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debian-edu_build-depends package set for unstable/arm64

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package set debian-edu_build-depends in unstable/arm64
The package set debian-edu_build-depends in unstable/arm64 consists of 1286 packages:
None 40 (3.1%) packages failed to build reproducibly: gpsd augeas dejagnu valgrind+ fltk1.3 underscore guile-2.2 lynx pyzmq python3.12 contourpy nbconvert pam mathpiper doxygen flite ghc fonts-cantarell openh264 r-base systemtap nss qt6-base qt6-scxml libtool qt6-multimedia graphviz+ numpy qtwebchannel-opensource-src bluez comedilib+ python3.13 spglib nbsphinx gcc-14 qtwebengine-opensource-src librsvg qt6-declarative mesa node-webpack
None 41 (3.2%) packages failed to build from source: gnome-video-effects libgnome-games-support1 enchant-2 haskell-http-types mate-settings-daemon meson ocaml socat gem2deb sphinx kf6-kconfigwidgets kf6-kcoreaddons kf6-kconfig mypy pexpect node-css-tree libreoffice# yasm openldap gst-plugins-base1.0 nodejs llvm-toolchain-19 webkit2gtk breezy fakeroot qtquickcontrols-opensource-src eigen3 openbabel python-dateutil gtk4 gnutls28 vim rustc nspr qpdf kcmutils jupyter-notebook qtlocation-opensource-src linux libcap2 curl
None None None None 5 (0.4%) packages are either in depwait state, blacklisted, not for us, or cannot be downloaded: qt6-webengine ceph libvpl libx86emu lablgtk3
None 1200 (93.3%) packages successfully build reproducibly: a52dec aalib abseil acl advancecomp adwaita-icon-theme alsa-lib alure analitza ant aom apache2# apache-log4j2 apparmor appstream appstream-glib apr apr-util apt argon2 aribb24 asciidoc asciidoctor aspell aspell-en astyle atf+ at-spi2-core attr aubio audiofile audit autoconf autoconf2.69 autoconf-archive autoconf-dickey autotools-dev avahi avogadrolibs ayatana-ido babl backbone bash bash-completion batik bats bats-assert bc bdfresize beautifulsoup4 binaryen bind9# binutils# bison blends blt bodr boost-defaults bouncycastle brotli byacc bzip2 ca-certificates cairo cairocffi camlp4 c-ares ccache cdbs cdebconf cdparanoia cfitsio chafa check chemical-mime-data chmlib chromaprint chrpath clutter-1.0 clutter-gst-3.0 clutter-gtk cmake cmocka cm-super codec2 codemirror-js codespell colord colorspacious commons-beanutils commons-exec commons-httpclient commons-io commons-math courier-authlib courier-unicode cpdb-libs cpio cppcheck cppunit cracklib2 cron cryptsetup cscope cunit cups# cvs cyrus-sasl2 cython czmq dav1d db5.3 db-defaults dblatex dbus dbus-broker dbus-glib dbus-python dbus-test-runner dconf debhelper desktop-file-utils devscripts dh-autoreconf dh-exec dh-lua dh-ocaml dh-python dh-runit dh-vim-addon dictd ding-libs dist distro-info-data docbook docbook2x docbook-to-man docbook-utils docbook-xml docbook-xsl double-conversion dpkg# dssi duktape dvipng dwz e2fsprogs ed elfutils espeak evince exiv2 expat expect facile fakechroot faketime farstream-0.2 fdupes feedparser ffmpeg fftw3 fig2dev file findlib flac flex flit fluidsynth fontconfig fonts-android fonts-dejavu fonts-dejima-mincho fonts-font-awesome fonts-freefont fonts-ipafont fonts-kacst-one fonts-liberation fonts-noto fonts-noto-cjk fonts-noto-color-emoji fonts-quicksand fonts-wqy-zenhei fonttools foomatic-db-engine fpc freeglut freehep-io freehep-util freehep-vectorgraphics freehep-xml freetype frei0r fribidi fstrm ftgl fuse fuse3 game-music-emu gawk+ gcc-defaults gcr gcr4 gdb gdbm gdk-pixbuf gdm3 gegl generate-ninja gengetopt gettext gexiv2 ghostscript gi-docgen giflib git gl2ps glew glib2.0 glibc glib-networking glm glslang glusterfs glw gmime gmp gnome-common gnome-desktop gnome-online-accounts gnome-pkg-tools gnucap gnulib gnumach gnumeric gnupg2 gobject-introspection goffice go-md2man-v2 goocanvas-2.0 googletest gosop