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kde package set for unstable/i386

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package set kde in unstable/i386
The package set kde in unstable/i386 consists of 1079 packages:
None 32 (3.0%) packages failed to build reproducibly: mbedtls gpsd kirigami-addons pyside2 qtconnectivity-opensource-src oxygen-icons pam kf6-extra-cmake-modules kf6-breeze-icons qt6-quick3d qt6-connectivity qt6-scxml qt6-quick3dphysics qt6-base qt6-sensors qt6-languageserver colord nss libtool qt6-multimedia vlc#+ libkolabxml scim flite underscore pyside6 python3.13 pipewire qtcreator gcc-14 librsvg jpeg-xl
None 19 (1.8%) packages failed to build from source: ktimetracker kf6-kconfig x264 qtpim-opensource-src qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles qt6-webengine nghttp2 kf6-kconfigwidgets skanpage neochat gtk4 wacomtablet kcmutils cantor nspr libunistring editorconfig-core qtlocation-opensource-src qtquickcontrols-opensource-src
None None None None 9 (0.8%) packages are either in depwait state, blacklisted, not for us, or cannot be downloaded: calligra openblas qtwebkit-opensource-src qt6-declarative qtwebengine-opensource-src libvpl kdepim-addons kitinerary itinerary
None 1019 (94.4%) packages successfully build reproducibly: abseil accounts-qml-module accountsservice acl adduser adwaita-icon-theme akonadi akonadi-calendar akonadi-calendar-tools akonadiconsole akonadi-contacts+ akonadi-import-wizard+ akonadi-mime+ akonadi-search akregator alkimia alsa-lib amarok anacron analitza angelfish aom apparmor appstream apt arianna aribb24 ark artikulate at-spi2-core attica-kf5 attr audiocd-kio audit avahi babeltrace baloo-kf5 baloo-widgets base-files base-passwd bash basket blinken bluedevil bluez-qt bomber boost1.83 bovo breeze breeze-grub breeze-gtk breeze-icons breeze-plymouth brotli bzip2 cairo calamares-extensions calendarsupport calindori cdebconf cdparanoia cervisia cfitsio chromaprint cjson clazy+ codec2 colord-kde coreutils cryptsetup ctemplate cups# cyrus-sasl2 dash dav1d db5.3 dbus dbus-broker debconf debconf-kde debian-archive-keyring debianutils diffutils digikam discount dmidecode docbook-xml docbook-xsl dolphin dolphin-plugins double-conversion dpkg# dragon drkonqi duktape e2fsprogs ebook-tools edict elfutils elisa-player eventviews exiv2 expat ffmpeg ffmpegthumbs fftw3 filelight findutils flac flatpak-kcm fltk1.3 fluid-soundfont fluidsynth fontconfig fonts-dustin fonts-ipaexfont fonts-kanjistrokeorders frameworkintegration freecell-solver freepats freerdp3 freetype fribidi fuse3 futuresql game-music-emu gammaray gcc-defaults gcompris-qt gdb gdbm gdk-pixbuf ghostscript ghostwriter giflib glib2.0 glibc gmp gnupg2 gnutls28 gpgme1.0 granatier grantlee5 grantlee-editor grantleetheme graphite2 grep gsl gst-plugins-base1.0 gstreamer1.0 gtk+3.0 gwenview gzip harfbuzz haruna hicolor-icon-theme highway hostname hunspell hwdata ibus icecc icecc-monitor icu ijs imath immer inchi incidenceeditor indi+ init-system-helpers intel-processor-trace isa-support isl iso-codes isoimagewriter jack-audio-connection-kit jansson jbig2dec jbigkit json-c juk k3b kaccounts-integration kaccounts-providers kactivities-kf5 