeek gcl primesieve gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast gambc magit igraph librep# openlayers nsnake python-hdf5plugin nomacs qt-gstreamer fonts-meera-inimai gap-design node-shiny-server unicon# xmpp-dns phcpack libtool nss heudiconv rebar wings3d datalad-next elixir-makeup sphinxcontrib-googleanalytics+ r-cran-rsdmx vlc#+ yaws dcl gnome-authenticator fragments manderlbot# colord python-cloup knxd gobgp xmlcopyeditor sumo biogenesis notary proftpd-dfsg lwip sbcl beancount ecl moment-timezone.js gnubg qtsensors-opensource-src rdflib+ with-editor far2l clisp libsrm python-pint pampi kooha bacula-doc scap-security-guide ghc systemtap marginalia embark consult-el yasnippet citar orderless vertico fastdds python-cyclopts magit-forge-el libguestfs golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact jenkins-job-builder celery debian-policy fonts-topaz-unicode latex-cjk-chinese-arphic live-manual highlight.js r-cran-cli python-qtconsole cmtk rustc fonts-cantarell vst3sdk qpid-proton flite aspectj aegisub hdf-eos4 u1db-qt qgis matplotlib gnuradio black grass r-cran-emayili uhd pcl pypy3 kicad amanda siege+ pyferret ocamlviz magic-wormhole-transit-relay+ gr-radar nfft python-laszip erlang-cowlib log4net texmacs namazu2 smuxi python-laspy quickfix quickroute-gps rust-gperftools guile-reader haskell-shell-conduit doomsday hdf-eos5 dasel ipyparallel topal filtlong obfuscate tinycbor pysolid ace-of-penguins ftxui rime-wubi hyperic-sigar asc dune-grid fritzing dpmb dune-grid-glue ucommon alire dune-functions g2o ruby-re2 sawfish node-opencv blender-doc xpenguins gm-assistant netrek-client-cow govarnam acm maxima gri cappuccino condor pdb-tools sisc bidiui giac acmetool wrk r-cran-r.rsp libxtc-rats-java tbox contourpy libopensmtpd ymuse gensio+ libflame vlfeat madlib r-cran-r.devices ksh93u+m# node-d3 guile-2.2 sphinxsearch rime-scj kakoune r-cran-gprofiler2 frozenlist node-function-bind+ coinor-cgl libpinyin shapeit4 openbabel gkrellm-ledsP weupnp wxmplot+ opencc libforms+ mdnsd rime-soutzoe ibus-libzhuyin indexed-gzip r-cran-sass pacemaker h2database parallel python-cycler juman maint-guide buildapp awesome rime-array termshark jsxgraph ufoai ucspi-proxy r-cran-xfun r-cran-tm neuron mypy slm gerris jcabi-aspects ikarus pforth hol88 sailcut binutils-mingw-w64 libbrahe lynx fonts-beteckna tomcat9 uncertainties dune-istl cheesecutter coinor-dylp fdutils eso-midas musescore3 segemehl augeas libhdate r-cran-teachingdemos metastudent-data buici-clock savi fairy-stockfish libswe rime-quick golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl freetds+ ncbi-blast+ ruby-pygments.rb freespeech kuttypy g15daemon rime-ipa jabref r-cran-tweenr macsyfinder iqtree casacore-data-jplde simavr r-cran-cliapp underscore cardo dune-geometry dejagnu fonts-smc-keraleeyam gap-sonata r-cran-rinside fonts-smc-raghumalayalamsans fonts-smc-uroob r-cran-lambda.r libpll fonts-smc-anjalioldlipi r-cran-diagnosismed extlib rime-middle-chinese cc65 dune-common fonts-smc-karumbi fonts-smc-dyuthi xindy rime-wugniu fonts-smc-meera latex-coffee-stains ripmime simstring+ grace gcc-avr oaklisp hello maxima-sage slime sdpb xmlbeans dune-localfunctions blockattack dune-typetree jxplorer fonts-smc-rachana python-rtmidi fonts-fork-awesome writer2latex rcolorbrewer libhibernate-validator4-java mona r-cran-quantmod yarl r-cran-futile.logger gdcm r-cran-tmvtnorm piglit teeworlds r-cran-repr gbrowse texworks-manual groovy dxf2gcode sweethome3d-furniture telepathy-spec twopaco stockfish serp sketch scim scheme48 scalable-cyrfonts treeview sgf2dg fscrypt liquidwar