gperf gpm gputils grantlee5 graphene graphicsmagick graphite2 groff grunt gsasl gsettings-desktop-schemas gsl gspell gss-ntlmssp gst-plugins-bad1.0 gtk+2.0 gtk+3.0 gtk-doc gtkglext gtkmm2.4 gtksourceview3 gtkspell gucharmap harfbuzz haskell-async haskell-attoparsec haskell-base16-bytestring haskell-conduit haskell-constraints haskell-cryptonite haskell-data-ordlist haskell-devscripts haskell-fgl haskell-hashable haskell-html haskell-http-conduit haskell-memory haskell-mmap haskell-network haskell-network-uri haskell-old-time haskell-regex-applicative haskell-regex-base haskell-regex-tdfa haskell-safe haskell-tar haskell-temporary haskell-terminal-size haskell-tls haskell-unix-compat haskell-utf8-string haskell-vector haskell-zip-archive haskell-zlib hatchling hdf5 heimdal help2man hesiod highlight.js highway hiredis html5lib html5-parser hunspell hunspell-fr hwloc hyphen i18nspector icu igerman98 ijs imagemagick imlib2 indent indi+ inkscape intltool iproute2 iptables ipykernel ipython ipython-genutils ipywidgets iso-codes itstool jack-audio-connection-kit jackd2 jackson-annotations jackson-core jackson-databind jansson javacc java-common javahelp2 javatools# jbigkit jdupes jeepney jemalloc jetring jfugue jimtcl jinja2 jmdns jose jpeg-xl jq jquery-typeahead.js jqueryui jsch jsemver json-c json-glib jssc junit junit4 jupyter-client jupyter-core jxrlib karchive kcompletion kconfig kconfigwidgets kcoreaddons kcrash kdbusaddons kdeclarative kdegraphics-mobipocket kdevelop-pg-qt kdoctools kerberos-configs keyutils kf6-extra-cmake-modules kf6-karchive kf6-kbookmarks kf6-kcmutils kf6-kcolorscheme kf6-kcompletion kf6-kcrash kf6-kdbusaddons kf6-kdeclarative kf6-kdoctools kf6-kfilemetadata kf6-kguiaddons kf6-ki18n kf6-kiconthemes kf6-kio kf6-kirigami kf6-kitemmodels kf6-kitemviews kf6-kjobwidgets kf6-knewstuff kf6-knotifications kf6-knotifyconfig kf6-kparts kf6-kplotting kf6-krunner kf6-kservice kf6-ksvg kf6-ktexteditor kf6-ktexttemplate kf6-ktextwidgets kf6-kunitconversion kf6-kwallet kf6-kwidgetsaddons kf6-kwindowsystem kf6-kxmlgui kf6-modemmanager-qt kf6-networkmanager-qt kf6-prison kf6-purpose kf6-solid kf6-sonnet kf6-syntax-highlighting kf6-threadweaver kfilemetadata-kf5 kglobalaccel kguiaddons ki18n kiconthemes kinit kio kirigami-addons kitemviews kiwisolver kjobwidgets kmod knewstuff knotifications knotifyconfig kparts kplotting kqtquickcharts krb5# kservice ktexteditor ktextwidgets kwallet-kf5 kwidgetsaddons kwindowsystem kxmlgui kyua labltk ladspa-sdk lame lcdf-typetools lcms2 lcov lerc less less.js libarchive libass libassa libassuan libasyncns libatomic-ops libavc1394 libavif libayatana-appindicator libayatana-indicator libbluray libbpf libbs2b libbsd libcaca libcairo-gobject-perl libcairo-perl libcanberra libcap-ng libcdio libcdio-paranoia libcdr libchamplain libcloudproviders libcommons-codec-java libcommons-collections3-java libcommons-compress-java libcommons-lang3-java libcommons-logging-java libcommons-net-java libdaemon libdatrie libdbi libdbusmenu libdc1394 libdebian-installer libdeflate libdevel-cover-perl libdrm libdvdnav libdvdread libecap libedit libemf libepoxy libestr libev libevdev libevent libexif libexttextcat libextutils-cchecker-perl libextutils-depends-perl libextutils-pkgconfig-perl libfastjson libffi libfido2 libfile-fcntllock-perl libfile-slurp-perl libfile-which-perl libfont-freetype-perl libfreehand libgadu libgcrypt20 libgd2 libgda5 libgdata libgig libgit2 libglib-object-introspection-perl libglib-perl libglu libglvnd libgnt libgpg-error libgphoto2 libgraph-perl libgringotts libgsf libgsm libgssglue libgtkdatabox libgudev libgusb libheif libhtml-tagset-perl libhttp-daemon-perl libhttp-message-perl libiberty libical3 libice libident libidl libidn libidn2 libiec61883 libieee1284 libimagequant libimobiledevice