kactivities-stats kactivitymanagerd kaddressbook kaffeine kaidan kajongg kalarm kalgebra kalk kalzium kamera kamoso kanagram kanjidic kapidox kapman kapptemplate karchive kasts kate katomic kauth kbackup kblackbox kblocks kbookmarks kbounce kbreakout kbruch kcachegrind kcalc kcalcore kcalutils kcharselect kchmviewer kcodecs kcollectd kcolorchooser kcolorpicker kcompletion kconfig kconfigwidgets kcontacts kcoreaddons kcrash kcron kdav kdb kdbusaddons kdebugsettings kdeclarative kde-cli-tools kdeconnect kdecoration kded kde-dev-scripts kde-dev-utils kdeedu-data kdegraphics-mobipocket kdegraphics-thumbnailers kde-gtk-config kde-inotify-survey kdelibs4support kdenetwork-filesharing kdepim-runtime kdeplasma-addons kdesdk-kioslaves kdesdk-thumbnailers kdesignerplugin kde-spectacle kdesu kdesvn kdevelop kdevelop-pg-qt kdevelop-php kdevelop-python kdf kdiagram kdialog kdiamond kdiff3 kdnssd-kf5 kdoctools kdsoap kdsoap-ws-discovery-client keditbookmarks kemoticons keurocalc kexi keyutils kf6-attica kf6-baloo kf6-bluez-qt kf6-frameworkintegration kf6-kapidox kf6-karchive kf6-kauth kf6-kbookmarks kf6-kcalendarcore kf6-kcmutils kf6-kcodecs kf6-kcolorscheme kf6-kcompletion kf6-kcontacts kf6-kcoreaddons kf6-kcrash kf6-kdav kf6-kdbusaddons kf6-kdeclarative kf6-kded kf6-kdesu kf6-kdnssd kf6-kdoctools kf6-kfilemetadata kf6-kglobalaccel kf6-kguiaddons kf6-kholidays kf6-ki18n kf6-kiconthemes kf6-kidletime kf6-kimageformats kf6-kio kf6-kirigami kf6-kitemmodels kf6-kitemviews kf6-kjobwidgets kf6-knewstuff kf6-knotifications kf6-knotifyconfig kf6-kpackage kf6-kparts kf6-kpeople kf6-kplotting kf6-kpty kf6-kquickcharts kf6-krunner kf6-kservice kf6-kstatusnotifieritem kf6-ksvg kf6-ktexteditor kf6-ktexttemplate kf6-ktextwidgets kf6-kunitconversion kf6-kuserfeedback kf6-kwallet kf6-kwidgetsaddons kf6-kwindowsystem kf6-kxmlgui kf6-modemmanager-qt kf6-networkmanager-qt kf6-prison kf6-purpose kf6-qqc2-desktop-style kf6-solid kf6-sonnet kf6-syndication kf6-syntax-highlighting kf6-threadweaver kfilemetadata-kf5 kfind kfloppy kfourinline kgamma kgeography kgeotag kget+# kglobalaccel kglobalacceld kgoldrunner kgpg kguiaddons khangman khelpcenter kholidays ki18n kiconthemes kidentitymanagement kidletime kig kigo kile killbots kimageannotator kimageformats kimagemapeditor kimap kinfocenter kinit kio kio-admin kio-extras kio-fuse kio-gdrive kio-gopher kirigami2 kirigami-addons5 kirigami-gallery kiriki kitemmodels kitemviews kiten kjobwidgets kjumpingcube kldap kleopatra klettres klevernotes klickety klines kmag kmahjongg kmail kmail-account-wizard kmailtransport kmbox kmediaplayer kmenuedit kmime kmines kmix kmod kmousetool kmouth kmplayer kmplot kmymoney knavalbattle knetwalk knewstuff knights knotifications knotifyconfig koko kolf kollision kolourpaint kompare kongress konqueror konquest konsole kontact kontactinterface kontrast konversation kookbook kopeninghours korganizer kosmindoormap kpackage kparts kpat kpeople kpeoplevcard kphotoalbum kpimtextedit kpipewire kpkpass kplotting kpmcore kproperty kpty kpublictransport kqtquickcharts kquickcharts kquickimageeditor krb5# krdc krdp krename kreport kreversi krfb krita+ kronometer kross kruler krunner krusader ksanecore kscreen kscreenlocker