python-fudge# noweb mrmpi muttprint mah-jong uclibc+ posixtestsuite lie libofx libopenobex lam+ debug-me libkolabxml buddy+ cdebootstrap+ openclipart htp openmcdf libint+ porechop hexbox cjk bliss open-gram libnb-platform18-java libchewing firehol+ hmmer frobby c3p0 bsh epix fftw debian-history bibtool libnative-platform-java gmetrics dicom3tools gfxboot+ derby cxxtest hey msgpack-cxx netsurf combblas zeitgeist asterisk-prompt-fr-armelle sundials opentk getdp silly gr-dab wxwidgets3.2 aiohttp-asyncmdnsresolver fonts-fantasque-sans lucene-solr tty-record fonts-atarist gpredict golang-github-jung-kurt-gofpdf lucene4.10 chezscheme madness gap-scscp closure-compiler liblemon range-v3 fs-uae vkd3d de4dot c-munipack fonts-arundina opencpn fricas monado 3d-ascii-viewer-c sqlalchemy micro jameica-h2database python-pyqtgraph haskell-snap-templates magic-wormhole-mailbox-server libu2f-host+ r-cran-gert python-gsd skimage med-fichier joblib librsb python-assertpy+ xdg-desktop-portal-phosh cctools kf6-extra-cmake-modules kf6-breeze-icons axiom petsc zytrax rust-regolith-powerd lifelines python-levenshtein tcllib sbt-serialization scala-pickling scala-parser-combinators scala scala-tools-sbinary sbt-launcher-interface json4s scala-xml topparser kitty cobertura odil python-charset-normalizer enblend-enfuse faker critcl+ pstoedit lmfit-py dub+ taskflow astroquery fonts-rit-sundar castle-game-engine dnf-plugins-core felix-main getfem dde-qt-dbus-factory jpylyzer mathpiper fte gecode xonsh# gmsh openafs pam ocaml-atd cvc5 polybar sayonara xmake open3d mdtraj ldc tomcat10 doxygen yt python-pysam onedrive nbconvert rust-sequoia-sq svxlink dahdi-linux icinga2 nco dolfin janino oxygen-icons ueberzug riseup-vpn debmake-doc singular userv pyzmq rapidfuzz fpylll vip-manager2 furnace python-signxml ngspetsc octave-communications psi-plus mirrorbits nbsphinx visualvm qtconnectivity-opensource-src python-rcon rime-cantonese puppet-agent libtorrent-rasterbar fcitx5-zhuyin simbody foot r-cran-dbitest libcifpp swi-prolog ppl colobot scikit-fmm silo-llnl yubihsm-connector secsipidx r-cran-prophet go-sendxmpp gosop rime-stroke avr-libc fcitx5-bamboo rime-terra-pinyin raku-license-spdx raku-test-meta valgrind+ aerc autokey raku-json-class raku-zef prove6 raku-json-marshal raku-hash-merge raku-meta6 blueprint-compiler plexus-utils2 kdevelop-php libpqxx quantlib ironic pyside2 libsbml khronos-opengl-man4PP warzone2100 python-tomli node-svgdotjs-svg.js# python-mapbox-earcut javawriter rime-cangjie python-schema-salad r-cran-rprojroot hyprland linbox mbedtls maloc pwntools gpsd codenarc python-x2go+ zookeeper user-mode-linux mpich terraintool coinor-bonmin samhain glance barbican webcamoid raku-log rakudo# raku-tap-harness raku-readline raku-uri raku-json-name raku-getopt-long linux86 allegro5# shibboleth-sp scid rockdodger rime-pinyin-simp opensmtpd-filter-dkimsign swish-e collectd siscone esys-particle mdbtools binutils-mipsen abcl esnacc pfstools kmetronome+ opensubdiv casacore-data-igrf pympress+ python-taskflow fenics-dolfinx rulex ghub-el octavia omake# bitshuffle scons dict-gcide nwchem guidata ogre-1.12 dmrgpp fonts-cascadia-code jupyterlab clojure pygopherd+ fenicsx-performance-tests grandorgue core-specs-alpha-clojure spec-alpha-clojure python-mt-940+ domain2idna rust-process-viewer bzflag node-rollup-plugin-node-polyfills minieigen libcm256cc fltk1.3 xalan slepc librostlab bibclean pathos sphinx-panelsP montage ledger2beancount python-escript rocketcea python-os-faults designate r-base proxy-suite

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.