libinstpatch libipc-run3-perl libiscsi libitext5-java libjlatexmath-java libjna-java libjpeg-turbo libjs-requirejs-text libkcddb libkcompactdisc libkdcraw libkdegames libkeduvocdocument libkexiv2 libkomparediff2 libksba libksysguard liblinear liblist-moreutils-perl liblo liblocale-gettext-perl liblockfile liblognorm liblouis liblrdf libmaa libmad libmath-base85-perl libmath-bigint-perl libmaxminddb libmd libmnl libmodule-build-perl libmspub libmtp libmypaint libmysofa libndp libnet libnetfilter-conntrack libnet-snmp-perl libnfnetlink libnfs libnftnl libnl3 libnma libnotify libnova libnsl libogg libopenmpt libpagemaker libpam-x2go libpaper libpcap libpciaccess libphysfs libplacebo libplasma libplist libpng1.6 libpodofo libpod-pom-view-restructured-perl libpsl libpthread-stubs libqalculate libqt5qxlsx libqtpas libquazip libqxp librabbitmq libraw librdkafka librelp libreoffice-dictionaries librevenge librist librsync libsamplerate libscalar-list-utils-perl libsdl2 libsdl2-gfx libsdl2-image libsdl2-mixer libsdl2-ttf libseccomp libsecret libselinux libsemanage libsepol libsidplay libsimpleini libsm libsmf libsndfile libsocket6-perl libsocket-perl libsodium libsoundio libsoup3 libsoxr libspectre libspf2 libssh libssh2 libtablelayout-java libtasn1-6 libteam libtest-consistentversion-perl libtest-deep-perl libtest-minimumversion-perl libtest-number-delta-perl libtest-output-perl libtest-perl-critic-perl libtest-pod-coverage-perl libtest-pod-perl libtest-simple-perl libtest-spelling-perl libtest-strict-perl libtest-synopsis-perl libtextwrap libthai libtheora libticables libticalcs libticonv libtifiles libtirpc libtwelvemonkeys-java libunistring libunwind liburcu liburing liburi-perl libusb-1.0 libutempter libuv1 libva libvdpau libverto libvidstab libvirt libvisio libvorbis libvpx libwebp libwmf libwpg libx11 libxau libxaw libxcb libxcrypt libxcursor libxcvt libxdmcp libxext libxfce4util libxfixes libxfont libxi libxinerama libxkbcommon libxkbfile libxklavier libxml2 libxmlb libxml-parser-perl libxml-perl libxmu libxnvctrl libxpm libxrandr libxrender libxres libxshmfence libxslt libxss libxt libxtst libxv libyaml libzmf libzstd lightdm lilv lilypond lintian linux-atm linuxdoc-tools lirc lksctp-tools llvm-defaults lmdb lmodern lm-sensors logrotate lowdown lsb-release-minimal lsof lua5.1 lua5.3 lua5.4 luajit lua-lpeg lumino lvm2 lxml lxml-html-clean lz4 lzlib lzma lzo2 m4 man2html mate-common mathjax maven-antrun-plugin maven-debian-helper maven-dependency-plugin mawk mbedtls meanwhile media-types mgetty midicsv mig mksh mlt mobile-broadband-provider-info modemmanager molequeue mongo-c-driver moreutils motif mousetweaks mpeg2dec mpg123 msgraph mtdev muparser musescore-general-soundfont-small mypaint-brushes mysql-defaults myst-parser nas nasm nbformat ncurses netbase netcdf netifaces netpbm-free net-snmp nettle net-tools network-manager newt nfs-utils nghttp2 nghttp3 ngspice ngtcp2 ninja-build nlopt node-babel-loader node-bootstrap-tour node-buffer node-deepmerge node-es6-promise node-escape-string-regexp node-fbjs node-grunt-contrib-concat node-grunt-contrib-uglify node-htmlparser2 node-is-plain-object node-jed node-jquery node-js-beautify node-loose-envify node-marked node-moment node-object-assign node-po2json node-postcss node-react node-rollup node-rollup-plugin-terser node-source-map node-text-encoding node-typescript node-url node-xterm notification-daemon npth nss-wrapper numactl numad numix-gtk-theme numix-icon-theme numlockx numpydoc nv-codec-headers ocamlbuild ocl-icd openal-soft openconnect opencore-amr opencv openexr openjpeg2 openscenegraph openssh openssl+ optipng opus orc otf2bdf p11-kit package-notes pam-wrapper pandoc pango1.0 pangomm2.48 parted patch patchutils pax pci.ids pciutils pcre2 pcsc-lite perl perl-openssl-defaults