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debian-edu package set for unstable/arm64

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package set debian-edu in unstable/arm64
The package set debian-edu in unstable/arm64 consists of 559 packages:
None 17 (3.0%) packages failed to build reproducibly: fritzing gpredict colobot arduino grace icinga2 pam musescore3 matplotlib nss libtool tuxpaint python3.13 gcc-14 pymol librsvg geomview
None 16 (2.9%) packages failed to build from source: codeblocks gnome-chemistry-utils rsyslog ifupdown-ng openldap gtk4 gnutls28 vim x2goclient nspr chromium squeak-vm jupyter-notebook oregano command-not-found mariadb
None None None None 4 (0.7%) packages are either in depwait state, blacklisted, not for us, or cannot be downloaded: thunderbird lazarus debian-edu-doc nvram-wakeup+
None 522 (93.4%) packages successfully build reproducibly: acl adwaita-icon-theme algobox animals apache2# apparmor appstream arctica-greeter arping atomix at-spi2-core attr audacious audacity audiocd-kio audit autoconf autofs avahi avogadro bambam base-files base-passwd bash basic256 basket bc bind9# blinken bluefish blueman brotli bsd-finger bsd-mailx build-essential bwbasic+ bzip2 cairo cantor carmetal cdebconf cfengine3 cgoban cheese chemtool cifs-utils cmst colord console-setup convmv coreutils courier courier-authlib courier-unicode crystal-facet-uml cups# cups-filters cyrus-sasl2 darcs dash dasher dav1d db5.3 dbus dbus-python ddd debconf debian-archive-keyring debian-edu debian-edu-artwork debian-edu-artwork-legacy debian-edu-config debian-edu-fai debian-edu-install debian-edu-router debianutils debootstrap denemo desktop-base dhcping dia dictd diffutils ding distro-info distro-info-data dmidecode dovecot dpkg# duktape e2fsprogs easychem einstein elfutils etckeeper etherwake ethtool exim4 expat fai festival ffmpeg findutils firefox-esr fluidsynth fonts-linex fonts-noto fonts-quicksand fonts-sil-doulos fonts-sil-doulos-compact foomatic-db fotoxx fpc fping fracplanet freetype fribidi fstrm galculator gambas3 gamine gcompris-qt gdbm gdebi gdis gdk-pixbuf geany geogebra gimp gimp-data-extras glib2.0 glibc glpeces gmp gnome-builder gnome-themes-extra gnucap gnuchess gnugo gnupg2 gnuplot gobject-introspection gosa gosa-plugins-ldapmanager gosa-plugins-mailaddress gosa-plugins-netgroups gosa-plugins-pwreset gosa-plugins-sudo gosa-plugins-systems gperiodic gpsim granule graphite2 gravit grep gst-plugins-ugly1.0 gtk+3.0 gvfs gzip harfbuzz hexchat hicolor-icon-theme hostname hplip hp-ppd htop hwinfo hydrogen icingaweb2 icu iftop initramfs-tools init-system-helpers inkscape intlfonts iotop iproute2 iptables iptraf-ng iputils ipxe isc-dhcp isenkram jbigkit jemalloc jfractionlab json-c jupyter-sphinx-theme jxplorer kalgebra kalzium kanagram kbruch kdegraphics-thumbnailers kdenlive kdevelop keyutils kgeography khangman kig killer kiten klavaro klettres kmplot krb5# krb5-auth-dialog kstars ktouch ktuberling kturtle kwordquiz laby lcms2 ldap2zone ldapvi lerc less libapache2-mod-auth-gssapi libassuan libbpf libbsd libcairo-gobject-perl libcairo-perl libcap-ng libcgi-pm-perl libcloudproviders libconfig-inifiles-perl libconvert-asn1-perl libdata-validate-ip-perl libdatrie libdeflate libdigest-hmac-perl libeatmydata libemail-address-perl libemail-find-perl libemail-valid-perl libepoxy libevent libexporter-lite-perl libextutils-depends-perl libffi libfile-lchown-perl libfilesys-df-perl libfile-which-perl libgcrypt20 libglib-object-introspection-perl libglib-perl libgpg-error libgtk3-perl libhtml-fromtext-perl libhtml-parser-perl libhtml-tagset-perl libidn2 libio-socket-ssl-perl libjpeg-turbo libksba liblocale-gettext-perl liblockfile libmailtools-perl libmaxminddb libmd libmnl libnetaddr-ip-perl libnet-cidr-perl libnet-dns-perl libnet-domain-tld-perl libnetfilter-conntrack libnet-ipv6addr-perl libnet-ldap-perl libnet-netmask-perl libnet-smtp-ssl-perl libnet-ssleay-perl libnfnetlink libnftnl libnl3 libpam-krb5 libpam-mklocaluser libpng1.6 libproxy libpsl librecad libregexp-common-perl libselinux libsemanage libsepol libssh libssh2 libtasn1-6 libterm-readkey-perl libtext-charwidth-perl libtext-unaccent-perl libtext-wrapi18n-perl libtimedate-perl libtirpc libunistring liburcu liburi-perl libuv1 libvirt libwebp libwww-perl libx11 libxau libxcb libxcomposite libxcrypt libxcursor libxdamage libxdmcp libxext libxfce4util libxfixes libxi libxinerama libxkbcommon libxml2 libxmlb libxrandr libxrender libxss libyaml libzstd lightdm lighttpd lingot links2 lmdb lmemory lmms lockfile-progs lsb-release-minimal lshw lsscsi ltsp lz4 makepasswd marble mate-desktop-environment mawk mc mcp-plugins media-types melting meta-kde meta-unison mew-beta monitoring-plugins mtools mtpaint mtr munin mutt nagios-nrpe nbformat ncftp ncurses netbase nettle net-tools network-manager network-manager-applet nfs-utils nghttp2 nghttp3 ngtcp2 ng-utils nmap npth nss-mdns nss-pam-ldapd nted nullidentd numactl numptyphysics ocrad onboard openboard openbsd-inetd openclipart openshot-qt openssl+ openuniverse osmo ossp-uuid p11-kit p910nd pacparser pam-python pam-tmpdir pango1.0 parley patch pciutils pcre2 pencil2d perl perl-openssl-defaults pianobooster pidgin pixman planets planner plasma-nm plocate plymouth procinfo procmail procps protobuf-c psmisc pulseaudio pygobject pyqt5 pysiogame python3-defaults python3-stdlib-extensions python-apt python-easygui python-notify2 qabcs qsynth rdesktop rdiff-backup readline resolvconf ri-li rocs rosegarden rsync+ rtmpdump rust-sequoia-sqv samba sane-backends scratch screen scribus sddm sed sensible-utils shadow shared-mime-info shutdown-at-night sitesummary slbackup slbackup-php smartmontools snowball solfege sqlite3 squashfs-tools squid ssh-askpass ssl-cert sssd standardskriver stellarium step stopmotion strace subversion# sudo swaks swh-plugins sysfsutils systemd sysvinit tar tasksel tcpdump tcptraceroute tcp-wrappers terminatorx tftp-hpa thonny tiff tightvnc tilp2 timgm6mb-soundfont tipa tuxguitar tuxmath tuxtype typespeed tzdata ublock-origin ucf uif ulcc umbrello unbound usb.ids usb-modeswitch util-linux vlan vokoscreen-ng vym wayland wget wordnet x2goserver x2gothinclient xabacus xball xboard xfconf xft xinit xkeyboard-config xmakemol xorg xorg-server xoscope xpaint xpdf xplanet xprintidle xrdp xxhash xz-utils yorick zlib

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.