kseexpr kservice kshisen ksirk ksmtp ksnakeduel ksnip kspaceduel ksquares ksshaskpass kstars ksudoku ksyntax-highlighting ksystemlog ksystemstats kteatime ktechlab ktextaddons ktexteditor ktextwidgets ktikz ktimer ktnef ktorrent ktouch ktrip ktuberling kturtle kubrick kunitconversion kuserfeedback kvirc kwallet-kf5 kwalletmanager kwallet-pam kwave kwayland kwayland-integration kwayland-kf5 kweather kweathercore kwidgetsaddons kwin kwindowsystem kwordquiz kwrited kxmlgui kxmlrpcclient kxstitch labplot lager lame latte-dock layer-shell-qt lcms2 lensfun leptonlib lerc libaccounts-glib libaccounts-qt libao+ libappimage libarchive libass libassuan libasyncns libatasmart libavif libb2 libblockdev libbluray libbs2b libbsd libbytesize libcanberra libcap2 libcap-ng libcloudproviders libdatrie libdbusmenu-qt libde265 libdecor-0 libdeflate libdisplay-info libdmtx libdrm libdvdnav libdvdread libebur128 libedit libei libepoxy libevdev libexif libffi libfontenc libgav1 libgcrypt20 libgd2 libglu libglvnd libgpg-error libgphoto2 libgravatar libgsm libgudev libheif libical3 libice libidn libidn2 libieee1284 libimagequant libimobiledevice libimobiledevice-glue libinih libinput libinstpatch libjpeg-turbo libkcddb libkcompactdisc libkdcraw libkdegames libkdepim libkeduvocdocument libkexiv2 libkf5kexiv2 libkgapi libkgapi5 libkleo libkmahjongg libkode libkomparediff2 libksane libksba libkscreen libksieve libksysguard libktorrent libmd libmediawiki libmms libmysofa libnvme libogg libopenmpt libpaper libpciaccess libphonenumber libplacebo libplasma libplist libpng1.6 libproxy libpsl libqaccessibilityclient libqalculate libqapt librabbitmq libraw librist libsamplerate libsdl3 libseccomp libselinux libsemanage libsepol libsignon-glib libsm libsndfile libsodium libsoxr libspectre libssh libssh2 libtasn1-6 libtext-charwidth-perl libtext-wrapi18n-perl libthai libtheora libtirpc libudfread libunibreak libusb-1.0 libusbmuxd libva libvdpau libvidstab libvncserver libvorbis libvpx libwacom libwebp libx11 libxau libxaw libxcb libxcomposite libxcrypt libxcursor libxcvt libxdamage libxdmcp libxext libxfce4util libxfixes libxfont libxi libxinerama libxkbcommon libxkbfile libxmlb libxmu libxpm libxrandr libxrender libxshmfence libxslt libxss libxtst libxv libxxf86dga libxxf86vm libyaml libyuv libzip libzstd lilv llvm-toolchain-19 lmdb lm-sensors lokalize lskat lvm2 lz4 lzo2 mailcommon mailimporter marble markdownpart marknote massif-visualizer mawk mbox-importer md4c media-types merkuro mesa messagelib meta-kde milou mimetreeparser minuet modemmanager-qt mpclib3 mpfr4 mpg123 mpvqt mtdev ncurses neon27 netbase nettle networkmanager-qt nghttp3 ngtcp2 norm npth numactl ocean-sound-theme ocl-icd okteta okular openal-soft openbabel opencore-amr openexr openjpeg2 openldap openssl+ opus orc oxygen oxygen-sounds p11-kit packagekit-qt palapeli pango1.0 paperkey parley parted partitionmanager pci.ids pciutils pcre2 perl peruse phonon phonon-backend-gstreamer phonon-backend-vlc picmi pimcommon pim-data-exporter pim-sieve-editor pinentry pixman pkg-kde-tools plasma5support plasma-activities plasma-activities-stats plasma-browser-integration plasma-desktop plasma-discover plasma-disks plasma-firewall