phonon php-defaults pikepdf pillow pipewire pixman pkgconf pkg-js-tools pkg-kde-tools plasma5support plib po4a pocketsphinx po-debconf policykit-1 poppler poppler-data popt portaudio19 portmidi postgresql-17 poxml ppp procps protobuf protobuf-c publicsuffix pulseaudio py3c py7zr pyasn1 pybind11 pycairo pychm pycodestyle pycryptodome pycxx pydata-sphinx-theme pyenchant pyflakes pygments pygobject pylint pyopengl pyparsing pyppd pyqt5 pyqt6 pyqt6-webengine pyqt-builder pyserial pytest pytest-xdist pytest-xvfb python3-defaults python3-stdlib-extensions python-apsw python-apt python-argon2 python-certifi python-cffi python-css-parser python-cssselect python-cycler python-daemon python-distutils-extra python-docutils python-fastjsonschema python-flake8 python-hatch-nodejs-version python-html2text python-jedi python-jsonschema python-ldap python-markdown python-mechanize python-msgpack python-nest-asyncio python-packaging python-pam python-prometheus-client python-psutil python-pyasn1-modules python-pylibacl python-pyxattr python-pyzstd python-regex python-requests-toolbelt python-requests-unixsocket python-tornado python-xxhash python-zeroconf pyyaml qca2 qcoro qhull qoi qt6-5compat qt6-charts qt6-imageformats qt6-positioning qt6-sensors qt6-serialport qt6-speech qt6-svg qt6-tools qt6-wayland qtbase-opensource-src### qtcharts-opensource-src qtchooser qtdatavis3d-everywhere-src qtdeclarative-opensource-src qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src qtkeychain qtmultimedia-opensource-src qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src qtscript-opensource-src qtsensors-opensource-src qtserialport-opensource-src qtspeech-opensource-src qtsvg-opensource-src qttools-opensource-src qttranslations-opensource-src qtwebkit-opensource-src qtwebsockets-opensource-src qtx11extras-opensource-src qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src quilt radcli rapidjson rdfind readline rename requests requirejs rhino rnp routes rsync+ rsyntaxtextarea rtmidi rtmpdump rubberband ruby-defaults rust-bindgen-cli rust-cargo-c rust-cbindgen rust-rav1e rust-rsop rust-sequoia-chameleon-gnupg rust-sequoia-sop rust-sequoia-sq rust-sequoia-sqv rust-toml rxtx samba sane-backends sanlock sbc scdoc scowl sdl12-compat sdl2-pango sdl-image1.2 sdl-mixer1.2 sdl-net1.2 sdlpango sdl-ttf2.0 send2trash serf setuptools setuptools-scm shaderc shadow shapelib shared-mime-info sharutils shellcheck shine shunit2 sip6 six slang2 snappy sndio snowball snowball-data softhsm2 sox speech-dispatcher speech-tools speex speexdsp sphinxcontrib-spelling sphinx-rtd-theme sqlite3 srt sssd startup-notification stellarsolver stk stringencoders strip-nondeterminism subversion# suil svgpp svt-av1 swig swt4-gtk symlinks sysprof systemd t4kcommon tcl8.6 tcltk-defaults tcp-wrappers terminado tesseract testpath texi2html texinfo texlive-base+ texlive-extra tiff time tinyxml tinyxml2 tk8.6 tokyocabinet traitlets triehash ttf-bitstream-vera twitter-bootstrap3 twolame txt2man typeshed tzdata uchardet udisks2 uid-wrapper unbound unicode-data unifont unixodbc unzip uriparser utf8proc util-linux v4l-utils vala valgrind-if-available vo-amrwbenc vorbis-tools vte2.91 vulkan-loader w3c-sgml-lib w3m wabt wayland wayland-protocols wcslib wdiff webrtc-audio-processing wget wheel wireless-tools wireshark wolfssl wxpython4.0 wxwidgets3.2 x11-apps x11-utils x11-xkb-utils x264 x265 xauth xautomation xbae xcb-proto xcb-util xcb-util-image xcb-util-keysyms xcb-util-renderutil xcb-util-wm xdg-utils xen xfce4-dev-tools xfonts-base xfonts-utils xft xkeyboard-config xmhtml xml-core xmlstarlet xmlto xmltoman xorg xorgproto xorg-server xorg-sgml-doctools xtrans xutils-dev xvidcore xxhash xz-utils yelp-tools zephyr# zeromq3 zimg zip zlib zvbi

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.