plasma-framework plasma-gamemode plasma-gmailfeed plasma-integration plasma-mobile plasma-nano plasma-nm plasma-pa plasma-sdk plasma-settings plasma-systemmonitor plasma-thunderbolt plasma-vault plasma-wayland-protocols plasma-welcome plasma-workspace plasma-workspace-wallpapers plymouth-kcm pocketsphinx policykit-1 polkit-kde-agent-1 polkit-qt-1 poppler poppler-data popt postgresql-17 powerdevil poxml print-manager prison-kf5 procps projecteur protobuf psmisc pulseaudio pulseaudio-qt purpose pyprof2calltree python3-defaults qbs qca2 qconf qcoro qgnomeplatform qmlkonsole qqc2-breeze-style qqc2-desktop-style qrencode qt3d-opensource-src qt5ct qt5reactor qt6-3d qt6-5compat qt6-charts qt6-datavis3d qt6-graphs qt6-grpc qt6-httpserver qt6-imageformats qt6-location qt6-lottie qt6-networkauth qt6-positioning qt6-quickeffectmaker qt6-quicktimeline qt6-remoteobjects qt6-serialbus qt6-serialport qt6-shadertools qt6-speech qt6-svg qt6-tools qt6-translations qt6-virtualkeyboard qt6-wayland qt6-webchannel qt6-websockets qt6-webview qtbase-opensource-src### qtbase-opensource-src-gles qtcharts-opensource-src qtchooser qtcurve qtdatavis3d-everywhere-src qtdeclarative-opensource-src qtfeedback-opensource-src qtgamepad-everywhere-src qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src qt-gstreamer qtimageformats-opensource-src qtkeychain qtmir qtmultimedia-opensource-src qtnetworkauth-everywhere-src qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src qtscript-opensource-src qtsensors-opensource-src qtserialport-opensource-src qtspeech-opensource-src qtspell qtstyleplugins-src qtsvg-opensource-src qtsystems-opensource-src qttools-opensource-src qttranslations-opensource-src qtvirtualkeyboard-opensource-src qtwayland-opensource-src qtwebchannel-opensource-src qtwebsockets-opensource-src qtwebview-opensource-src qtx11extras-opensource-src qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src quassel qzxing raqm readline readstat rkward rocs rsibreak rtmpdump rubberband rust-rav1e rust-sequoia-sqv samba sane-backends schroedinger-maeparser sddm sddm-kcm sdl2-compat sed sensible-utils serd sgml-base sgml-data shadow shapelib shared-mime-info shine signond signon-kwallet-extension signon-plugin-oauth2 signon-ui sjfonts skanlite skladnik skrooge smb4k snappy sndio snowball solid sonnet sord sound-theme-freedesktop spacebar speex sphinxbase sqlite3 squashfuse sratom srt stellarsolver step subtitlecomposer sudo svgpart svt-av1 sweeper syndication systemd systemsettings sysvinit taglib tar tcp-wrappers telepathy-qt tellico tesseract texinfo threadweaver timidity tokodon twolame tzdata ucf udisks2 umbrello upower uriparser util-linux v4l-utils verdigris vo-amrwbenc volume-key vulkan-loader wayland webrtc-audio-processing x11-utils x11-xkb-utils x11-xserver-utils x265 xapian-core xcb-util xcb-util-cursor xcb-util-image xcb-util-keysyms xcb-util-renderutil xcb-util-wm xdg-desktop-portal-kde xdg-utils-cxx xerces-c xfconf xfonts-encodings xfonts-utils xft xkeyboard-config xml-core xorg xorg-server xvidcore xwayland xwaylandvideobridge xxhash xz-utils yakuake z3 zanshin zeroconf-ioslave zeromq3 zimg zix zlib zug zvbi zxing-cpp

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.